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A Cheeky New Relationship

Chapter 6 - Reflection


“There, now was that so bad?” Emily’s sweet but devastating voice was unapologetic and it brought him to new levels of emasculation and dissociation from his humanity. He could never look at her the same way again, much less himself. The toilet flushed and Dakota watched miserably as the teal and white striped panties came back up toward him.  Earlier in the day, Dakota had condemned the girly, velvety cloth that blindfolded and gagged him.  He took every moment he could to glance around, focusing his finite visual acuity into various areas of Emily’s expansive butt cheeks, able to look straight out, slightly up, slightly down, and slightly out to the sides. He whimpered whenever the darkness came and he compressed into her pants.  Now, however, he welcomed the darkness. He wanted to hide from the world.

All the berating and teasing…the gender confusion…

The jiggling…

The bouncing…

The fondling…

It was all terrible but what had just happened was so much worse…a level he’d never thought she’d go to.  She had used him.

She had so unapologetically used him.

And the worst part of it all..she had used him literally for what he was meant to do as her ass.

All the folds and creases in the slinky soft material disappeared as it stretched tight over Dakota’s entire soft, jiggly body. In a way, the pressure felt almost comforting, as if someone was hugging him…trying to help him through the trauma he’d just been forced to endure.

His lips felt as if they'd been stretched like pulled taffy and they pulsed with an uncomfortable heat and tenderness.

“And it’ll probably get easier for you from here on out, ya know?” Emily offered.  Most of his vision was now blocked, but Emily apparently wouldn’t dare cover her entire butt, so Dakota noted that he could still see down to Emily’s bare feet planted firmly ahead of the sink. The water came on and she began washing her hands.

“I’m sure we’ll be able to try it again tomorrow morning.” Emily said, “...I mean…this is going to be a once a day kinda thing from now on, ya know.”

In her voice, Dakota heard more compassion than teasing in the selfish teen’s tone.  It had more of a breaking effect on him than anything she’d said to him prior.  More powerful than the teasing. More powerful than the name-calling. More powerful than the silly ramblings of a teenage ditz planning their future as if they were a married couple. The fact that she was making an attempt–albeit completely unsuccessful–to calm and praise him informed Dakota that Emily had at least some understanding and awareness of just how traumatic an experience she forced him to endure…and yet there was no apology.

And why would there be?  He was just doing his job now.  He didn’t have many, but that was one of them.

There was no discussion of when this would all end.

It wasn’t going to end.

Emily truly had no intentions of even trying to return him to normal.


Emily was now brushing her teeth. The movement of her upper body translated and propagated down toward her lower half.  Much to his dismay, Dakota began jiggling, obediently following the movement of Emily’s wide hips as if it were commanding him to dance. With each swipe of the toothbrush against her teeth, the twin masses of flesh that encapsulated his essence rippled and waved. Dakota cursed Emily for having such a fat, wobbly ass.

“Please, Emily! I know you don’t want to do this!  If you’re scared that you’re going to get in trouble, I promise–”

“--Dude, seriously..” Emily said, her mouth filled with minty white suds, “...your begging is like..erasing the previously hot image of you…somehow even more than you becoming my butt.  You need to stop.”

“I begged you not to do that to me!”

“Hey! I didn’t do anything to you. If you want to get technical, YOU’RE the one that did it.”

“I hate you…” Dakota whimpered, his voice cracking. “I hate you so much.”

“Umm…call me old fashioned but where I come from, butts don’t talk to their owners like that. I don’t care how big and fat and sexy they are.”

“Stop calling me that!” Dakota shouted.

“But that’s what you are.  You’re a big juicy booty that everyone stares at. I’m just telling it how it is.”

“Get me out of here! I can’t handle this!”

“Ugh…you’re giving me a headache.” Emily groaned.

“Then change me back! Take me to the hospital!”

“Listen to me.” Emily said, spitting her tooth paste out.  “Last time I was at the mall with Ava, we saw this cute rainbow butt plug at Spencer’s Gifts.  If you say even one more word about me changing you back, I’m going to get in my car, drive to Spencer’s Gifts, buy that butt plug, and then stuff it right in your dirty mouth.”

