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A Cheeky New Relationship

Chapter 2 - A Cute Pink Thong

[Dakota, Emily]




‘How am I even looking around?’ Dakota wondered to himself.  He knew that he didn’t have eyes and yet he could see all of Lacey’s bedroom as the violently flickering lights stabilized.  He didn’t have ears but he could hear the Isolation Mat’s power cord hitting the hardwood floor and Lacey’s bare feet slapping the wood and then shuffling against the plush area rug.  He didn’t have a mouth or a nose but he could smell and taste the normally undetectable traces of oil and food left on his new body by the dozens of interested buyers at Victoria’s Secret. Dakota knew he hadn’t been tried on prior to Lacey’s purchase because THAT smell and taste…well…there was no way he’d not notice THAT.

And his sense of touch?  Confirmed to be just as strong, if not stronger, when his towering 5’-9” girlfriend’s bare feet flanked him on either side and bent at the waist to pick him up.  She was impossibly, dizzyingly large. The sensation of her fingertips rubbing gingerly against his delicate, pink skin felt like a therapeutic massage that simultaneously emasculated him but also made him feel nurtured and protected.

He soared up from the floor to the heavens where Lacey’s angelic face lived..and it was massive.  Her smile was beautiful and bright, as it always was, but there was also a hint of carnal lust and desire in her ocean-blue eyes. The way her two front teeth sank into her plush bottom lip spoke volumes about what she was thinking, and he recognized in her that she enjoyed this brand new power.

“I think we’re going to make a really good team.” Lacey said quietly with more breath than voice as she lowered Dakota to her hips.  She modeled in her full-body mirror and Dakota had to agree with her.  He noticed that he could focus his consciousness and experiences to any connected points along the material of the thong, and he took great pleasure in moving along the strings from his pose in the mirror to the area that pressed against his girlfriend’s sex.

He breathed in through nostrils he no longer had and felt blood rushing to a cock he couldn’t touch, reach, or even confirm existed anymore.

Lacey turned 180 degrees and modeled Dakota against her ass.

“Not so little and cute anymore, huh?” She said seductively as his fragile body conformed to the subtle curve of her rear.

Dakota felt his new ropey body become weightless, and felt the sensation of butterflies in his stomach.  He was flying across the air like some bright pink, fluttering hummingbird until he crashed with an unceremonious, gentle bounce on Lacey’s plush comforter.  He looked up just in time to see his massive girlfriend turning away from him.   The ass he’d called small a few moments earlier was now barreling down toward him.  The baggy material of Lacey’s pajama pants pulled just tight enough as the petite woman’s ass crashed down on the bed, partially on top of Dakota.

Dakota immediately channeled his consciousness and ability to perceive down the network of ropes, some of which were destined to hug Lacey’s waist and one of which to cleave her cute little ass cheeks. That rope was the path he took to get under Lacey’s ass.  He wanted to feel the warmth and the pressure, and something about it just felt so right to him. It wasn’t overwhelming as he feared it might be, as if his body were designed for someone like Lacey to sit on or…gulp…put on.

“Still little…still cute….” Dakota replied with a mouth he didn’t have…and clearly to no one that could hear him.

Lacey brought him back up to her face, aligning her lips with the tiny white bow.  Dakota quickly “sprinted” toward the white bow, eager to experience the kiss that was to be planted upon it, and if Dakota could have even touched his throbbing member, wherever it was, he would have exploded as those warm, wet lips connected with his entire consciousness.  He wondered if she could even know how arousing it was for him just now, to feel those soft warm lips encompass him.

“I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” Lacey said, opening her underwear drawer.

“Oh no…what?” Dakota asked.

Lacey didn’t answer him, but she surely knew that he’d be concerned so she graciously explained.

“I’m going to wear you to work tomorrow, silly.  That way we get the whole day together..and you get to sit here with my other panties and think about how much fun we’re going to have.”

Lacey neatly folded Dakota and set him in her drawer, amidst her white, gray, and black panties. She had turned one of her white bras up and nestled him into her left bra cup.

“That’s a nice place for a knight to sleep, right? Inside the princess’s big soft bra cup?”

Dakota was in an indescribable, anarchical blend of bliss and agony, never having been so turned on in his life. His peripherals were consumed by the cloudy white material of Lacey’s inner bra cup. The indescribable concavity suggested to him that nothing else existed except for the angelic face smiling down at him.  Her beautiful, honey-blonde hair pooled around and in the bra cup as she leaned in.  The fragrance of fresh laundry detergent in the bra cup was joined by the coconut scent and natural pheromones in Lacey’s hair.  And then a hint of mint ice cream and warm, comforting air from her lungs as she whispered.

