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So here we are: two subjects and one RR intern.

I really appreciate your support and in my best attempt to retain it, I am going to work on what I think is the most important part of a Patreon: a consistent and predictable (at minimum) posting schedule.

Right now, here is what I'm tentatively thinking as far as schedule goes:

-R&R email (one back-and-forth) - biweekly, but maybe even once a week. I'm working right now on developing an email UI to really add to the immersion, as if we're actually looking at the email as opposed to just text.

-Story Updates - In the spirit of underpromising and overdelivering, I think I'll be setting a minimum chapter update of once every two weeks.  It could be more frequent; we'll see how things go as this Patreon experiment progresses.

I'll always be open to ideas on how to operate the Patreon/Discord as well as any good content ideas.  Please feel free to share them here or on the Discord which I will link again below.

Once more, thank you for your support!