If Dakota could have lost consciousness, he’d have fainted at the visual of Emily pulling her doughy cheeks apart to insert the plug.  What would that even feel like to him?  He didn’t want to find out.

“Do you understand?”


“Do.  You. Understand?” Emily asked again more sternly, slapping her fat ass cheeks after each syllable.

“Yes!  I understand!” Dakota shrieked, “Just please stop hitting me!”

Her attention drifted abruptly from her rebellious caboose to the wintergreen mouthwash, but her cheeks continued to jiggle.

‘Why couldn’t it have been smaller?’ Dakota thought miserably. He cursed himself for being such a fat, wobbly ass.

Dakota left that bathroom a different person than when he entered, and he was now questioning if he could even refer to himself that way anymore after what he was just forced to do. Dakota had never felt so emasculated and destroyed in his entire life as his girlfriend’s little sister walked softly to her bedroom, her newest, treasured prize as close to her body as it could be. His lips burned and his stomach felt queasy, and above all else his will to fight and struggle against the owner of his new jiggly body was fading fast.

And then…somewhere in the ample, doughy flesh of Emily’s expansive ass cheeks, Dakota felt his heart skip a beat.

Lacey’s bedroom door was opening. WIth every fiber of his being, Dakota was frantically reorienting the position of his consciousness within his fleshy prison to peek under the pantyline of Emily’s underwear, and he’d managed to catch only a glimpse of his beloved girlfriend.  Dakota wanted to stare forever, watching her bare foot sink into the plush carpet.  He’d seen her upper thigh break the plane of the door and then the lovely shape of her full breasts.  He’d hoped to see Lacey’s face but Emily denied him that of course, either knowingly or unknowingly as her bedroom door shut behind them. Never in all the times that Dakota had walked past Emily’s room as a normal, full-sized man did he think he’d be in here alone with her…and yet here he was.

She plopped down on her bed, causing Dakota to wince as the soft, hanging flesh of his vessel compressed tightly. It wasn’t nearly as bad as that terrible chair at the restaurant but Dakota had learned a lot in his first day living in Emily’s butt cheeks:  being a butt was no fun…to say the least…and supporting the weight of a full-sized teenage girl was going to be difficult no matter how cushioned the seat was.

Still, her bed was soft.  Unfamiliar in texture and uncomfortable in scent, but it was better than nothing. The lights fully went out and he cringed as Emily’s skin rubbed against the mattress.  She was rotating her body 90 degrees to get into bed.  He caught a glimpse of light as she lifted her legs, just enough of a gap between the underside of her exposed cheeks and her pastel green sheets for him to catch a glimpse of her long legs.  Her chubby feet burrowed in under the blankets and then the lights went out again when her thighs came back down.  Sealed in the darkness of her soft sheets, Dakota could hear the rustling of her thick comforter coming to rest over top of Emily’s body.

It was quiet for a few moments with the exception of some friction as she shifted to get comfy under the blankets.

Dakota reflected on this miserable first day.  Was tomorrow going to be even worse?  What about the next day?  When would this all end?  He had so many questions about his future but the only person in the world who knew the answers would ignore him whenever he asked too much.

“I can’t believe you’re in bed with me, Dakota.” Emily’s purred. “I’ve had a lot of boys and even some girls say they wanted to get under the sheets with me and inside this ass.  Do you know how jealous they’d all be of you right now?”

Dakota grimaced as he felt his new fleshy body spreading and separating. Emily was leaning over in her bed and it displaced and splayed her cheeks in a way that Dakota had yet to experience.  He heard a rustling from the side of Emily’s bed. A brass handle lightly clinked against wood. Dakota surmised it was the teen’s bedside nightstand.

He then heard the crisp click of a switch and then a distant buzzing.  The buzzing got closer, clearly now under the covers with him and the sound became louder and louder. The vibrating sound was deafening, directly overtop of him, and if he still had his teeth they’d have been chattering from the reverberation through Emily’s muscle, skin, and flesh.

