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The attached zip file contains Claire's handwritten journal entries from when she shrunk Adam. I've provided a typed version of her entries if you'd rather not have to read Claire's handwriting.

You can find the previous chapters of this story and all my others on giantessworld.com

Claire’s Journal Entries (TYPED)


Today was the day!  Everything went according to plan…like, stupidly well.  I don’t know what it is but I just have a knack for putting an idea in someone’s head and making them think they came up with it. It's honestly not even challenging. I painted my fingernails and toenails pink, put on the makeup, and went to the weird hobby place. I bought the dumb Star Wars thing and took it into the bathroom with me.  I think I scared the girl in the stall next to me when I broke it; the sound was so loud! Anyway, he fell for everything and I’m meeting up with the handsome, dreamy (and super-cheating creeper) Adam next week. It's been awhile since I got all dressed up so I’m actually looking forward to it.  That’s gotta be the silliest thing I’ve ever said, huh?  Looking forward to going to a Star Wars event!


I just tucked myself into bed and I gotta say…my heart is still racing!  Tonight was the dumb Star Wars thing with Adam and everything went great.  He picked me up in his nice car and I swear we almost got into a couple accidents from how many glances he was stealing at me. It only strengthened my resolve to shrink him. I don’t want to be misunderstood here…I don’t really care about any of them.  I don’t care about Adam or Evette or their ghetto-booty daughter.  I didn’t care about Jeong-Suk and I didn’t care about Tom.  What I care about is this experiment and getting the information I need.

All that being said, there was something way more satisfying about shrinking a cheater like Adam.  Sure, shrinking Tom was fun and I’m not gonna lie, I literally had to take a 5 minute break just now from laughing so hard…but I won’t doubt that Tom was a likable guy with his whole life ahead of him..even though I personally couldn’t stand him.  Even though I find it cute, funny, etc. that he’s now going to spend the rest of his life in his crush’s tit, I can at least recognize that a normal person would view that as tragic.

Adam is such a different story.  Evette, as dorky as she was and clearly still is, was a cool teacher and is probably a good person.  It's not like I would ever go out of my way to avenge her or anything, but seeing as I needed a big ol’ boob to inject someone into and someone to inject into said big ol’ boob…it only made sense to pick them.  Not my fault they just fell into my lap like that.  But it IS absolutely Adam’s fault he’s going to boob-jail.  Length of stay?  We’ll see!  I’m thinking about 3 months though.  According to the Regrowth Probability Function, if you update the value of Si and Sr , Adam’s regrowth percentage will take a lot longer to decay.  It's cause he is like….waaaaaay smaller than Tom so who knows?  Maybe we’ll go super long! :-)

One more funny story; this is definitely a “no one would believe me if I told them” story so I may as well tell it here.  I had just stuffed all Adam’s clothes in my bag and tucked him away in my panties.  I was up and out of my seat as people were coming in to sit down. I made good timing because god knows I wasn’t trying to sit in there and watch that god-awful movie…and then something really interesting happened.  I walked by that girl in the newer movies.  Daisy Ridley.  I only recognized her from trailers I’d see on YouTube ads but she was really pretty.  She had a great smile, a cute face, and a tight little body.

She was finishing off the last of a stack of autographs and she made eye contact with someone in her posse;  I couldn’t tell what she said but I thought she mouthed the word “salad.”  I then saw the girl Daisy had spoken to walking toward the food counter.  Before even asking for it, the girl was handed a prepared salad with a plastic lid overtop.  Instead of walking right back to Daisy, she stayed there at the counter, and then she proceeded to chat with the guy. I don’t know why; he wasn’t even good-looking.  They walked away for a moment, leaving Daisy’s salad sitting there all by itself...

I guess the opportunist in me took over because I started speed-walking over toward the counter.  I couldn’t believe it.  No one was paying attention, no one was watching.  I reached down into my panties and pulled little Adam out. He was still a little wet from the water and…well..let's face it…at this point, a bit of my excitement as well.  I looked at him, passed out and naked in my hand…his muscles were all still there but just way smaller.  I looked him over…and then I looked at the salad.  I had this urge to just…I dunno…just pop open the salad and drop him in.  I wanted to nestle him into that comfy looking bed of greens, mix it up with him in there, and I just wanted that cute Star Wars girl to eat him up!