“Good night, my strong pink knight.”

Lacey smiled sweetly, shutting the drawer and sending Dakota into a soft, cotton, mind-clouding fragrant darkness.

Dakota heard his girlfriend’s mattress groan as she got into bed, and a few moments later he heard the sound of slick, frictionless fingers moving noisily against wet skin.  Then he heard Lacey moan.

Dakota whimpered to himself, feeling so turned on but completely unable to even move, much less put out the smoldering flame of lust and desire taking him over.  Finally and mercifully, Lacey finished pleasuring herself and drifted off to sleep. Dakota lay awake in her panty drawer, listening to her soft breathing and having no choice but to wait for Lacey to wake up in 6 or 7 hours and start their day together.




Emily took a long sip of her frappuccino and flipped the channel on the living room TV.  She figured that as long as her plastic cup still had frap, she had all the reason in the world to delay her trip to the gym. She’d woken up and skipped the shower, skipped breakfast, and immediately gotten dressed for the gym. Unfortunately, the frappuccino machine that her parents had bought called to the groggy teenager and Emily succumbed to her desires.  Now she was rewarding her early start with some cold frosty beverage and a little TV.  She was essentially fully dressed and ready to go except for her white socks, which sat paired and waiting on the chase next to her propped up, rhythmically bouncing bare feet.  As lazy as she could be at times, Emily understood how important it was for her to stay in good shape, so she knew she’d eventually have to get her big butt in gear and do some cardio.  Being short was enough of a reason, but the teenager was always aware of her body’s tendency to greedily carry weight in the hips and thighs.

One of her soccer teammates named Becca was like that too.

‘...and Becca stopped going to the gym and then all her muscle turned to flab, which is not a huge deal since she plays goalie…’ Emily thought, ‘...but now her thighs are too jiggly.”

Emily looked down at her own legs. She was wearing her favorite pair of cute, bright orange gym shorts, tight and soft mesh that hugged her hips and her butt. Emily poked at her bare thighs.  They were jiggly, sure, but it was the perfect amount in her opinion! Not so much that it looked excessive and gross, but just enough to make the boys stare. She loved the way her thighs splayed out so largely when she sat down as well, and clearly the boys did too!  It was one of the only things she missed about riding the school bus in senior year: hiking her shorts up right before plopping down in a seat next to a boy.  The way his eyes would pop out of his head was so funny! And it was even funnier when her bare, splayed thighs were larger than his!

The 18-year old was shaken out of admiring her own thighs when she heard a loud thud directly above her.  Emily looked up and laughed. She was sure that it was either her big sister Lacey falling out of bed or Lacey’s big boyfriend Dakota getting out of bed too noisily.  He wasn’t a particularly oafy or clumsy guy though.  He always had great balance.  He was also pretty handsome and always smelled great, too.  He was kind of an ass though, especially when Emily was younger.  She then heard a series of muffled noises that sounded like dresser drawers opening and light but persistent footsteps.

A bedroom door upstairs exploded open and Emily looked over her shoulder, rolling onto her side to see who was coming down.

For as long as Emily could remember, Lacey was always the center of attention.  It didn’t matter if they were around family or friends, at sporting events, parties..you name it.  Everyone seemed to flock to Lacey. Understandably so, Emily had developed an all too common mixture of jealousy and envy for her older sister.  Lacey was taller.  Lacey had way bigger boobs. Lacey had the tight, narrow waist and hips as well as basically every guy at school…even the boys in her grade talked about Emily’s big sister like she was some kinda friggin’ legendary goddess.

Lacey this, Lacey that.

Emily loved her sister of course, but growing up as the ugly duckling had left its impact on the little sister, and it didn’t matter how hot she knew she was now. It didn’t matter that she’d grown into her childhood weight or that she had contacts.  It didn’t matter how much she’d changed. Sometimes, she still just felt like Lacey’s annoying little sister.

It was for these reasons that Emily got some guilty pleasure out of seeing the all-knowing and picture-perfect Emily in a state of discombobulation. Lacey had just graduated from college last year with some terrible degree that really didn’t do anything.  Dakota’s wasn’t much better but at least the two of them were each working some unrelated service job to cover the softball rent her dad was charging them.  They were struggling to find a house but nothing was turning up.