The teenager let out a soft, breathy moan.  The vibrating became stronger.

The air was humid under Emily’s blankets and now a strong, musky, and primal scent was flooding his senses.  He longed to be in bed with his beloved Lacey who was sleeping alone tonight.  He longed to be away from this sadistic, selfish 19-year old.

“Please don’t Emily. Not now..” Dakota whimpered.

“Yes now, Dakota.” Emily whispered, a sexy quiver in her voice.  The vibrating sensation was coming in waves now, circling over top of him and as the sensual moaning inflicted strange, conflicting emotions within his fragile, cracking psyche, Dakota could feel thick, sweet liquid cascading down over the plush, splayed cushion of Emily’s compressed cheeks.

“...and yes, every single night.”

One Year Later...

Dakota didn’t know exactly how much time had passed.  It was difficult to gauge the passage of time when most of his days were spent completely concealed by Emily’s jeans, leggings, skirts, dresses, or shorts.  All things considered, if he ended up trapped in the booty of a girl less outgoing and proud of her bodacious and thick figure than Emily, he might not have gotten as much time to look around, limited still as it may be.

Dakota would never forget the day when Emily hugged her parents and sister goodbye, her car packed for the drive back to college.  He stupidly thought that Emily was going to change her mind or that Lacey was going to put all the pieces together.

But none of that happened.

He’d gotten to know Emily’s petite, tomboyish college roommate with a pixie haircut. She was from some conservative state and Dakota would constantly catch her staring at him. He’d gotten to know some of the boys that followed Emily around.

He’d gotten to know one of the boys way more than he ever would have wanted to, but it seemed as though his adamant resistance and blubbering only encouraged Emily to more eagerly and adventurously explore new uncharted territory with her college romance.

Unfortunately for him, it was that Christmas trip back home a few months later that Emily must have learned to silence his begging.  It came out of necessity, he assumed, due to how frantically and uncontrollably he cried and screamed for Lacey.  He begged Emily to let him see Lacey, even just once, but she’d only giggle at the absurdity of his request.

She’d say, “How do you propose I do that, Dakota?  You want me to strip down to my panties and wiggle my booty in Lacey’s face?”

There weren’t exactly many socially acceptable opportunities for the bratty 20-year old to reveal her big, bouncy butt cheeks to her family. So he remained shrouded in darkness, only exposed and able to perceive a world outside of the dark chambers of Emily’s bottoms when she was in her bedroom or in the bathroom. It was an experience that he still wondered if he’d ever fully get used to.

Dakota saw not another person during the Christmas trip, but he was privy to many conversations between his girlfriend and her family. One such conversation inevitably involved him.  When asked where Dakota had been, Lacey informed Emily that they’d been growing apart and that they both amicably agreed to split shortly after Emily’s fateful visit and Dakota’s life-destroying Jump.

This, of course, was bullshit.

The only two people…well…the only person and the only booty that knew it was bullshit was Emily and Dakota. Emily didn’t dare challenge the flimsy idea and why would she?

She’d gotten away with gobbling poor Dakota up into her butt.

And Dakota obviously was in no position to correct her.  It was like Emily said, “Big butts like mine should be seen, not heard.” And she was right.  Dakota had stopped trying to be heard and the world stopped trying to listen long before.

It broke Dakota’s heart to realize that Lacey hadn’t realized something foul was afoot.  He supposed he couldn’t blame her though, the idea of him transferring from her cute pink thong into the plump, curvy cheeks he now called home was preposterous and beyond any reality he could conceive.

And yet here was…

His best guess was that Lacey had tried restoring him from the panties and when the revJump failed, she destroyed the evidence to avoid getting in trouble.

The most torturous moment came Christmas morning when Emily, clad in fuzzy flannel pajamas, hopped onto Lacey’s lap for a photo.  Dakota felt the fat and muscle of his being displacing and splaying out atop the slight and narrow lap of his girlfriend as their mother’s voice could be heard telling the girls to smile. Ever the tease, Emily made sure to wiggle her wide butt atop the unsturdy and frail lap of her older sister, grinding poor Dakota into the lap he used to rest his head upon.

