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Injected 2: Jordan's Revenge

Chapter 6 - Another Injection


Adam couldn’t believe how much comfort his ex-wife’s well-worn sock was bestowing upon his psyche.  He could think back to when they’d first met.  Even when they were reckless, foolish teenagers he’d abstained from anything that had to do with Evette’s feet.  

He vividly remembered one occasion where she’d returned from a long day of walking for work and set her hot bare feet atop his lap on the couch, asking him to rub them.  He politely refused, as touching feet was not something he ever thought he’d be okay with.  And here he was now, trying to ignore the pervasive, persistent scent of Amina’s sex and focus on the earthy aroma of Evette’s foot within the world of her sock.

After Jordan had picked up the thong to which Adam held on for dear life, the last thing he saw clearly was himself and the black racey thong plummeting down into the toe section of Evette’s light and dark gray striped sock. Where Claire and Jordan put him and the sock after that, who the hell knew? It wasn’t until a few hours later that he realized he was in the living room.

Adam felt his thong and sock world shifting and shaking around him. When the light rushed in, he saw Claire’s smiling face.  Adam couldn’t have conceived of a timeline where he’d be more relieved to see the satanic dirty blonde, but now that Jordan had made clear how much she hated him, any face other than hers was probably good for him.

“Claire…” Adam whined, but she couldn't hear him.  No one could hear him at this diminutive size.

She was holding a syringe.  A god-awful syringe.  Why was she doing this to him? Was she literally the devil incarnate? No human could be this sadistic.  No cute 20-something girl could be this life-changing and devastating.

“Please, Claire.  You don’t have to.”

She didn’t respond…why would she?  Even if she could hear him she wouldn’t care. Or she would just laugh at him like she always fucking did. Instead, she unscrewed the top of the syringe and deposited him into the chamber and reattached the lid.  For the first time since Jordan had spit on him…no…since he’d been wedged firmly between Jordan’s big, heavy sweaty ass cheeks…no…since Jordan had given him that ice-cold bath after being covered in her ass sweat…he was once again surrounded by liquid.  As much as he hated to admit it, he had grown accustomed to it…to breathing in the fluid. He had grown accustomed to…god forbid he even admit to himself…eating.

Adam had no control over what was going to happen. He knew that the girls wanted him in Amina’s breast so that was where he was going. End of story.  The only thing that could have saved him in this moment was if they were sloppy enough to actually alert them that he was there in that syringe.

‘It wasn’t impossible…’ Adam thought optimistically.  He was about 1 cm tall now. He thought back to when Evette peered into his syringe right before he was injected into her breast.  She saw nothing…but if Amina were to do that now, she’d most certainly see him, even if she only registered him as a strange floater.  At least a strange floater could potentially lead to a question or two!

“Don’t forget.” Claire said quietly, looking up periodically to make sure that no one was coming into the kitchen.

“...since you’re like way bigger than the last time I injected you, I have to use a way bigger needle on Amina.  Even so, I’m still trying to use as small a needle as possible otherwise she won’t be okay with the pain.  That means the inconvenience is falling on you.  I”m using a #13 gauge needle, and even that is way bigger than I should be using.  Its inner diameter is 0.1803cm and your width is around 0.25cm.  That means the needle stem’s inner tubing that will lead you to your 6-month home is like 75% of your width.  I’m not gonna lie to you and I’m not gonna sugarcoat it: It’s going to be a TIGHT, TIGHT fit.  You really, REALLY need to hug your shoulders tight and cross your legs.  It's super important that you’re able to squeeze in through that more narrow stem.  If you don’t…well…my big scary thumb on the plunger is going to force you into Amina’s tit one way or another…whether it's all in one unaffected piece, one smooshed piece, or multiple pieces.  It’s gonna be a SUPER tight fit through the stem of the needle.  If you don’t do it…LISTEN TO ME!.”

Adam was shocked back to reality by the urgency in Claire’s voice.

“If you don’t do everything you can to decrease your diameter, you will NOT make it through alive.”

Adam’s lower lip quivered as he solemnly nodded his head up and down.

“I’ve never injected a dead boy into a titty before, and I don’t plan on starting now.”

He was so nervous and didn’t want to do this, but apparently Jordan was not going to cave.  He needed to pay his dues…but the worst part of it all was that she was just flat-out wrong.  He tried his best to correct her, but there just wasn’t an opportunity and she just wouldn’t listen.  And now he was going to basically be punished for the adulterous crimes that Evette had committed.  He reflected on the feelings he’d felt when being dropped into her sock.

