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I just now realized that Chapter 3 had somehow slipped through the cracks and was never posted here! Whoops!

If you like what you've read and are a little too impatient to wait for Chapter 4, you can head over to CrankoWanko's page and read Chapter 4 right now!


Pushing His Buttons

BridgetdrkW & CrankoWanko

Chapter 3 - Getting Her Way

Eventually June felt her own face beginning to flush, and had to break the silence just so Grant wouldn’t notice. “Alright you big dork, are you gonna put me down anytime soon… Or do you have other plans for me that I should know about?”

“Oh, s-sure… Here.” Grant stammered and quickly let June slide down his body to the floor, handling her with such awkward gallantry that she nearly burst out laughing. Not that she hadn’t secretly enjoyed every second spent pressed up against him.

As her feet touched the floor, June was immensely satisfied to catch Grant trying to hide the bulge in his pants from her with almost comical urgency. Look how stiff he was down there… She had a sudden and almost irresistible urge to reach out and touch it through his pants. How would Mister Confident react to that, she wondered? Would the poor guy have a stroke? Burst into flames? Or would he finally take the hint and tear her clothes off for some long overdue, workplace inappropriate fun? One of the secret items high up on June’s bucket list was “Make Grant cum his pants at work.” She’d gotten him dangerously close more than once, but never quite sealed the deal, at least as far as she knew… Not much further down her list was “Give Grant a footjob under the table at a fancy restaurant” and “Fuck Grant silly in Vanessa’s office” as well as the much more tame “Make Grant drop something expensive by flashing him.”

But she was getting ahead of herself.

“Thanks for the help getting my stuff back Mister Tall, Dark, and Awkward.” June showed her appreciation by snaking her hand down his neck and lingering on his chest where she could feel his pecs, and he could feel her feeling his pecs.

Grant cleared his throat and adjusted his belt, “So that makes us even now, right? Prank-wise, I mean?” He tried to make his question sound casual, like it wasn’t a big deal to him either way, but June heard the worry in his voice. He was so deliciously vulnerable right now.

“Hmmm… Now that you mention it…” June made Grant obediently await her decision as she idly tapped a finger against his chest. She saw the desperation in his eyes as he mentally pleaded with her not to comment on the fact that he was so clearly rock-hard for her right now. Mercy, I beg you! is what that look on his face said, even as he clearly yearned for so much more. June adored that look. June lived for that look, couldn’t get enough of it. After all, what was the point in having that leverage over someone like Grant if she couldn’t fluster him, now and again?

June smirked just enough to let Grant know that she knew exactly what he was thinking. Then she shrugged and turned away, careless as can be, “Alrighty. We’ll have a truce until, I dunno, lunch time? Then I get to totally demolish you with my epic vengeance prank, though.”

Not that she had any idea what that would be… Yet.

“I look forward to seeing you try, pipsqueak.” Grant’s mild boast was clearly meant to conceal his own lingering embarrassment, but still… June was far too competitive to let it go unchallenged. He needed a little reminder that she’d gotten the better of him.

June sneered, Oh, I bet you do. Then she bent down to scoop some of her stuff off the ground, feigning ignorance as her ass stuck waaay out.

As she’d hoped, Grant was at a loss for words as he stared at her from behind. June pretended not to notice the attention her obscene little display was getting, and wriggled ever so slightly back and forth just to solidify her hold over his gaze. It was so easy to capture his attention with her body… All she had to do was bend over, and he was hers. It never failed to make her chuckle.

When she finally stood, she reached back to adjust her newly formed wedgie. Grant was forced to witness as she nonchalantly pulled her shorts out of her buttcrack and then let go, snapping them right back into those wobbling depths as a final act of calculated sadism. Ha, June grinned to herself, Serves you right, smartass! Enjoy getting through the work day with that boner of yours.

Deciding she’d had enough fun (for now), June plopped onto a bench and began unlacing her presentable street sneakers, “Anyway, what brings you back to the locker room this early in the morning? Besides the best ass in the building, I mean.”

Grant tried to pretend like his eyes hadn’t been boring holes in her clothes just then, “What, a guy can’t stop by to pester his least favorite co-worker without arousing suspicion?”