Dakota agonized over the closeness.

If he could have jumped from this horrifying nightmare to Lacey’s thighs, he would have.  He’d have jumped to her pinky toe…a single strand of her beautiful golden hair….anywhere as long as he could have been this close to her. Instead, Emily just wiggled her booty playfully.

The trip came and went, with another soul-destroying goodbye as Emily returned to college in early January.

And now Emily was visiting home again, and of course she brought Dakota with her.  She brought him with her everywhere.  It was warm again, so it had to have been a year at least.

Hot, salty sunlight kissed Emily’s huge buns, now exposed to the warm ocean breeze as the 20-year old disrobed. She was at the beach again…but she wasn’t alone.

“How are things going with Devon?” Emily asked as she laid a large beach towel out and assumed a prone position, her epic cheeks jiggling as she shifted her body to find room for her breasts in the sand beneath her towel.

“We’ve only been on two dates. Just…taking things slow.”

He couldn’t see where the voice was coming from, but he recognized it. It might have been the only voice still etched in his mind other than Emily’s.

It was Lacey…

…she was…dating?

She had moved on. She’d forgotten about him. And how could she not? She was a goddess…a fair-skinned, busty princess.  And he was her knight…the knight that had been swallowed by the dragon…imprisoned in the dense, fleshy spherical walls of fat.

He couldn’t even rattle the cage but oh, could Emily when she wanted!

He was truly nothing to anyone now…nothing more than two big, bouncy butt cheeks for a selfish teenager to flaunt and show off.

“Awesome!  Slow is good.” Emily said, turning her head to rest her cheek on her wrists.  She crossed her ankles and playfully pointed her soles up at the sun. In doing so, grains of sand fell disrespectfully all over Dakota.  It stung his eyes, as did Emily’s hands which were quick to abrasively scrub the particles away from the soft and smooth dual curvature. The rogue grains that drifted down into her crack, so far not even noticeable to Emily, tasted of grit and salt.  He’d tasted unimaginably worse in his time as Emily’s butt.

“I mean…it's good FOR YOU.” Emily clarified, “...I personally like hot, heavy and fast all the way.”

“Are you still with Jason?” Lacey asked.

“Mmhmm!  We’re having so much fun, too!  He’s big and hunky and he’s got this stripper fantasy so I’ve been getting super good at giving lap dances.”

TMI, Em.” Lacey groaned.

“No, TMI would be telling you the other thing I let him do to me on his birthday!”

Lacey’s nose wrinkled up.  “Ugh…I don’t even wanna know. Just be safe, okay?  I’m not trying to be an aunt yet.”

Emily peeked over her shoulder at her expansive booty and then back at Lacey with a smile. “Don’t worry.  What he did to me DEFINITELY wouldn’t be getting me pregnant if you know what I mean.”

Lacey’s nose wrinkled up, “Ugh…gross, Em!”

Emily giggled, “Don’t knock it till you try it, Lace! Fun for everyone. I think we’ll probably end up trying it again.”

Dakota cried as he felt Emily’s fingers gently cup and bounce her hefty left cheek, forcing his body of muscle, skin, and jiggly warm fat to sway, ripple, and worst of all…remember. He didn’t think that he could sink much lower than that first night so long ago in the bathroom, when Emily so brazenly and thoughtlessly introduced him to his newest responsibility as her ass.  At the time, he naively thought it was the worst job he could ever have…but Jason introduced a whole new world of pain, humiliation, and emasculation without even realizing. She gently shushed him like a dismissive mother, quiet enough that Lacey probably didn’t hear. Emily then released her grip, allowing the heavy, fleshy glute to splay back out into a position of torturous relaxation under the sun’s watchful, oppressive gaze.

And then something pulled Dakota’s dull focus away from the blazing hot sun that was cooking him.  A few things had caught his eye since Emily had laid down prone on her towel. Mostly colors out of the corner of his eye, but now he was seeing a beautiful blonde goddess standing nearly directly over him.  She’d just laid a towel out right next to Emily.