Sure it was utterly humiliating to be trapped in the well-worn sock of your daughter…and being surrounded by the pronounced odor of Claire’s feet was certainly no better, but something about Amina’s sock…it even smelled pleasant to him! So why did it feel like his cock wanted to crawl up inside of his body? Why did it make him light-headed and afraid?  

What was it about being subjected to the ghost of Amina’s foot?  The scariest part about what was happening was he had no idea what it would be like after he started Jordan’s punishment.  He had gotten used to Evette’s tit over 4 years…but if he had that kind of a reaction to a pink cotton sock’s memory of Amina’s dainty foot, how the fuck was he going to handle being fully submerged and buried in her mammary tissue?

Adam watched gratefully as Jordan lifted Amina’s skimpy black thong and took it along with Evette’s sanctuary of a sock to the laundry room.  Claire then set the syringe that he called his temporary home atop the mantle of the fireplace.  It was a discrete location that nobody in the house looked at so Adam judged that the girls were correct in stashing him there for now.

Another hour or so went by, and Adam’s only source of entertainment was the mixture of red, blue, and green colors randomly changing their light distribution cast upon the angelic young faces of his daughter and his nightmare. They were watching TV..or a movie or something.  Adam would have liked to watch with them, but being able to even watch them was entertaining enough.  There wasn’t much entertainment where he came from…and there wouldn’t be much where he was going tonight.

‘It’s just 6 months…you did 4 fucking years…you can do 6 months..he tried psyching himself up. It was actually working up until he heard keys jingling in the front door and then mild April air rushing in through the entrance.

“Hey Mom, hey Amina.”

That was Jordan’s voice…and she was obviously talking to Evette and Amina.  Something inside Adam almost felt jealous of the fact that Evette had an experience without him.  He’d been around for so much for so long, the thought of her living her life without him deep inside her cushiony, protective tit actually upset him on some deep, animalistic level.  Adam did his best to ignore it.

“Hi girls…” Evette slurred, stumbling into the doorway as she kicked her sneakers off.  Amina followed suit, her balance seemingly even worse than her wife’s.

“Have you been good while we were gone?” Evette tried to say, but her lips were not moving as quickly as her mind apparently.  Claire and Jordan apparently picked up enough of the context to respond.

“We were good.   Did you have a good night?”

“Oh, we sure did.” Amina exclaimed, removing her sweater and exposing a breathtaking amount of cleavage.  Adam then heard wet lips smacking and knew right away that it was Amina kissing Evette.  After 4+ years, he trusted his judgment to assess these things.  He’d have bet his life on it…not an impressive bet considering what his life meant to him at this moment. 

He whimpered, his cock as soft as could be while he breathed in the aroma of Amina, who was feeling up his lovely ex-wife right there at the doorway. The only reason he felt like he could even keep going despite all the impending doom he felt within his heart was due to the scent of Evette’s feet.  Life really was full of surprises.

“Uhh…get a room maybe?” Jordan said in disapproval.

Adam was in full agreement with his daughter..but he wouldn’t dare speak to her in order to let her know…even if she did allow him the forum to do so which he suspected she never would again.

He heard more smooching from the happy married couple and more groans of disapproval from Jordan.

“I’m going to bed sweety. Are you coming?” Evette purred.

“Ya…justuh…gotta gettuhh…duhrink..” Amina stammered. She was positively smashed.

As he breathed in the scent of Amina’s strong, musky pussy, he watched through the fibers of the discarded sock his ex-wife’s lover plop down on the couch.

“Did I ever……hiccup….tell you how proud I am of you, Jordan?” Amina said, smiling.

“Yeah Amina.  At graduation.” Jordan said, grabbing Amina’s flip flops and sliding them off her feet.

“Oh whoops!” Amina jovially giggled, seeing that she’d been wearing her footwear in the house.

“Don’t tell your mother!”

Jordan actually laughed.  God, despite everything that had happened and how much she hated him, Adam loved seeing his daughter laugh. As much as he hated Amina too, the parent in him appreciated that she seemed to be taking such good care of his daughter.

Jordan positioned a pillow on the couch and Amina quickly scooted her bare feet up onto the other side of the couch and closed her eyes.

