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Here is the final chapter of Injected 2: Jordan's Revenge.  I hope you had as much fun reading it as I did sharing it with you.  There will be a short epilogue after this chapter.

Injected 2: Jordan's Revenge

Chapter 16 - Return to a Familiar Place

[Jordan, Chelsea, Brad]

‘Who the fuck gets something like this?’ Jordan thought with her upper lip raised in disgust. It was the epitome of frat boy decor:  a key rack literally shaped like a big-breasted blonde bimbo flashing.  And the kicker, her nipples were actually key hooks.

“You sure your roommate’s not gonna come walking in?” Jordan asked skeptically, turning away from the tacky key rack as Jake pulled the door shut behind them.

“Nah, Liam is staying over at Ashley’s for the night..maybe tomorrow too.”

“Good..he’s cool and all but he spends WAY too much time staring at my ass.”

“Well, who wouldn’t?” Jake asked sincerely, slapping Jordan hard enough on her left ass cheek to make her yip and blush.  “I can’t blame him…” Jake took a meaty handful of Jordan’s fat left ass cheek. Despite him having several inches on Jordan, it would have taken several of Jake’s large hands to fully cradle just one of her cheeks.  “...just look at this fuckin’ thing.”

“Yeah yeah, mister. Keep slapping it like that and maybe I won’t let you touch it at all.” Jordan said, running her arms along his broad shoulders.  She enjoyed the way he wrapped his arms around her hips and pulled him in tight against her.

“How about I kiss it to make it better?” Jake offered.

“Kiss it?” Jordan laughed.  “Oh, I’d love to see your big, alpha friends find out that their big, alpha leader was just going around kissing ass.”

Jake smirked, roughly spinning Jordan around and dropping to his knees.  Jordan’s heart throbbed as she watched his calloused fingers slide into either side of her waistband and tug down. Her bare cheeks exploded out with a seductive and prideful jiggle.

“Oh, trust me.  We’re all about kissing the right asses.”

Jordan held her breath as Jake leaned in toward her expansive bare ass.  She felt his stubble graze against her right ass cheek and she rolled her eyes.

“No, no…kiss the left one.” Jordan purred.

“Nice power play.” Jake chuckled heartily, pressing his lips firmly into the dead center of Jordan’s left ass cheek. He was nearly a foot taller than her, but Jordan’s single ass cheek was probably larger than his head.

“I’ll play along.” He said between a few more kisses.  Jordan loved the way the stubble on his hard, chiseled jawline felt on her supple, pillowy, and delicate skin.


Brads POV

Brad grimaced uncomfortably.

‘Did she have to make him kiss MY cheek?’ Brad thought miserably.  What an interesting sentiment…that he would consider Jordan’s left butt cheek to be ‘his’ cheek…when the more accurate statement might have been that it was the left butt cheek that owned him.

After literally being raped over a dozen times and having his mouth fucked by nipples, clits, and assholes, Brad really thought he’d experienced the worst of it.  Even though he cried when he saw Jordan’s exposed ass cheeks and the needle tip puncture the juicy booty flesh, he was relieved to be getting away from Chelsea.  Now, he’d have gladly nursed from Chelsea and let her park her ass on his face all day every day.  Anything would have been better than this.

Brad could literally feel the micro vibrations of Jake’s short, abrasive facial hair passing roughly through Jordan’s plush glute flesh. It was causing all the adjacent fat cells to vibrate painfully, which wasn’t a problem before when the fat cells were roughly the size of an Airpods case to him. Now, after being shrunk by Chelsea, the fat cells were taller than he was! He also noticed, almost immediately after traveling through the pale flesh of Jordan’s hefty glute, just how much more tightly compressed the lattice structure of fat cells were here than they were in her breast.  It would have made movement easier had he been a bit larger, and a major downside was any jiggling and jostling reverberated WAY more productively throughout the fatty tissue.

Brad wished he could burrow deeper into the fatty pillow of Jordan’s ass, anything to get away from those kissing sounds.


Jordan’s POV

Jordan shook her hips, allowing the flesh of her ass to ripple and wave against Jake’s face and she giggled as he let out a guttural, caveman-like groan.

