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Reduction & Relocation - Lori Warren

Chapter 12 - Still Waiting

[September 30th, 2005]

Note #6 – Prior to installation, subjects receive a variety of important medicines and treatments administered via injection.  R&R Laboratories deeply respects the privacy of our Participants, but Participants should understand that several dozen parameters of our assigned subjects’ well-being and health are recorded on a continuous, never-ending basis and broadcast directly to R&R Laboratories.  R&R Laboratories personnel will occasionally monitor and record these parameters to document the assigned subject’s adaptation process over time.

These parameters include but are not limited to:

-blood oxygenation

-epidermal surface temperature

-olfactory stimulation

-cerebral stimulation



The subject’s involuntary and constant broadcasting of these parameter values occurs without his knowledge or added discomfort, and is made possible through sophisticated “nano” and “nano-0” technologies introduced to the subject via injection. Other injections serve to purposely enhance, diminish, or completely alter certain components of the subject’s physiology.

If you qualified for shipment and out-of-lab installation and this is your first visit, please indicate on Form #3 that an Assignment Shot is required.

Lori shifted position in her seat, giving her left side a break from supporting her body.  Her left and right cheeks shared the burden of her weight as she adjusted, causing extreme compression in her glutes. The struggling within her crack came as if it were a reflex, albeit at a much less productive intensity due to the tightness of the maroon panties.  Lori quickly shifted to the other side, burdening her right cheek with the task of supporting her full weight. She resumed filling out the papers, checking on Form #3 her need for an assignment shot…whatever that was.

An intercom speaker near Laura’s desk buzzed, breaking the silence of the waiting room. Lori could hear her press a button and she heard Laura say, “Name?” just like she had with Lori earlier.  She heard a deep voice on the other end say, “Brandon Hall.”

The young receptionist flipped a heavy switch Lori couldn’t see.

She guessed it would unlatch the door.

Lori heard a second heavy switch flip. Her eyes were immediately pulled to the “No Talking” signs dispersed throughout the waiting room.  All the LEDs, previously off, were now emitting a bright pink light.

Brandon was tall, young, and handsome.  Lori didn’t have to stand to know that he would have towered over her. His hair was dark as was the perfect amount of stubble on his square chin, jutting up symmetrically over his pronounced jaw line.  He had a friendly, disarming smile and Lori felt her heart flutter for a moment when he locked eyes with her and sent her a polite, crooked grin.  She calmly returned the smile and focused back on her forms.

‘Way too young for you,’ Lori thought as the man approached Laura’s desk.  He said hello and told Laura he’d had an appointment.  Laura was professional and courteous but not even a fraction of a percentage more than she needed to be.  She did not come off nearly as friendly as she’d been with Lori earlier.  Laura finished checking the man in quickly.  He was not given any forms to fill out or paperwork to read. The man was simply asked to have a seat and observe all posted signs and that someone would be with him shortly.

Lori watched out of the corner of her eye as he entered the seating area.  She wondered if he might consider sitting down next to her or on the same side.  She speculated that he might smell nice; he certainly looked like he did.  Brandon took a seat directly across from her, giving her a friendly nod and then looked up toward the muted television.

He was fashionably dressed, but not in anything too expensive or flashy.  A nice pair of blue Nikes, dark jeans, a teal & brown flannel shirt.  Rolled-up sleeves showcased strong forearms and an interestingly bright red wrist watch on his left wrist.  It didn’t seem to go with the outfit, but men were often granted leniency on these things…especially when they were cute and had the confidence to try.

The waiting room was far from entertaining.  Brandon didn’t seem too interested in the girly magazines nor the scientific ones that were available.  He seemed disinterested in the muted television as well.  She smirked a little, realizing after a few minutes that apparently the thing he’d found most interesting in this boring room was her bare legs.  He’d stolen several glances, and Lori had fun catching him without his noticing.

She didn’t fault him for it.  In fact, she welcomed it.  After the slight envy she felt for Hannah’s slender and youthful figure, it was a nice confidence boost to know that she could keep this handsome young man entertained while they both waited.  She would not have minded having a conversation with him…get to understand why he was here.  However, it seemed like it was this that the pink LED’s existed specifically to dissuade.  He was about college-aged.  She expected that Gina would be surrounded by men like this when she finally left home.