“You alright, Lacey?” Emily asked, taking another sip of her frap with her left hand and scratching a subtle itch down her orange shorts.

Lacey was running a brush through her messy blonde hair as she slipped her sock clad feet into a pair of black sneakers by the door.

“Uh-huh..I just overslept and now I’m late for work.  Mrs. Eldin said if anyone else is late they’re fired..never mind that I’VE never even been late before.”

A frazzled Lacey didn’t even bother with tying her shoes, probably forgetting that step as she speedwalked to the kitchen to grab some fruit for the road.

“You got home okay last night? Stayed out of trouble?”

“Mm-hmm!” Emily replied cheerfully.

Emily rolled over onto her stomach to reach across the chase for the TV remote when she heard Lacey’s footsteps approaching, the plastic at the ends of her untied laces lightly clicking against the shoes’ exterior.

“I sure hope you weren’t wearing those.” Lacey said.  Emily could hear the judgment in Lacey’s voice and she could feel Lacey’s jealous eyes on her upturned ass.

Emily looked over her shoulder at her dainty, elegant princess of a sister. She didn’t appear quite so princess-ey now though, donning a black pair of pants and a painfully plain black pair of sneakers. Her fast food employee shirt was also black and Emily was sure that Lacey HATED how it didn’t accentuate her huge boobs.  Even her hair, which Emily admitted was gorgeous, was tied back into a plain ponytail and would spend the entire day concealed by a black hat.

“Oh these?” Emily said, gesturing down to her tight nylon shorts which had ridden up a bit.  Much to Lacey’s clear disgust and obvious jealousy, Emily ran her hand up the extensive curve of her left ass cheek and then gave it a gentle slap.

“No, these are for lounging and for the gym, silly! Can you imagine how mad the girls at the party would be if I wore these?  Every boy would be trying not to stare.  I think they’d rather I wear your work uniform before I wore my super soft orange shorts, and that’s saying something!”

The force of Emily’s slap was light, but no one seemed to have told her butt how light it was. Emily’s mesh-nylon clad butt cheek jiggled and bounced throughout Emily’s entire passive-aggressive underhanded comment as if it were laughing at her older petite sister.

Lacey sighed and bent over to tie her shoes. The waistband of her jeans consequently drifted down the small of her narrow lower back.

“Lace…undy check.” Emily said playfully, pointing out the fact that  Lacey’s “trademark granny panties” were peeking up to say hello.

“Thanks,” Lacey absentmindedly reached back without looking and stuffed the boring gray underwear back into her black pants, which were just barely tight enough for Emily’s tastes.

“Is Dakota going anywhere today? Maybe he and I can hang out.” Emily said standing up, deliberately hiking her orange mesh shorts just a little too high.  Emily got the rise she was looking for out of Lacey, which was what she believed to be a jealous eye roll…but Emily got something else too that confused her.  It was a strange look of panic in Lacey’s pretty blue eyes.

The eyes darted to the ceiling directly overhead of the chase that Emily was laying on, and then they darted back to the front door, and then they interestingly darted down toward her pants.

“Oh no…” Lacey said under her breath.

“You ummm…alright?” Emily asked curiously.

“I’m fine!” Lacey said, snapping out of her wild-eyed daze.  “Dakota isn’t…umm…coming down today.  He’s out.”

“No he’s not, I’ve been down here all morning, I would have–”

“--Emily!” Lacey said, stamping her left foot on the ground.  At that moment, Emily felt like they were both little girls fighting again. “For once in your life please just don’t be so annoying, kay?  Don’t bug Dakota and don’t bug me.  I’ll see you when I get home and don’t, don’t DON’T go in my room!”

Emily had a few witty things to say back, one of which would have been the way that Dakota practically left a drool mark when Emily was playing Wii dance the other day, but Lacey was already out the door.

“What the heck got up her boney butt?” Emily asked out loud, returning to the couch and plopping down.  “And why is she being so weird about Dakota?”

Lacey was always weirdly possessive of Dakota, and she seemed to really like flaunting him around in Emily’s face.  Emily admitted it was her own fault for actually trusting her older sister and telling Lacey about her crush on him back when Emily was in middle school.

Oh well…sisters could be really mean sometimes.

But that reaction to Emily’s question..it was so strange.  But that wasn’t the only thing that was strange.  Dakota was usually one of the first ones awake.  Was he hiding out in Lacey’s room?