“So are we gonna do the thing we talked about?” Jake said, planting one more huge kiss on Jordan’s left ass cheek, making sure to completely bury his face in the plush glute before climbing back to his feet and taking position way over Jordan’s head.

“What thing?” Jordan asked.

“You know…” Jake started.

Jordan smirked.  The big tall alpha male looked like an awkward little boy as he stumbled through what she knew he was going to say.

“The thing…” Jake said clumsily, gesturing toward Jordan’s breasts and pretending to pull them down to his hips.

Jordan faked surprise, “Oh, THAT thing!  You know what, hon..I was thinking about that recently and you know what…I have…

Jordan tapped Jake on the nose lightly.

“A much…”

Another tap on the nose


Another tap on the nose


With one final tap on his nose, she turned around and backed her sizable rump into his hips, enjoying how she could so clearly feel his hard, thick cock with her big, soft ass.

“How about I let you take me…in the ass?” Jordan said sweetly over her shoulder.

She couldn’t help but giggle at how quickly Jake had scooped little ol’ Jordan up off her feet and bee-lined for his bed.


Chelsea’s POV

Chelsea thought back to what Claire had said the night before.

“You made the right choice, Chelsea. I want you to know that.” the dirty blonde said down to Chelsea as she squeezed a droplet of pale pink lotion about the size of a pea onto her index finger.

“What’s going to happen now…since I’m giving you this one chance to be with your goddess Jordan…is you’re going to jump into this droplet of experimental cream I’ve been developing. I’m calling it ‘Osmolotion’ for now…but I may go with a better title in the future….anyway…once you’re in the Osmolotion, I’m going to scrape you off into this little tiny eye drop container.”

Chelsea was instructed not to move a muscle once she was in the container, as Claire would be positioning her right at its spout. If Chelsea moved about, she ran the risk of not being squirted out and getting stuck in the container.

“I have to hide you, okay?  I’ll take you out when the time is right.” Claire said.

Next thing she knew, Chelsea was at a huge college party, although there was probably only one person who knew she was there, and it was Chelsea’s sadistic escort. Then she heard Jake’s voice, and everything started making sense. She heard the party starting to finally die down a bit, and there were less voices around…but she could still hear Claire’s…and she could still hear Jake’s. Jordan was nowhere to be heard.  Chelsea was getting incredibly nervous, but also very excited.

Chelsea had never seen such a huge ball sack before, and she’d wished that she had more time to admire it, but the pale rose cream that surrounded her was absorbing into the vast scrotum thanks to Claire’s gentle rubbing.  In the moments before Chelsea passed with the Osmolotion through the skin of Jake’s scrotum and eventually into one of his testes, Chelsea couldn’t help but find Claire truly stunning. She caught another quick glimpse before her osmosis of another tall handsome man…probably Jake’s roommate.  What an awkward situation for Claire to find herself in!  It wasn’t Chelsea’s concern anymore; that was a concern of big people in the big, real world.  Chelsea sighed in contentment, enjoying her lack of control as she became one with Jake’s reproductive system.

Chelsea later felt cream-white oceans surging around her.  It had been more than a day since the surrounding fluids had been fully drained, and somehow she managed to remain embedded in the piping.  Thank god for Claire’s brief but informative anatomy lesson on the male reproductive system.  She could have hitched a ride with all that fluid, but she feared that it wasn’t the right time.  She feared that it was too soon.

She couldn’t run the risk of being ejaculated by Jake into some slut other than the godly and gorgeous Jordan…or even worse…a crusty old gym sock!  Or a towel! Or good heavens…a toilet bowl!

No, Chelsea had to be careful. She knew that she’d only have one shot at this.  She had to wait for the right moment.  She had to wait until she could hear Jordan….and that moment had finally come.


Jordan’s POV

“Gently! Set me down gently…like a princess!” Jordan demanded just as Jake looked like he might toss her onto the bed. He complied, laying her carefully onto his rough, cheap comforter.  He immediately climbed on top of her, licking his lips before the two started making out.  The sucking, slapping, and popping of wet lips started out purposeful enough, but as Jake’s hands toured the various hotspots of Jordan’s body, over the clothes, he was beginning to lose focus, his kisses becoming more sloppy…urgent. As cute as this boy was, and as good a fuck as he could be, he lacked multitasking skills.  It was okay…it was cute since it was him.