Brandon pulled out a pack of gum and unwrapped a single slice, folding it in half twice.  He looked up at Lori as he put it in his mouth and quietly said,

“Wanna piece?”

Without missing a beat, Lori heard Laura loudly clear her throat. Brandon’s gaze abruptly shifted to Laura.

“Oooof…sorry!” He whispered to the unamused but satisfied receptionist.

He looked back over at Lori with comically exaggerated wide eyes, large masculine hand covering his pursed lips.  Lori smiled at the situation and at his blushing, mouthing the words,

“No, thank you.” She returned to her forms.

He stole several more glances.

A few minutes later, the door opened again.  This time, a gorgeous blonde appeared, holding the door open with her foot.  Her golden hair, textured and thick, flowered down poetically over her white lab coat.

The woman spoke with pep and enthusiasm when she addressed Lori’s handsome waiting buddy.

“Hey Brandon!”

“Hey, Dr. Becotte.”  Brandon stood up slowly, a confident, knowing smile spreading across his broad face.

Lori almost laughed; he had noticeably deepened his voice from earlier.

“I feel like I just saw you yesterday,” Brandon said with a handsome smile that actually gave Lori butterflies.

Dr. Becotte quietly giggled. “Maybe that’s cause you were here yesterday.”

Lori watched Dr. Becotte in fascination.  What the blonde doctor was doing Lori had also done, albeit at a much younger age.  She’d seen Gina and Isabella do it, too.

‘Not so much Victoria…’, she thought.

Anyway, that was the kind of giggling a girl did when she was around a boy she liked, and it didn’t quite matter if what the boy said was actually funny or not.  It was getting a giggle.  Paired with the giggle, another strategy included—

“Are you ready to come back?” Dr. Becotte asked, twirling two of her fingers around in her hair, gesturing toward the door behind her.

Hair twirling.

Lori almost couldn’t refrain from letting out a bit of laughter.  The thought of a presumably intelligent and positively adorable doctor such as Dr. Beceotte becoming so smitten by this college boy was cute, if not a little difficult to believe.  Sure, he was handsome but this doctor…goodness…

…She looked like she could be a supermodel.

‘I suppose everyone has a type.’ Lori thought, ready to dismiss the situational quirk.

Brandon was now standing, stretching his arms up which caused his t-shirt to rise just enough to show his lower stomach.  Lori couldn’t avoid sneaking a glance…it was flat, toned, tanned, and had just the right amount of hair.  She paid attention to Dr. Becotte’s eyeline…it didn’t once drift down toward Brandon’s midsection.

Brandon completed his stretch, keeping the charm going as he walked toward her.

“Sure, let’s do this.  Last day, right?”

Dr. Becotte smiled up at him, “Kinda.  It’s definitely the most important one, that’s for sure!”

The blonde beauty pulled the door open and gently guided Brandon toward the opening she’d created, pressing lightly in the center of his broad shoulder blades.  Brandon didn’t look back. The last thing Lori heard before the door shut was Dr. Becotte saying “something-seven”.

Then they were both gone.

Lori then heard that familiar switching sound as soon as the door latched shut: all the pink LEDs went out.

With nothing left to fill out, and unable to check her phone, Lori leafed through some of the magazines. She was wondering what was taking so long, now nearly a half hour outside of her appointment time.  Far be it for her to complain though. Her round-trip flight had been paid for in full by the company.

‘Honestly, they can keep me waiting all they want,’ Lori thought.

Lori was about ready to ask Laura if she could step outside to call home and check on the girls when the heavy door opened again for a third time. The door seemed to explode off the hinges; the blast was so loud that Lori’s subject, insulated from most sounds by the dense flesh of her thick glutes, even twitched in shock.

A young woman exploded out the open door.  She was about as slender as Hannah, perhaps even moreso, but she didn’t look nearly as friendly. Lori guessed this woman was beautiful, but it was difficult to be certain considering how contorted her face was in…anger?  Misery?  Dark mascara smudged its way down her high cheekbones as she brought chaos into the quiet room.  Behind her was another woman in a lab coat.