Emily slurped the final sip of her frap and was wiggling her chubby toes into her white socks when suddenly she gasped.

The 18-year old’s sock literally fell from her foot as too did her empty frap cup.

“Oh my god…” Emily thought. She’d had a mindblowing epiphany as she recalled a seemingly disconnected set of events.

The day that Emily got home for her first college break, the 18-year old was throwing away a popsicle wrapper in the trash when she saw a very interesting receipt in the adjacent recycling bin.

It was a Victoria’s Secret receipt.

Those receipts weren’t uncommon, certainly not for Emily, but Lacey had never so much as even looked into a Victoria’s Secret when they used to walk the mall.  And yet, there was a receipt with Lacey’s signature for a panty purchase.  It was only one item and the line read:


The thought of her skinny, contradictorily big-breasted and prude older sister Lacey wearing a thong made Emily laugh out loud and Emily ultimately dismissed the out-of-place purchase as just some effort to keep Dakota happy.  Emily was very aware of how much Dakota liked thongs!

Until this moment, sitting on the chase, Emily had dismissed the fact that there was a tiny, boring cardboard box painted lavender a few inches underneath the Victoria’s Secret receipt.

Emily jumped to her feet, running out to the garage where the large recycling bin was.  Luckily for her, recycling day was tomorrow and everything from that day was in this larger bin.

She quickly found the box she remembered seeing and looked at the bottom of it.

“I freaking knew it!” Emily’s cheerful exclamation echoing off the concrete walls of the garage.

The box said “BxC Jumping Technologies”.

The biggest grin grew on Emily’s freckled cheeks.  Her shaking hands stuffed the box back into the recycling bin just as it was and she made her way to the front door’s window.  When Emily had confirmed that Lacey had actually left, she walked quickly to the staircase.

“It all makes sense.” she whispered incredulously to herself.

Emily’s bare feet scuffed against the soft carpeted steps

“The pink and white thong.”

The 18-year old’s hips swayed with her slow ascent.

“The lavender cardboard box.”

The brunette’s mind was spinning with surreal satisfaction as a devious plan brewed.

“The friggin power surge last night!”

The younger sister reached the last step and adjusted her shorts that had ridden up her thighs and butt.

“The fact that Lacey lied about Dakota being out.”

Emily crept like a silent predator toward her sister’s bedroom door.

“The fact that Lacey told me not to go into her room…well, that one was the only thing that wasn’t out of the ordinary…”

But even so, it all pointed to one conclusion:

‘Lacey turned Dakota into her underwear with that jumping stuff!’ Emily thought excitedly.

She gently gripped the knob of her big sister’s bedroom door and took a deep breath.  Emily started twisting, expecting to feel the knob catch the lock and stop spinning but much to the 18-year old’s delight, the door opened. Once inside, Emily shut the door and leaned her back against it, sighing deeply.  The teenager felt her huge butt pressing against the wood of the door and she almost giggled into the sleeve of her thin hoodie, thinking about how much attention that big butt of hers was about to get from her crush.

…she just had to find him.

What a moment this was going to be.  She’d been very quiet when walking in so he might not have even known that Emily was there yet.  But he was about to find out.

“Dakoooootaaaaaaaa…” Emily sang in a hauntingly soothing tone as she stepped quietly around her big sister’s bedroom.

Dakota could hear her, the little cutie..she knew that he could.  Maybe he could even see her.  If he was, he was undoubtedly staring at her big butt for sure!

Emily checked Lacey’s bedside nightstand but only found chapstick, a chocolate bar, and a few single packs of condoms.  She then searched under Lacey’s pillows.

No Dakota there.

There was also no Dakota under her bed, under the covers, or in Lacey’s dirty clothes hamper.  Emily parked her wide rump on Lacey’s bed feeling a little defeated.  Maybe Lacey was wearing him under the granny panties? Or maybe she just turned him into the granny panties and the pink thong was some kind of red herring? That’d be disappointing.  If she wasn’t going to get to wear Dakota as a thong, she at least would have wanted some other girl to do it.  Plus, he wouldn’t even want to be granny panties probably!

‘Maybe the thong was a gift to mom’ Emily thought, gagging.  She stood up, ready to leave when she spotted her own reflection in Lacey’s full body mirror.

And next to the mirror was Lacey’s dresser.

“Oh god…” Emily said out loud, rubbing the knobs of the dresser’s top drawer, “Could she really have…..put him…here?”