His daughter then gestured toward Claire.

This was the moment.  Amina had served it to them on a silver platter.

Adam felt his world jostling as Claire’s fingers encircled the clear enclosure imprisoning him.

It was really going to happen…and it was going to happen now.

Claire approached Jordan, who was down on the side of the couch where Amina’s bare feet were propped up on the couch’s arm.

“Do you want the honors?” Claire asked, extending the syringe out to Jordan.

Jordan’s eyes widened and a smile crept across her young face. “Uhhh….yeah?”

Adam winced as he was handed over to Jordan and he felt even more vulnerable here in his daughter’s hand than he’d ever felt before.  His stomach lurched as he soared through the air toward the soles of Amina’s feet.  They were slightly dirty, clearly having worn flip flops for the whole day.

“There’s fat in the bottoms of feet right?” Jordan said, sliding the cylindrical chamber of the syringe into the natural curl of Amina’s toes. It was such a snug fit that she could have let go and the natural curl of Amina’s chubby toes would have been enough to actually hold Adam and his syringe in place.

“Uh…that’s a great question.  There is, but we’ll test that out another day.  Let’s stick with what we know for now:  the boob.”

Jordan nodded and removed Adam from the clutches of Amina’s chubby, sleepy toes and began walking him up toward the other side of the couch.

Luckily, Amina was wearing a low-cut top showing plenty of cleavage.

Claire gently squeezed the big toe on Amina’s left foot, seeing if she would respond.  She then ran her fingernails gently up Amina’s slightly dirty sole.  Her toes curled reflexively and her foot moved a bit, but she didn’t so much as alter her slow breathing.

“You were right.  She’s like fully out.  This couldn’t have worked out better.” Claire said with a grin.  “We don’t even have to ask, we can just do it.”

The miniscule man cringed as he felt Jordan’s massive eye consuming his peripherals and all his other senses seemed to turn off in an effort to dedicate full energy to seeing.  She was looking in closely at him, and he knew he was big enough to be seen. Part of him wished he wasn’t.

Adam looked around the living room one more time.  He remembered back to when he was injected 4 years ago and how he was sure that it was the end..that it was the last time he’d see unfiltered light, hear unfiltered speech, and have unfiltered experiences.  But here he was on the outside again. As Claire gently lowered Amina’s top to expose her soft pink nipple and Jordan began moving the syringe in toward the lesbian’s breast, Adam had to tell himself that this too was temporary.  This too would pass. Nothing is forever.

Claire was gently playing with Amina’s toes..Adam assumed to distract her partially conscious mind from focusing on the syringe biting right below her nipple.  The stem was in and Adam saw that familiar pink ring of darkness beneath him.  He knew it was where he was going, and he knew there was nothing he could do to stop it…and he couldn't believe that it was his own daughter forcing him to do it…figuratively and literally.

And then…Adam’s heart leapt into his chest.  He heard footsteps on the stairs.

Everyone was here in the living room except for one person.

“Evette!” Adam thought frantically.  He swam like a helpless little fish within the chamber, reorienting himself to look toward the steps.

He didn’t know if it would be a good thing or a bad thing for him if Claire and Jordan were to be caught performing an injection on an unconscious Amina but he suspected that his injection would at the very least be postponed if not canceled all together.  And then maybe he could go home without any punishment at all!  Maybe Evette would even straighten things out and let Jordan know that it wasn’t he who cheated.

He could let her know that she was in fact injecting him into one of the cheaters! He’d be grown back and Jordan would hug him so tight his lungs would deflate..she’d have tears in her eyes as she apologized to him for the misunderstanding. She’d beg him to forgive her…and he would.  Maybe Claire would beg for forgiveness, too…and even though he’d spent years wanting to kill her, he could honestly say in his heart that he would forgive her too.  Anything to end this.

The plunger began sinking above him and forcing the surrounding fluid down through the stem.

‘Please Evette…please come down faster…catch them…you have to catch them…” Adam prayed.

Amina shifted uncomfortably in her sleep, a frown on her sleeping face but it only lasted for a moment. Jordan continued forcing her father into Amina’s left tit.  Adam was so worried about the width of the stem that he wasn’t even worried right now about what was on the other side of it.

He couldn’t focus on what the girls were whispering to each other, but their voices sounded far more urgent.  They understood like he did what was on the line right now.