It wasn’t the one who’d escorted Brandon into wherever he was going. Lori tried to read the nametag on her lab coat, but saw out of the corner of her eye the hysterical woman turn to face her.  Lori abruptly looked at the woman, who was now looking right back at her. Lori wasn’t sure why, but she could see that the moment they’d locked eyes, the woman seemed to be getting progressively angrier.

“And I guess you’re gonna give one to this old lady, huh?”, she said.

Lori blushed, sinking into her chair, not even noticing the squirming of her subject as her weight centered.  ‘She’s not talking about me, is she?  I’m the only one in here…so she must be.’


The crying woman sheathed the daggers in her eyes and redirected them toward Laura’s desk.

“What did you say?” The slender woman asked.

Lori watched Laura cross her arms over her chest and matter-of-factly clarify, “You asked if we were going to give her one.  We ALREADY GAVE her one.”

The woman’s mouth dropped, and she was once more glaring at Lori.  Lori felt the young, thin woman’s eyes wandering over her body, but not in the interested and discrete way that Brandon’s did.  This woman was blatant and furious and….jealous?  Was that really jealousy Lori was detecting?  Lori winced, preparing herself for some tirade of insults that would expand upon the crying woman’s previous, incredibly insulting question, but she did no such thing.  Instead, she buried her face into her hands and ran out of the building.

Had Lori not just spoken to Hannah, she might not have had any idea what this girl was so upset about but considering how slender she was, and…well….the size of her behind, Lori suspected the girl’s backside was deemed either too small or not soft enough to safely house a subject.  Lori could understand the girl’s pain; afterall, RR Labs was paying a lot of money for this and she could understand the pain of missing out on that.

‘Such a silly thing…’ Lori thought, ‘...that I would qualify just because my bottom is so large.’

It was a strange thing to feel proud of as well.  Lori suspected just one of her own cheeks was more voluminous than the crying girl’s entire backside.  Some might see that as something to be insecure about, but apparently not here.

Once the echoing of the slamming door decayed, the three women standing in an uncomfortable silence that Lori decided to break.

“I’m…only 40.”

The woman in the lab coat who had been chasing the crying girl looked away from the door and at Lori with a smile.  Her hair was a thick and wavy chestnut brown; Lori suspected that it might have been dyed but she wasn’t sure.  Friendly, wise eyes looked at her through thick-framed, large black glasses.

The woman was not quite as beautiful as the other doctor who had come in. She was still cute though, and she had a strange confidence and aura about her.

“I’m so sorry about that ma’am.” The woman in the tight lab coat said.  “Are you waiting for someone?”

‘I recognize that voice,’ Lori thought, looking to the lab coat for the name tag.

The lab coat was under a considerable amount of stress in the chest region, and the woman’s large breasts caused the name tag to angle downward, making it a little difficult to read from her current distance.

“I have an appointment with Dr. Walker? At 11AM?” Lori said in the tone of a question.

The woman smiled.  She took a few steps toward Lori and extended a fair-skinned hand, five manicured fingers adorned with blackish-purple nail polish.

“Yes, that’s me,” Dr. Katie Walker said. “I’m terribly sorry for the wait.”

Lori immediately noticed how much smaller Dr. Walker’s hand felt in her own.  She had not noticed until Dr. Walker was in front of her, but the brilliant young doctor was definitely much shorter than Lori expected.

‘Funny how people can look so different from how they sound.’

It was nice to finally put a face to the voice.  Nice to also put a face to the experiment, which just seemed so silly to Lori. The feeling of the naked man in her ass crack presently squirming at the new orientation as she stood brought her back to a reality that was stranger than fiction, reminding her that it was all quite real.

The lights flickered for a moment. Dr. Walker’s sparkling brown eyes drifted up to observe them. She also noticed the young receptionist paying attention as well, a mischievous grin spreading on her face before she returned to her administrative duties.

“I hate to ask you to wait longer…” Dr. Walker said, “...but I will have someone send you in shortly.  Very sorry for the wait but it's been an uncharacteristically busy day.”