Can you imagine how crazy that would have been?  I just imagined making sure he was nice and buried in the salad, dressing, and croutons, popping the lid shut and leaving him there.  I even spotted a big comfy chair I could sit in as I watched Daisy open her salad and dig in.  I’m not gonna lie, I may have even decided that I might watch the next Star Wars if for no other reason than to look at her body and wonder where those handful of calories went!

Obviously…and rather anticlimactically, I ultimately decided against it.  There were too many variables.  He was incredibly small so he’d likely slide down her throat whole without even being noticed but what if she felt him? What if he woke up and got her attention before she even started eating?  What if she only ate half the salad and gave the other half to one of her friends? That would have been such a waste.

I stuffed him back in my panties (down the back this time) and took him home with me.  Honestly, as hot as it would’ve been to watch that cute Star Wars girl swallow him, the idea of Adam going into Evette’s boob is just too poetic and appropriate.  As a matter of fact, I’m making quite a sacrifice here!  I really wanted to see him swallowed but I put what I wanted second.  Is this personal growth? I think it may be!

Once we got home, I administered the second, stronger shrinking dose and it worked like a charm! Little Adam got even tinier and kept on going until he was microscopic.  Okay, it's nearly 11PM now and I’m a little exhausted from laughing so hard. I’ve got a lot I have to get done tomorrow before I bring him over to Evette’s house, including refreshing my memory on Polar Coordinates :)


So Evette’s daughter Jordan is quite a bitch..but then again so am I. Tutoring her is my main excuse for being able to come over and keep an eye on things so I definitely have to keep things civil with her.  The visit went mostly to plan, although at one point Jordan grabbed the syringe without asking and dropped it into her big fat lap.  She’s not fat herself, but her thighs are, and I gotta say there was something so adorable about seeing Adam’s syringe wedged between those thighs.  It was really cute!  She’s still a bitch though.

Everything was pretty routine with the injection itself.  I suggested to Evette that she put the syringe between her boobs to warm up the liquid inside and she actually did it!  I seriously almost started laughing right there, I don’t know how I didn’t break.  I can’t imagine what it must have been like for little Adam to see those big boobs rushing in around him and entirely swallowing him up!  In retrospect, I’d bet it actually helped to mentally prepare him for the real disappearing act. Wow, look at me doing something nice for him…like I said, personal growth.

I think I’ll leave Adam for AT LEAST a month, probably longer, but I’m not going to make the same mistake I made with Tom. I’ll be going over there on a weekly basis to keep an eye on things…and if I see any suitcases or passports, I’ll be speaking up!


It's been a week since I injected Adam into Evette’s breast and not a whole lot has changed.  I thought maybe Evette might get all slutty and confident like Jeong-Suk did but she isn’t really acting any different at all.  Maybe there are other factors at play. Evette is older than Jeong-Suk and also heavier…maybe that has something to do with it.  It might also have something to do with the fact that Adam is WAAAAY smaller than Tom was.

Today was my first tutoring session with Jordan. She’s one of those girls that just bats her long, pretty eyelashes and shakes her big, jiggly butt and horny boys like Tom trip over themselves to do things for her.  Well, news flash: math doesn’t care how fat your ass is!  Credit where credit is due though, she’s actually picking things up quicker than I thought she would.

I got a chance to finally run the Nanocon functions on Adam’s Nanocon while we were eating dinner.  I forgot to do it last week after injecting Adam.  At first the syncing command wasn’t working and I couldn’t understand why, but then I realized I was trying to run commands on the wrong Nanocon. I was trying to sync with the Nanocon in Jeong-Suk’s boob.  That thing’s long gone haha! Once I actually used the correct Nanocon ID, I was able to get linked to Adam right away. According to the vitals, he was in pretty good shape.  Heart rate and blood pressure were high but normal, nourishment was good, and judging from the pressure value, he was nice and deep in Evette’s tit.  I wanted to talk to him but I’m not sure I could get away with that, although now that I think of it, I could record a message and send it to him….hmm….