June chuckled, unoffended, “Interesting choice of words.” But she could tell how badly Grant was struggling with the sexual tension. Just this once, as an act of mercy, she’d change the subject without any further lewd commentary, “But seriously, what’s up, Big G?”

And like that, everything was practically back to normal between the two of them. Just like they hadn’t been ogling and climbing all over each other mere moments ago.

Grant opened his locker with relief on his face, “Vanessa’s on my case about the uniform thing, again. Also, she wanted me to tell you your 11 AM is here.”

“Blonde chick with big boobs?”

Grant chuckled, his usual confidence quickly returning, “I think so.”

“Oh, I’m sure you only THINK so.” June laughed. She strongly suspected Grant was an ass man at heart, but what guy couldn’t resist a nice pair? She caught him sneaking not-so-subtle glances at her chest on a practically weekly basis. It was one of her favorite reasons to wear low-cut tank tops to work.

Grant cleared his throat, fighting to keep the conversation on a less suggestive course, “What’s she here for?”

“Just a routine guided session with a trainer. She’s interested in mostly cardio but wants to add in some core.”

“Sounds fun.”

“I’ll put in a good word for ya if you want. Maybe she likes tall, nerdy guys.”

“Thanks, but don’t worry about it.” Grant laughed, “I’m way more into short, loud girls.”

The flirty humor got a flattered snicker out of June. Grant was pathetically easy to fluster (easy for June, anyway) but he always bounced back from the precipice of utter humiliation with astonishing speed. She couldn’t help but admire his resilience… Even if his boyish, stubborn overconfidence occasionally stirred up her competitive side.

June lifted her legs so she could loosen one shoe with her toes, then kick it off into one of the lowest-positioned lockers. “What about you? Are you finally fixing the treadmills today, playboy?”

“Not really fixing. More like updating.” Grant replied, leafing through paperwork that Vanessa had slipped into his locker that morning. “And apparently the WAP is all out of whack so I’ll be working on that first.”

“Wap?” June asked as she pried her remaining shoe off with her toes, to reveal a mismatched set of socks: Periwinkle purple on the left, pastel green on the right. This was June—of course her socks didn’t match. “What the heck is a wap?”

“The internet, basically.” Grant clarified. “You know what the internet is, right?”

June didn’t miss a beat on this one. “Let’s see… Isn’t that the thing you use to look up pictures of big ol’ butts?” June asked, slapping her own hefty cheeks and watching smugly as Grant’s eyes widened and lingered on the ensuing ass-quake.

“Only when yours isn’t shaking around in my face.” Grant grumbled, before he was able to force his attention back to the paperwork in his hands.

June picked up the sneakers that had spent the weekend in the locker waiting for her. They weren’t nearly as pristine and well-maintained as the ones she’d worn into work that day but they had insoles so soft and well-formed for her tiny, busy feet that she could have seriously worn them standing for hours.

“Well, then I apologize for where your face ended up. Next time I’ll make sure it finds a home down south. Hey… What’s that?” June had spotted a small white box resting on the very top of the lockers, and eyed it curiously as she stuffed her colorfully clad toes into one sneaker.

Since he was the only one capable of reaching that high, Grant plucked the box off the locker, “Oh, is this not yours? It was with your stuff… Or near it anyway. The shipping label’s torn, so I couldn’t read the name. It just says Bex on the side.”

This time it was June’s turn to widen her eyes. “BeX? As in BeX Corp???” She quickly scanned the pristine box from below: the packaging was smooth and stylish, like an Apple product. And sure enough, there in one corner were three clean, bold letters that spelled out: BeX.

“Gimme!” June lunged for the box like a black-and-purple viper, but fell well short of it.

“Why, what is it?” Grant inquired, holding the box a little higher as June jumped for it a second time, arms outstretched and still only wearing one shoe. “This doesn’t belong to you at all, does it?”

“Who cares!? Gimme gimme gimme!” June made a grab for it again, as if her desire to get her way trumped any notions of ‘rightful ownership.’

Grant chuckled, pleased to once again be in a position where he could at least use his height to keep the immature short stack at bay. It felt right, like things had been put “back to normal” between them. Like he was getting even for all her over-the-top teasing, earlier. He knew from experience exactly how high she could reach, even when she jumped, so he held the box juuust above that point, taunting her by allowing her outstretched fingers to grace the object of her desire only at the very zenith of her impressive leaps. He enjoyed the sight of her bouncing uselessly up and down for several reasons, so he let her struggle a bit.