She had actually graced his limited range of view.

Dakota could actually see her!

It was Lacey.

The love of his life glanced down at him for a moment and his heart skipped a beat.  As he stared longingly into her beautiful eyes, seeing in them their treasured history and his stolen future, he dared not remind himself that she was not reciprocating his gaze.  Her eyes were not truly on him, they were on the absurdity that was Lacey’s little sister’s huge, mostly bare ass pointing straight up at the clear blue sky.

As humiliating as it was, he could have lived in that moment forever, pretending that he and his love were knowingly locking eyes and locking hearts.

Lacey set her bag down somewhere on her laid out towel and Dakota panicked as he lost sight of his princess.  She returned into his field of view a moment later, her black one-piece bikini in hand.  Lacey lifted the hem of her white sundress, slowly revealing her petite thighs.

“How about some privacy, huh?” Lacey said to Emily.

“You’re at the beach, Lace…but fine.” Emily giggled.

Emily rolled over on her side, away from Lacey.  Did she know what she just did?  Was this a gift that Emily was giving him?  Or was it torture?  Or was she just scrolling through Instagram as she often did, completely oblivious to his plight?

It was impossible to know, and honestly it didn’t matter what his torturess’s goal was.

All that mattered was what he saw now in crystal-clear view.

All that mattered was that the traumatized, imprisoned knight didn’t have to struggle to find a square inch of butt cheek within his fleshy tower where he could observe his princess.

Emily’s massive, bare ass partially concealed only by her neon-green thong was now pointing in directly at his girlfriend, Lacey.  He felt half of his pillowy, hot body succumb to the influence of gravity as Emily’s right cheek pressed down upon its twin.

‘God, she’s so beautiful…’ Dakota whimpered.

Lacey’s upper lip curled, her tone half jest and half sincerity, “Just cause you don’t mind showing off that big thing doesn’t mean everyone wants to see it.”

The last time he’d seen her was at least a year ago and it was only for a fraction of a second on his first day as Emily’s ass. It was when Lacey was leaving her room and Emily was entering her own.

He watched the white sundress crumple on Lacey’s beach towel next to her pretty, dainty bare feet and he longed to run his hands over her delicate body, currently only concealed by a gray bra doing its best to conceal her large breasts and a pair of pink underwear.

Dakota stared longingly at Lacey, praying that Emily would remain on her side like this forever.  He could have spent a lifetime yearning for Lacey, and it broke his heart to imagine her moving on and finding someone else…but what could he do for her?

What could he possibly offer Lacey as her little sister’s big, jiggling ass?

Nothing.  And there was no way that Lacey would ever find out what had happened to him.

Lacey was oblivious to Dakota’s turmoil as she opened the neatly folded one-piece bathing suit and prepared to step in, but she stopped.  The blonde goddess just out of his reach turned to face the ocean and she stared for a moment at the crashing waves.  Dakota’s eyes naturally drifted down her narrow back.

The pink underwear she was wearing…

‘...oh my god…’ Dakota thought.

The underwear was barely any better at covering Lacey’s cute little cheeks than Emily’s thong was at covering Dakota. He stared at her tight ass, recognizing that just one of Emily’s glutes was larger than Lacey’s whole ass.  If he could have somehow jumped from Emily’s ass to Lacey's, he’d have done it in a heartbeat.

The princess turned back from the waves, and Dakota felt his non-existent heart jump up into his repurposed and tortured throat.

She wasn’t just wearing a thong.

‘She’s wearing THE thong…’ Dakota thought, euphoria rushing through him.

Dakota watched Lacey’s left hand gently stroke the front of her pink thong.  To an outsider, the gesture might have seemed sexual and inappropriate…strange at the very least, but Dakota immediately recognized the grace and tenderness of the caress.