Unfortunately, I couldn’t go and visit Evette during the holidays as they were having family over…and then they decided to travel for New Years to visit a friend of hers so I pretty much had no choice but to wait.  What the hell kind of name is Amina, anyway?  Ugh..whatever.

Since I couldn’t monitor Adam I decided to work on the app some more.  I was able to crack my way into the Nanocon software and code some new functions.  The one I’m most excited about is the Surge functions!  It makes use of an extra nanocapacitor on the Nanocon.  It works in three steps.  First, it collects a charge, then it starts checking for a conductive path from its electrode, through the fat cell lattice structure, and then to Adam.  At that point, it's basically checking for an electric path to Adam.

Obviously, there will be plenty of paths since the lattice structure of the fat cells will be basically hugging him super tight.  However, as they jiggle, jostle, and compress, the paths from the Nanocon probes to Adam will naturally shorten and lengthen. The Nanocon will constantly check for that connection path to be less than 0.000002 Ω about 40 times per second, but it won’t actually do anything until I give the ARM command.

Once it's armed AND it finds a path that meets the resistance minimum, the Nanocon will send a pulse of current into Adam’s body that will cause him to spasm and twitch like crazy. Once he’s twitching, I’m hoping it will inspire a reaction in Evette!  That’s all assuming that it doesn’t kill him…and also that he’s not too tiny, which as I’m thinking more and more about it, he might actually be.

Maybe I was right all along when I shrank Tom. I’m also working on a function for locating him so I don’t have to rely on the compression index to approximate his location in her breast tissue. That’s going to be A LOT of coding though, not to mention I’ll need to design an interface to actually display his location in her tit. That might take awhile.


Went over for dinner and tutoring again.  I tried the Surge functions but I’m guessing I didn’t code them right.  Either that or I wasn’t close enough to Evette’s tit.  Or Adam is just too tiny. The Nanocon returned all healthy vitals for him right after so I at least know I didn’t kill him.

It's been 2 weeks now and he’s probably having the time of his life in that big soft boob haha!  Speaking of which, I’ve noticed a slight difference in how Evette has been acting ever since before Christmas.  Obviously her little stowaway has something to do with it, but I’m not really sure exactly what.  When I came over, she was wearing makeup as well as some tighter jeans and a slightly revealing top.  Nothing too low-cut, but progress is progress!  I wonder if even just the presence of Adam in her tit is having some kind of biological effect that isn’t even concerned with explicit stimulus.

Oh, I had the funniest dream last night.  It was about Tom.  I dreamt that it was like…20 years from now and he had been in Jeong-Suk’s boob for so long that he actually became fluent in Korean.  Isn’t that hilarious?  Funny little fella. If he can hear well enough from in there, maybe he actually will.


Okay, it's been almost 2 months now and the progress just isn’t quick enough.  I’m going to extract him next week, grow him back up to the same size that Tom was, and then put him back in her boob.  He’s just too insignificant to have any measurable impact on her, it would seem. You know…I say that, but then again I did notice something interesting this week.

There was another guest that came for dinner tonight; for the first time since I’d been over there at least, someone was sitting in the always empty dining room chair.  I’m not 100% sure, but I think it was the lady that Evette and Jordan went to see for New Year’s. Would you believe that Evette was acting like the biggest flirt I’d ever seen in my life?  She was wearing a friggin spaghetti strap shirt!  Sure, she had a button-up over top of it but still…boobs all over the place.  And I DEFINITELY caught Amina, or whatever her dumb name is, stealing peeks at them. I think there’s something going on with those two.

Anyway, that’s kinda the reason why I’m pulling him out early.  It looks like something could possibly be developing between them, if it hasn’t already, and our little matchmaker needs to be just a bit bigger to have an impact on heating things up between the two of them. This will be the first extraction I’ve done.  Wish me luck!


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