On her fourth leap, June nearly landed on top of Grant, and he swayed as her soft yet light figure bounced off his comparatively firm torso. When it looked like she was getting ready to climb him again, this time with a running start, Grant chided, “Ah ah ah! Don’t even think about it, you little hell-monkey. You don’t get to use me as your personal step stool more than once a day.”

Indignation colored June’s face, “Since when is that a rule!?”

“Since right now.”

June landed on her feet (one shoe and one sock) with a huff, “You’re such a scumbag! Just give it over, you don’t even know what’s in it!”

“No, but I bet you don’t know either.”

“Yes I do!”

Grant raised a doubtful eyebrow.

Poorly planned or not, the speed with which her bluff had been called made June puff out her cheeks in pouty frustration, “Fine, I don’t, whatever. But I still want it, like, way more than you do! You don’t even know what BeX is!!! How come you get to keep it?”

Grant lowered the box within June’s reach just so he could taunt her, “Well, they say possession is nine-tenths of the law, and since I’m the one still holding the—hey!”

June didn’t even give Grant the satisfaction of finishing his quip before she made yet another inelegant grab for the package. But he was one step ahead of her, and with a precise motion that had been perfected over years of playing Keep-Away with his younger sisters, he flipped it into his other hand, leaving June pointlessly gripping his now empty hand and wrist. She hadn’t even come close to getting it from him!

“Wow, reflexes of a glacier.” But Grant’s triumphant chuckle evaporated as June’s grip tightened around his wrist. She wasn’t after the box at all… She was after him.

Grant gently retracted his arm, but June held on with all her diminutive might, refusing to let him pull away. Grant frowned in bemused disbelief at the small woman’s attempt at strength. “You know you’re not going to be able to wrestle me for it in a billion years, right?”

“I know. But I won’t have to.”

Grant snorted, completely unintimidated, “Oh yeah? Is that so?”

A calculated, almost predatory look had come over June’s face. “Yeah. See, you’re going to let me have it. Because I’m so warm and soft.

“And just what the heck is that supposed to… Er…” Grant’s doubt vaporized the moment June lifted the hem of her shirt up her soft stomach and dropped one huge breast free with a deliciously heavy bounce. It wasn’t the cleverest comeback, but it didn’t matter: Grant had never seen her topless before, and it struck him like a visual lightning bolt.

June had only intended to lower Grant’s guard enough to pull him closer and snatch the box away before he realized. But when she gave his arm another experimental tug, she found that he’d become rigidly transfixed, as if the sight of her humongous boob had frozen him completely stiff (and yes she saw the irony in that). Rather than making him more suggestible, now she couldn’t physically manipulate him at all.

For one frustrating moment June thought her plan had worked too well, but then she realized: If she couldn’t bring him down to her, then she’d just have to get closer to him!

When Grant began to recover from his momentary paralysis, he found June carefully lining herself up with his open palm. He mumbled his confusion, “Wha… What’re you???”

She answered by coming forward and eagerly planting her exposed chest right into his outstretched hand, giving him no choice but to feel the full, cushiony weight of her flesh against his fingers. She’d never had his hands on her like this before, and she shivered at the delightful skin-on-skin contact… But the effect on him was infinitely more pronounced.

If the sight of her chest had caused him to freeze, then the feel of it caused him to melt. June was treated to the delightful sight of watching the willpower drain from Grant’s body, as his cautiously tense muscles relaxed and loosened all over. It was like she’d forced the poor guy’s brain to reboot just by letting him touch her. He staggered backward in shock, and June followed, cornering him against the lockers with her semi-naked body. Of course, if he actually wanted to he could have effortlessly withdrawn his hand, easily pushed her aside, and escaped… But he didn’t. His own desires had him trapped better than any manacles.

More than happy to leave him completely overwhelmed by the sensation of her body, June let her shirt fall like a closing door, sealing Grant’s fingers inside her top with only the ample cushion of her tit-flesh for company. Even when she released his wrist, his hand stayed dutifully clamped over her breast.