Things were narrowing down significantly and Adam felt like he was in a glass chimney.  He hugged his shoulders tightly as he was instructed but still he felt his bare shoulders, back, and his chest contacting the cylindrical walls of the #14 gauge syringe.  He was incredibly claustrophobic and found himself praying to god that he would successfully make it through the syringe stem and into the breast tissue.  For a fraction of a second, he felt himself stop moving.  He was stuck!  The powerful thumb on the plunger did not rest, and nor did the mounting pressure over his head.  He felt like it was going to compress his spine into dust, but in an impressive feat of quick thinking, Adam exhaled all the sustenance from his lungs and only then did he feel the glass pressure on all sides relent just enough to continue his slide down, down, down.

Adam looked up as the lights went out, Evette was still making her way down the stairs and he realized that she probably wasn’t going to make it in time.  These cunning girls were going to win…they were probably going to get away with it just in time.

He wished he could see his beautiful daughter’s face one more time, even though she hated him.  Adam knew that even when he came back out in 6 months he wouldn’t be able to reach out to her.  He hoped that maybe she would forgive him in the next 6 months…and hey, he’d be getting out basically just in time for Christmas!  It would be the perfect time for a reconciliation…or maybe just a chance to explain his side of the story.

Hopeful thinking, unfortunately, went right out the window as he nestled into the lattice structure of the lesbian’s breast fatty tissue.  Unlike before, he was now about 100 times as large as the breast fat cells.  If Adam were regular sized, the fat cells would have about the same width and height as an Apple Airpod case.  Still,  the millions upon millions of dull amber fat cells that surrounded and hugged him, made him feel extreme intimidation.  Not just because of how many there were and how overpowered he was, but who they belonged to…and what power she had over him without even realizing it.

‘I guess that means I belong to her too…’ Adam thought miserably but tried to be optimistic, ‘...for now…’

He was starving.  THe last thing he’d had was a piece of Claire’s bread from her sandwich but he was convinced she must have defaced it in some way.  It was absolutely disgusting he had no idea how he didn’t throw up right then and there!

Still, as humiliating as it was to admit how delicious the orbular fat cells and their gel-like cytoplasm appeared, he wanted to delay it as long as possible.  He’d eaten the fat of Evette’s tit, but consuming Amina’s fat cells made him feel like the lowest thing in the world.  The last thing he wanted to be able to do was to compare the taste of both women’s tit flesh.

He was shocked out of his contemplation when he heard the voice of Evette.  It was so sweet and he missed it so much.  He hoped against hope that he’d hear concern or inquiry in Evette’s muffled feminine voice.

‘Ask them why they were around Amina!’ he squealed from within Amina’s heavy left tit.  ‘Pull Amina’s tit out and look under her nipple!’

He heard nothing of the sort.  At least as he felt his world rotate 90 degrees and the sound of two sets of feet marching up the stairs, he knew that he was at least going to be close enough to say that he was with Evette even if she had no idea he was there.  Adam heard the muffled sound of bed springs as Amina collapsed.  He had to get used to the jiggling sensation that was reverberating through the entire fatty tissue structure.  Amina’s breasts were nowhere near as large as Evette’s, but Amina’s may as well still have been his entire world.

Adam prayed that they wouldn’t start fooling around.  He knew that the day would come when he’d be privy to Amina fucking his ex-wife silly while he’s got a front row seat to it.  Like watching your favorite sports team DESTROYED while you are forced to sit in the visiting team’s dugout with everyone cheering. He couldn’t believe his luck as he heard both women gently start breathing rhythmically and slowly, Evette’s cute snoring noticeable as ever.  Still, it sounded different now that he was outside of her body

‘...and will never go back,’ he thought.  It was rather pathetic that he couldn’t tell if he was excited about it or depressed about it.

Evette’s breasts compressed against Amina’s as the two shared a sweet, passionate kiss before drifting off to sleep.  Adam cried, wishing there was a way he could track the days.

Christmas. He basically just had to make it to the Christmas season…and this would all be over.  He’d done this before…lord knows he had experience under his belt. However, something about the environment of Amina’s breast felt different. It didn’t just have to do with the humiliation of being buried in the tit fat of the woman who stole your wife…sure, that was knee-bendingly emasculating.  There was something else.  A strange sense of dread…and another feeling…that he couldn’t quite explain brewing inside of him.



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