‘Oh my god…’  Dakota had adjusted his fantasies of returning to his own body to more realistic dreams.  The strongest fantasy at the moment was Emily and her boyfriend breaking up, but closely behind that fantasy was the ability to lose consciousness…he’d been painfully aware and alert for every moment since his jump into Emily’s dense butt cheek.  While he had slightly improved his ability to disassociate from the particularly torturous and inevitable daily traumas of being Emily’s butt, he could never fully lose consciousness. He had a permanent front row seat for everything Emily did and everywhere Emily went.  Forced to experience everything a butt goes through.

Dakota came the closest he’d ever come to fainting as he watched Lacey tenderly play with the tiny bow affixed to the front of her underwear.

‘She….she’s wearing me!’ Dakota cried tears of joy.  ‘Or…she THINKS she’s wearing me!’

It was the same thing in his eyes!

She hadn’t thrown him away! Maybe she was dating someone else, but she hadn’t forgotten about him!  She hadn’t given up on him!

He stared at the pink thong with soul-crushing envy.  If he’d have known where he would have ended up, Dakota would have taken his chances with the Void.  If it meant that there was even a chance that he’d get to stay in Lacey’s thong wrapped around her narrow waist and hugging her sensitive and delicate anatomy, he’d have gratefully lived there forever…even if he lost the ability to move within the thong.

Confined to the string in her crack?  Fine!

Confined to a single fiber of the red stitching from when Emily’s fat ass ripped it?


Dakota watched as his princess stepped into the one-piece bikini, tucking her treasured thong in under the black material…protecting it from sun, light, and public gaze.  She was his secret and as she unclasped and removed her bra after adjusting her ample breasts within the top of the swimsuit, Dakota found within the muscle, fat, and skin of his tortured being some modicum of hope. He recalled how close his hands were to Lacey’s huge tits that last day when he still had hands.

Would that have even worked?

Grabbing her perfect tits and feeling himself slip into the mammary tissue?  He didn’t know but oh, how he wished he’d have tried…he’d be close to Lacey’s heart instead of imprisoned in the muscle, skin, and fat of Emily’s ample derriere.   Some distant fantasy that his chances of escape and rescue might have just increased slightly…if only from 0% to 0.1%.

‘I’ll take it.’ Dakota thought, smiling to himself painfully and optimistically.

“We really gotta get you in a two-piece.” Emily criticized, “...you’ll show off those huge boobs now…no problem but not your stomach…makes no sense.”

Lacey didn’t respond to Emily. Judging from the lack of a sisterly scowl that only an older sibling would understand, Lacey didn’t even hear Emily.  She was carefully adjusting her bathing suit bottom.

Dakota felt a peace wash over him, knowing that in some way he was still in Lacey’s heart and maybe this would all end one day.

That day wasn’t today.

Dakota was more or less okay with it and he wasn’t even all that sad when Emily rolled over onto her back, her big bare booty hanging over top of the towel as the bratty girl arched her back.  Dakota’s vision rippled as the hanging fat jiggled.  He could now only barely see Lacey laying down, clearing out some sand from beneath the beach towel’s surface to allow room for her breasts to splay as she lay on her stomach.

Dakota’s gaze switched to Emily’s feet, planted firmly on the towel, holding her thighs, ass, and lower back up about a foot off the towel.

Was she teasing him?  Probably.

Emily’s toes wiggled and then her soles slid away from Dakota, lowering him quickly toward the towel beneath him.  With a forceful plop, he felt his body ripple and jiggle, splaying out under Emily’s weight.

“Oomph,” Dakota grunted audibly.  It had gotten easier but not by much.

He heard Emily chuckle to herself as she wiggled her hips into the towel, opening and closing her bulbous cheeks and massaging them into the fibers of the towel.

Did Dakota care? No.

For the first time in his new life as Emily's fat, jiggly ass, Dakota felt something strange and foreign.

Dakota felt hopeful.

He was sealed away in darkness, the image of Lacey stroking her panties permanently etched into his mind.



Apple Bottom

Hoping for a happy ending where he finds a way back to Lacy's thong at least. Life with her as her thong would be a bliss after what he's been through. Even if it is just the back string or single fiber.


Really hoping he transfers to Lacy's boobs.