“It’s okay, I understand.” Lori said.

Dr. Walker turned away from Lori and disappeared through the mysterious door.  Lori couldn’t help but try and steal a glance as Dr. Walker walked away. She was curious if the doctor giving all these tiny men away to live in womens’ bottoms actually had one in hers as well.

The doctor’s lab coat fluttered as she left but not enough to reveal what was below her narrow waist.  Lori recognized that even if she had caught a glimpse of the brilliant doctor’s backside, and even if there was a tiny person buried inside of it, how in the heck would she even be able to tell?

She considered sitting back down, but didn’t want to flatten the poor boy in her bottom again after having just stood up so abruptly.  She remained standing, grabbing the forms she’d filled out and bringing them up to Laura.

Laura warmly smiled and accepted the papers, lightly tapping them on the pristine, white counter to align them.  She took the top sheet, the one that had her name watermarked all over, and prepared to put it through a nearby shredder, but not before confirming with Lori that she’d read all the notes, especially the last note:

FINAL NOTE – Participants are not to discuss R&R experiments or operations with Pre-RT subjects, no exceptions!

Lori was too embarrassed to ask what a Pre-RT subject was, but she didn’t discuss the boy in her bottom with anyone anyway, so she just nodded.  Laura shredded the document.

“Okay, I see here that you need an assignment shot?”

Lori nodded, not knowing what it was but understanding that she needed it.

“Okay.” Laura said cheerfully, reaching into a drawer full of plastic containers.  She removed one of them, one that appeared to look like a pill container, but much more narrow.  Lori watched as Laura applied a blank sticker to the container and wrote a few things in certain spots.

When finished writing, Laura turned it over to Lori.  “Please spit into this.”

Lori tilted her head in confusion as if to silently ask why.

“Just up to that first line there at the bottom will be fine.  The sample is needed for the assignment shot.”

Lori was curious but did not ask Laura any follow-up questions.  Instead, she gathered up spit to the front of her mouth and filled the container to the specified line.  She screwed the cap on and returned it to Laura, who then applied a special type of tape over top of the lid to prevent it from being opened.  She then placed the sample of saliva inside the pale pink manilla folder she’d just inserted the paperwork and sealed the folder shut.

A few minutes later, that mysterious door opened once more, and on the other side was a short blonde woman.  Her hair was of a more platinum color than Dr. Becotte’s, and she appeared younger than Dr. Becotte as well.  She was wearing a lab coat like the other two doctors Lori had seen so far but it looked to be of a significantly lower quality. The logo for RR Labs, two purple semi-circles pressed together, decorated her breast but there was no nametag.

“Ms. Warren?  Dr. Walker is ready for you.”

Lori stood up and smoothed her skirt down over her ample backside, taking a deep breath before walking up to the young blonde woman.

“How are you doing today?  My name’s Quinn.”

“It’s nice to meet you.  You can call me Lori.”

Lori followed the short, enthusiastic young woman in the cheap lab coat as she bounced energetically through the doorway and down a long hallway.  Several people had disappeared into this mysterious opening, and now it was finally Lori’s turn.

She noticed a few rooms along the left and right wall as she walked, some of which had placards that read “Pre-RT Exam Room”.  Each had small windows built into the door; she could see into the exam rooms that were empty but the two with frosted glass, Lori suspected, were occupied.

The young woman lead Lori further down the short corridor to two large doors. Both looked to be much heavier than the door that led her here from the waiting room.  There was one door on the left wall and another directly in front of them.

Lori thought Quinn was going for the door on her left, the one with the large pink “2” painted. She grabbed the handle to try and hold it open for Quinn but the door was locked. Lori felt silly for not noticing the security keypads mounted next to each door.

“Oh, Door #2 is the Bypass Door,” Quinn said. “We’re going through Door #1 on the right here.”

Lori quickly read the sign overtop of what Quinn called the Bypass Door:

Pre-RT subjects are to use Door #2 for access to Reduction Therapy. All Pre-RT subjects require an escort at all times. ABSOLUTELY NO EXCEPTIONS!