“See?” June couldn’t have looked any more smug if she’d practiced in a mirror. “Warm and soft. Just like I said.” June coyly adjusted her grip, placing her hands over Grant’s fingers and pressing, compelling him to squeeze her ever harder. Her soft, supple flesh displaced against him, swelling up around the gaps in his fingers like a pale, peachy tide rising above wooden planks of a dock.

“Why are you like this?” The question was one part disbelief, nine parts inability to believe his own luck. He could barely even speak: his capacity for resistance or confidence was steadily sapped away as his tiny rival used him to cup and fondle her own breast.

June’s response was merciless: She leaned into him, grinding her soft nipple into his palm with unrelenting force while she cooed with a sneering grin, “Why am I like what?”

Grant flinched and emitted a shaky little breath through his nose, as if his brain couldn’t even keep his lungs working properly. He was staring at the contours his fingers made against her flesh beneath her shirt like they were the winning lottery numbers… June wondered if he’d trade what was in his hands right now for such a ticket. Probably not.

Because she found the totality of her control over Grant’s attention intoxicating, June gently guided his hand down until her nipple was fitted neatly between his thumb and finger, and smiled when he reflexively gave it an exploratory little pinch without further prompting. She hoped he’d do it again, so she began rubbing at his hand, forcing him to knead her up and down. She felt the hard bulge under Grant’s pants stirring, and settled one huge thigh neatly between his legs just so she could be closer to it. Maybe today would be the day she’d get to cross an item off her bucket list after all…

While June toyed with him, Grant could barely even remain upright for all the endorphins flooding his mind and turning his thoughts into useless, horny mush. Every brain cell available was frantically racing to catalog and archive the exact feeling of June’s skin against his palm for future recollection. No other sensation in his entire body mattered as much as the sensation of her nipple gently squishing between his fingers. He could have been engulfed in flame at that very moment and he wouldn’t have known or cared, as long as she remained pressed up against him like this. Shivers coursed up and down his spine like electrical pulses in telephone wire. Some vague, distant part of his mind realized he was groping her un-pierced nipple, since his fingers came together without the resistance of hard metal. He wondered what it would feel like to tweak and tug that hard little shape against her skin, wondered if she’d giggle or moan as he did it… He could hear her murmuring faint sounds of approval each time he rolled her pink nub between his fingers, and suddenly it seemed very important to his brain that he continue whatever he was doing to get those delightful noises out of her. So he did.

June watched with pure glee as Grant’s expression became a complex canvas of rapture and reserve both competing for the limited space in his head. It was adorable how easily she’d hypnotized him. By now his hand was kneading into her voluminous tit without further encouragement, in a way that was greatly pleasing for her as well. June grinned to herself; The student has become the master.

Now was the moment to close the jaws of her trap.

While Grant was busy, one of June’s hands floated away and slithered up his other arm towards the coveted box, careful to keep his attention firmly planted on her big round chest. With perfectly feigned innocence, she flicked her eyes suggestively towards her un-squeezed, pierced boob, and purred, “I think you’d better use both hands… Don’t you?”

But when she tried to covertly free up his other hand by relieving him of the package, rather than sliding it into her grasp like she wanted, she accidentally knocked it backwards into the locker behind him. Shoot!

Worse yet, her clumsy mistake had nearly woken him up from the horny, suggestible stupor. His boyish expression of sensory and fantasy overload was slowly being replaced by the intelligent part of him that could actually think straight. Soon he’d be able to make independent decisions contradictory to her will. Double shoot!

Almost as annoyingly, the hand up her shirt was actually loosening its grip on her breast as well, threatening to put an end to the oh-so-enjoyable squeezing.

She’d moved too fast. Flown too close to the sun.

But while Icarus only had the one set of wings, June had many more assets at her disposal. She’d just have to try a different tact, something more drastic, if she wanted to salvage her scheme before Grant got wise…

Without hesitation, June unbuckled Grant’s belt and reached in, shattering his budding concentration like glass under a sledgehammer. She’d never done anything quite like this before. She was already wrist-deep into his pants when his free hand shot down like a cannon and caught her forearm, “Wh-whoa, June, wait a sec!”