He sat back on his knees and dug his fingers into Jordan’s waistband once again.  It didn’t stop just below her ass cheeks like last time.  He started tugging, and Jordan ever so slightly lifted her hips…just enough so that lucky, lucky Jake could get her pants and panties off.  He rushedly traced them all the way down her knees, ankles, and then carelessly through them the moment they cleared her bare feet.

Jordan giggled at how quickly Jake had removed both his shirt, pants, and underwear so she decided to help him out a bit by removing her shirt.  They were both completely naked now, and Jake was urging Jordan to roll over onto her stomach.

Jordan complied;  she loved being told what to do when it was a big, strong, handsome man.  And Jake was all of that to her.  She gasped when he slapped her left ass cheek.  That was DEFINITELY going to leave a mark.  He played with her soft, doughy cheeks some more as Jordan found position on her hands and knees.  She heard the popping sound of a cap and then a slippery jerking sound.  Jake was lubing up his cock.

‘This is gonna be crazy..’ Jordan said, thinking about Jake’s big cock inside her huge ass.


Brad’s POV

“Please don’t, Jake!” Brad couldn’t believe he was doing this.  The same guy who literally gave him a swirly in middle school.  The same guy who pushed him down a flight of stairs when Brad dared to tell his friends that Jake’s middle-school girlfriend was ‘pretty’. This was the same Jake that made his life miserable…made him sleep on the floor when he’d drive hours to see Jordan.  And now Brad was literally in pain from the sensation of Jake’s impossibly large, rock solid cock slapping HARD on his new home.  If the fat cells were not so soft and cushiony, it was entirely possible that the cock-slapping could have broken his nose or even worse.

How was this happening?  Didn’t the bully lose in the end?  Didn’t the nice guy win?  How did the nice guy not only lose the girl, but end up buried deep in her butt cheek and forced to listen to the bully fuck her silly?  How could this be real life? How was this fair?  How was this possible?

“Ohhhhhhhhhhhh….Jake!”  Jordan moaned in pleasure.  Brad could feel Jordan’s voice all around him and inside of him.  He’d have given anything to hear her moan in such ecstacy in his presence…but he never would have given this. He wished that Jake would dig his big hands just a little deeper into the supple flesh of Jordan’s wide, motherly hips…he wished that Jake would thrust his pelvis just a little bit harder..because maybe then it would knock Brad unconscious.


Jordan’s POV

“Oh my god, it feels so fucking good.” Jordan moaned, adding more arch to her back and allowing her big, bare cheeks to spread even more wide.

“It’s not even fucking in yet, baby.” Jake groaned.

It was true, Jordan could feel the big cock head tracing the length of her crack, exploring the deep terrain before aligning with its destination.

“Ohhhhhhhhhhh…” Jordan whined.  “Ohmigod ohmigod ohmigod, ohmigawwwwwwwwd.”

“That feel good, baby?” Jake asked, his voice a quivering growl of raw sexual energy.  His strong hands were gripping her hips and pulling them in towards his pelvis while he aggressively rocked forward.  It was all the way in now, and Jordan felt full.

“Oh fuck…I’m gonna cum..” Jake announced suddenly.

‘Already?’ Jordan thought.  As hot as this was, it did hurt a bit and she was okay to end it here.  She gyrated her hips, trying to create more wonderful and irresistible pressure and torque on Jake’s hard cock.


Jordan knew that noise.  She knew that noise very well.  He was about to cum.

“Cum on my ass!” Jordan roared, pulling her face out of Jake’s pillow just long enough to give the order.

“What?” Jake said, still rocking his cock in and out of Jordan’s fat ass.  “Lemme cum inside…”

“No!  On..my…ohhhhhhhhh….my ass…..left side! Pull out!” Jordan bellowed.