As Quinn waved her ID badge overtop of the security card reader for Door #1, Lori read the sign above:


“Yeah, the Bypass Door would have taken us right to Dr. Walker’s office…” Quinn explained over her shoulder as she took the lead, “...which is where we’re trying to get to, but they don’t like us using it.” Lori’s guide explained over her shoulder as they walked. “It's meant for escorting subjects to the RT-Lab so I might get in trouble if we went down it.”

This hallway was a little wider here, and it was much busier.  She passed several women, some in lab coats and some dressed normally.

All looked quite busy.

The path became more complicated. New corridors presented themselves as explorable options, but her guide walked with certainty and purpose, hanging an immediate right as soon as it presented itself.

Lori saw signs posted on the walls. There were various safety signs, some pointing to eye wash stations, different types of flammable containers, and the more copies of the same sign she’d seen overtop of Door #1:


The densely packed corridors were littered with rooms on either side, just as with the simpler corridor.  One window looked like it led to a lab of sorts, where several women were pressing buttons on large machines, placing items in, and removing items from various refrigerators and incubators.  Some were sitting on stools looking through microscopes, others were mixing chemicals in beakers. Quinn stopped briefly to speak to a red-headed woman in a lab coat emerging from a room with the placard ‘R&D Laboratory 1 - Mass Spectrometry’.

“Good morning, Quinn.  Did you get a chance to send out the latest results from the MALDI-TOF analysis of those protein samples?”

Lori blinked twice, immediately feeling a surge of gratitude for not having to answer such a difficult question from such a beautiful yet intimidating scientist.

“I did!” Quinn said, “The mass spectra showed distinct peptide peaks, indicating good ionization efficiency.”

The freckles that decorated Dr. Stanhope’s cheeks came to life as she smiled, “That’s great!  Who is this?”

“This is Lori Warren.  She’s a brand new Participant finishing up her first week and I’m taking her to see Dr. Walker.”

Lori’s heart skipped a beat as the doctor’s emerald green eyes fixed on her and she extended a hand to shake Lori’s.  Again, she couldn’t help but feel self-conscious about standing there with a tiny little man buried in her butt.  Lori had to keep reminding herself that not only did Dr. Stanhope and Quinn know about the treasure between her large, soft cheeks…but they approved of it.

“Oh, It’s nice to meet you, Lori.” Dr. Stanhope said.  Her tone was warm and friendly, but it immediately clouded over into the confusing scientific speak that she barely understood.

“Do you have any other assignments after you’ve escorted her?” Dr. Stanhope asked.

“I’m helping Dr. Becotte with a post-RT that should be finishing up now and then after that, I’m free.”

“Okay great.  When you’ve finished that, I’ll need you to take a closer look at the isotopic distribution in the ESI-MS data for the new compound we synthesized. Did you have any first impressions?”

“Yeah, the resolution was excellent.  The monoisotopic peak is prominent and indicative of high-quality sampling. I think that if we optimize the collision energy in the Q-TOF system for…”

As Lori waited patiently, allowing the two womens’ conversation to turn gray in her already racing mind, she peered into the window across from Dr. Stanhope’s lab.  She saw two women sitting together on a loveseat.  The room was configured to resemble a therapist or psychologist’s office.

An older woman sat behind a luxurious, expensive looking desk and she was speaking to two women.  It didn’t take long for Lori to realize that the two women sitting across from the older woman were none other than Hannah and Bridget.

All three women were smiling and talking, but Lori could not hear them through the door’s thick wood and glass.  She did, however, catch a glimpse of Bridget slowly extending a closed fist toward Hannah as if she was about to hand her something but instead of sending a hand to meet Bridget’s, Hannah only stared at Bridget’s hand with an excited smile.

Bridget opened her hand directly over Hannah’s prodigious cleavage.  The blonde’s eyes lit up, pressing her palms into the undersides of her breasts, deepening her cleavage and making her breasts into even more of a “shelf”.