Emily pulled open the drawer and peered inside. Amongst an ocean of muted, boring underwear and bras was the most adorable thing she’d ever seen.

“Awwwww…” Emily crooned, lowering her face to see into Lacey’s underwear drawer closer.  It was a cute thong, bright pink with an adorable little white bow on the front of it.

“...Big strong Dakota cuddled up in his busty girlfriend’s bra cup.”

It really was an adorable sight.  To think that the guy Emily had crushed on for the better part of the last decade..constantly seeking his attention and approval, merging her first name and his last name on the inside cover of her school notebooks…was here in Lacey’s panty drawer.  He was a helpless collection of super thin strings stitched together for one exciting and thrilling purpose.  He laid there waiting for it, bundled up into a tiny little pink ball that fit effortlessly into a cup meant to support just one of Lacey’s big boobs.  He was so small and the cup so big that Emily giggled at the thought of Lacey simply filling the bra with her huge tits while Dakota occupied the cup.

“Are you cozy in there, Dakota?” Emily asked sweetly, resting her chin on the edge of the dresser.  “It looks like you are, but you’re probably super sad that your girlfriend left you all alone in the dark.”

Emily wore an over-emphasized pout and then switched to an obnoxiously exaggerated epiphany.

“Oooo!” Emily said. “Instead of you staying in there all alone in Lacey’s boring white bra…how about..”

Emily reached two thick fingers into the drawer, shifting aside the tiny purple bottle of her sister’s moisturizing cream.

“...you spend a little time…”

Emily closed her fingertips around one of the thin pink strings. She almost felt the string tremble as she squeezed it.

“...with me.”

The moment was beyond surreal as Emily lifted the motionless pink thong out of her sister’s underwear drawer.  She caught a glimpse of herself in the full body mirror holding the thong.  If only the younger version of her could see this…literally holding the object of her desires between two of her fingers: sexy clothing that would look good on her AND her sister’s boyfriend!  She’d never felt more powerful.  She’d never felt more sexy.  Her eyes naturally drifted down the mirror to her waist.  The tiny orange drawstrings of her shorts made her waist look even wider.  Emily turned her waist away from the mirror and her ass cheeks jutted out from her hips to such a large extent that it almost looked comical.

‘Probably terrifying for him.’ Emily thought with pride. Emily wondered how much of this he could feel.  Probably a lot.  She’d read in a magazine one day while getting a pedicure that people who jump experience all the same sensations that they would in their normal bodies.

“I know you’re used to little tiny waists and little tiny bootys…” Emily purred to the thong in her clutches as she unfolded it to get a better look.

The bow was adorable, and she already knew this thong was going to look great on her; much better than it would look petite Lacey.  The thong probably wouldn’t even be tight enough to stay up on her boney hips!

“And….oh god! Hahaha” Emily interrupted herself to throw her head back and literally laugh out loud as she inspected the tag on the thong.

It was a “small” size.

“...okay nevermind…maybe this WOULD fit her boney hips…”

She looked down at Dakota with an almost sympathetic expression, but her tone suggested that she’d already made up her mind about what was going to happen next. Emily was far too selfish and drunk with power and lust to consider the possibility that he couldn’t.  Any real-world consequences of wearing her sister’s longtime boyfriend as a thong were the farthest things from the thick brunette’s mind.

“There is like…no way that you’re built for a booty this big.” Emily giggled, twisting the thong to look in the mirror as the 18-year old bounced on her heels to accentuate all the glorious jiggle packed into her cheeks.

“...but…” Emily continued, “...you’re just going to have to try your best.  Because guess what?”

The thong smelled clean, even pressed right up against her nose.

It wouldn’t stay that way for long.

A huge smile grew on Emily’s face as she shimmied her incredibly tight mesh shorts down off her wide hips, allowing them to crumble on the floor at her bare feet.  Atop the heap of orange mesh fell next a bright blue thong, temporarily relieved of the near impossible task of simultaneously concealing Emily’s womanhood while also disappearing between her dense, heavy ass cheeks.

That huge and important responsibility would fall to Dakota now.

Would he be able to handle it?

Hugging her wide hips would be the hardest part, but surely he’d learn quickly. He was about to be stretched super tight and forced into deep, dark crevices and against certain…areas…that he probably never imagined he would. But he would figure it all out for sure.  Dakota was as smart as he was handsome, and Emily’s wildest dreams were coming true.

“...you’re all mine now...” Emily purred as she lowered Dakota to her bare waist.



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