Jake may have been disappointed but Jordan didn’t care.  She wasn’t doing this for him.  She wasn’t even really doing this for herself.  She was doing this for Brad.  Still, it was incredibly sexy to feel his steaming hot load gush and splatter all over her ass. True to his word and aim, almost ALL of it landed on her left ass cheek and she wasn’t about to let even a drip of that precious cum go to waste. . For a fleeting moment, she thought about Brad.  But only long enough to hope that he was close enough to the surface to feel the warmth of a real man’s cum.

Chelsea’s POV

“Now! Now!” Chelsea chanted to herself, leaving the safety of Jake’s ejaculatory duct and mixing in with the creamy white vehicle she’d hoped would lead her to her Goddess.  The path out of Jake’s urethra was long and arduous, considering how big a cock he must have had, but Chelsea forced herself to remain optimistic.

Then she saw light in the distance!  She was rocketing toward the head of his cock and then BANG!

Chelsea accompanied the thick white eruption of Jake’s cum.  It was practically boiling on the inside but once it broke the plane of his cock and hit the cool air outside, the temperature dropped dramatically.  Somehow, Chelsea could actually see through the milky white cream to understand where she was going.  She understood immediately that at the very least, Jordan was still here.  Chelsea had already accepted the possibility that she may be ejaculated into Jordan’s waiting mouth, unlikely as that may be. Jordan often joked about how gross giving head was.  Another unlikely but possible scenario would have been being ejaculated deep into her vagina.  Maybe she’d even be pulled into Jordan’s womb..who the fuck knew what would happen then?  All Chelsea knew was that she masturbated the entire night in Jake’s balls to that image.

What Chelsea saw, she did not even consider as a possibility.  She saw Jordan’s beaten-up asshole and spread ass cheeks.  There was already about half of Jake’s load settling into the skin on Jordan’s left ass cheek. She and the remaining load joined it in drenching Jordan’s ass.  Chelsea’s fingers fluttered over her clit and teased her left nipple, behind which she knew there were three tiny little dipshits who had NO FUCKING IDEA how truly fucked they were, and it only made Chelsea even hotter.

She was a bit worried, however, as the cum droplet she was trapped within began sliding down the inside edge of Jordan’s hefty left ass cheek.  Chelsea could see that it was destined for Jordan’s crack.

“If you’re incredibly lucky…” Chelsea remembered Claire saying earlier, “and you manage to stay on Jordan’s body for 2 hours, the Osmolotion will cause you to fuse there….forever.”

Chelsea was not thrilled about the idea of fusing so close to Jordan’s asshole, but it was better than nothing. She’d allow her body to become one with the skin right below, right above…hell….the wrinkly, sensitive skin of her asshole itself! If it was Jordan, it was okay.

Considering Chelsea’s ce last vise attitude regarding her new forever home, it’d be hard to put into words just how happy she was when she saw Jake’s HUGE cockhead swiftly strike Jordan’s cum-soaked ass.  He was painting…that’s what Jordan called it when she would explain it to Chelsea…and now Chelsea was seeing it in the flesh.

Chelsea felt herself and her sticky cum prison adhere to the side of Jake’s cock head and she already knew what he was going to do next…and she was so fucking excited.

Just as Jordan always said he did, Jake’s big strong fingers circled his stiff but slowly dying cock and moved the head down between Jordan’s thighs.  He began rubbing the wet paintbrush of a cock along and between Jordan’s soft, fuzzy, sopping wet pussy lips.  Chelsea put in all the effort she could, but at the end of the day there was literally nothing she could have done to help or harm the situation.  It was completely up to the gods and goddesses now. Luckily, they smiled down upon little Chelsea today and for the rest of time.  With one final swipe of his softening cock head, Jake graciously smeared Chelsea’s droplet of cum deep enough between Jordan’s pussy lips for Chelsea to dislodge and remain affixed to the inner labial wall.

Chelsea couldn’t believe how lucky she was as Jordan pulled on a pair of panties, tucking little Chelsea in for this night and every night for the rest of her life.




You know, this makes me wonder if Claire plans to try injecting someone into a man, to see if the effects on women happen to men as well.


Can we get more injections into ass stories in the future?


Well the teste absorption should indicate that she's certainly open to immersing micros in men!