Lori watched in fascination as a tiny little naked man tumbled out of Bridget’s opening fist and plummeted down into Hannah’s pronounced cleavage.  He barely had time to bounce before Hannah swiftly plunged her index and middle finger down atop him and forced him deep between her lover’s significantly large breasts.  Only after he’d completely disappeared did Bridget’s small hand emerge from Hannah’s cleavage and it was completely empty.

The little man had just been stuffed down between Hannah’s huge breasts, completely swallowed by the ample cleavage.

Hannah raised her hands, saying something to Bridget and the brunette woman with round glasses responded by twisting her upper body to better face her lover. Bridget placed her palms on either side of Hannah’s breasts and began gently forcing them together.  Even though she couldn’t hear anything, she could tell from Hannah’s open smile and the movement of her body that she was laughing as Bridget rhythmically pressed in and released, pressed in and released, pressed in and released.

The older woman behind the desk smiled proudly and began speaking to the two girls.

“Sorry about that.” Quinn said, snapping Lori out of her voyeuristic daze. “We’re just about there now.”

Unable to break her interest in the two lovers’ situation, Lori peered into the room again as Quinn gained a step or two down the hallway, unknowingly without Lori.

Lori saw the two women standing up and shaking the hand of the therapist, presumably ready to go home.  The therapist waved at Hannah’s cleavage and all three women broke out into laughter again.

“Ready?” Quinn asked.

Unbeknownst to Lori, they were only a few steps away from Dr. Walker’s office.  There was, however, one more door on the right that caught her interest.  Quinn stopped at that door on the side and peered in.  Lori gratefully and curiously followed suite. The placard outside the room read:

Reduction Therapy

Everything in the room was bathed in a warm, red light.  In the back-left corner was an enormous machine with strange lights flashing in unpredictable sequences and several computer screens.  Immediately to the right of the machine was the doctor that Lori had seen earlier.  The one that had taken Brandon earlier.

It was Dr. Becotte.

She was not giggling anymore.

She was not twirling her thick, luscious blonde hair around her fingers.

She wasn’t smiling and gushing like a smitten kitten.

Now, she was very focused.

Dr. Becotte sat atop a short stool and handled a small petri dish, partially blocking the dish with one aqua-glove clad hand.  She was not using a microscope but she was peering in very closely, periodically jotting in a composition notebook.

There wasn’t much else at the stainless steel table except for another stool a few feet from Dr. Becotte.

The stool was not empty.

Atop it rested a pair of dark jeans, folded neatly, along with a brown & teal flannel shirt. Resting atop was a pair of gray boxer briefs.

Lori lightly gasped when she saw the interestingly bright red wrist watch that didn’t seem to go with the outfit.  Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the pair of bright blue Nikes on the floor next to the stool.

Lori’s concentration was broken as Quinn gently knocked on the glass of the door. Dr. Becotte’s head rose quickly and her eyes tracked to the door.

Dr. Becotte waved.

Quinn gestured toward Lori and held up one finger, the universal symbol for “just a second”.

Dr. Becotte nodded in understanding and returned her focus to her work, where Lori could now see the unobstructed petri dish.  Inside was an incredibly tiny, peach colored figure…and it had all of the beautiful blonde doctor’s attention.

“Here we are.” Quinn said from Lori’s left.

She joined Quinn’s side and was now standing in front of what looked like a pretty normal office door, the door at the end of the last corridor.  It was an office door with a simple, plain placard to the left of the door.  It read:

Dr. Katherine G. Walker – Co-Founder and Lead Researcher

Just like that, Lori’s guide was gone, having joined Dr. Becotte in that room with the huge machine.

Lori didn’t feel ready as she stood in front of the door.

For a moment, she felt the urge to just stuff the tiny little thing in her crack and up inside her so far that everyone might forget about him, including her.

She didn’t like all this attention; she was ever-so-slowly just getting warmed up to the idea of him being between her cheeks at all, and that was only something that the two of them shared!

Lori took a deep breath and straightened her skirt down over her ample backside, a nervous tick that had long since rooted in her mannerisms at this point, and knocked lightly on the door.

If he could be uncomfortable, so could she.

She could do this.

They both could.

“Come in.”

The brass doorknob squeaked as Lori turned and pressed.



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