He was easily strong enough to force the shorter girl’s hand out of his pants. He could do whatever he wanted with her physically… But he held her back with only minimal force, as if he didn’t really intend on stopping her at all. His grip on her tit was ten times firmer. And June was delighted: Rather than releasing her breast, he’d used the hand that once held the BeX package without even realizing he no longer had it in his possession. If she stood on her tiptoes now she might even be able to grab it before he noticed… But she had to wonder: Was she crossing a line here, by manipulating him like this? Was she taking things to a new level from which her and Grant’s relationship could never return? Should she give up the box for now, and spare him some frustration?


“Okay, big guy.” June looked up at him with a masterfully crafted expression of innocence, “I’ll wait, just like this.” Grant had succeeded in keeping her hand from slipping any further down his pants, but he couldn’t prevent her fingers from exploring the length of his hardened member through the thin fabric of his boxers. Nor could he prevent her from giving it a provocative little nudge with her finger.

June watched smugly as her gentle poke caused Grant to shiver all over. She did it again, just to savor his involuntary reaction. Grant’s focus was already crumbling like wet cardboard under a bulldozer. She couldn’t believe just her little finger had so much power over him!

June hadn’t planned on frustrating Grant any worse than she already had by giving him a taste of second base, but she also hadn’t expected to knock the box from his hands in the wrong direction, and this was the best method she could come up with to keep him distracted until she could reach it. If he had to go through some additional sexual torment in order for her to get what she wanted, well, so be it.

Plus, she was finding it increasingly difficult to give up her control over him. She gave Grant’s cock a playful, full-fingered, and totally pointless squeeze through his underwear, and smirked at the incredibly undignified grunt that came out of his mouth as his fingers gripped her nipple with a strength that was almost (but not quite) painful.

A hint of mischief twinkled in June’s eye, “If you want me to stop, Granty, all you have to do is say so… Is that what you want?”

No, as a matter of fact, Grant did not want that at all. But he was having extreme trouble articulating his thoughts at the moment. June had already moved on to kneading his shaft slowly between her small encircling fingers as she teased him further, “Because it seems like what our big, stiff, throbbing friend here wants…” Squeeze-squeeze! “... is for me to keep going.”

“Yes…” Grant breathed, wishing he’d had the restraint to say no. Faint warning bells in the back of his head were going off—June is up to something! Wake up!—but he simply did not have the energy to care at that moment. All the blood had long ago evacuated his brain like office workers from a fire alarm. His ability to reason and think critically were ruined, enslaved to his body’s biological priorities as June’s soft thumb rubbed a small, slow circle over the head of his throbbing penis.

June grinned like a succubus as Grant gave in to her, totally and utterly, “Alright then, since I have your permission, I guess all I have to do is reach out and…” A slack-jawed Grant followed June’s gaze further up, where her other hand had just finished snatching the box from the locker behind his head, “...Yoink!”

“H-Hey!” Grant emerged from his stupefied daze far too late to stop her.

Although she’d already gotten everything she wanted, June still wriggled seductively against him one last time, giving his erection a final victory squeeze before she skipped merrily out of his reach with a smile,“God, could you make it any easier for me?”

Grant’s gaze flickered between the box and June’s bouncing body, shock giving way to annoyance that he’d let both things slip out of his grasp in a matter of seconds. Adding insult to injury, his pants chose that moment to fall down around his ankles.

As Grant stood there in his stiffly bulging boxers, he still couldn’t decide whether everything she’d done had been to mock him, or for her own pleasure, or both. He couldn’t keep the tinge of disappointment out of his voice, “What… What was that?”

June sneered right back with all the smugness she could muster, “Uh, it’s called a distraction, genius. Ever heard of it?”

Grant stared back, defeated, his penis twitching unhappily under his boxers as the frustration of her deceit sank in. He’d never been good at withstanding June’s provocations, but did she always have to be so damn obnoxious about it?

When she saw the mixed look of desire and annoyance on Grant’s face, June decided to poke the bear. She took a bold step into his personal space, and rubbed the expensive looking box against her chest while she gloated, “What’s the matter, you big perv? Do I have something you waaant? Big strong guy like you, maybe you can wrestle me for it…” She deliberately made the invitation as obvious, suggestive, and infuriating as possible.

Grant took a deep breath, entertaining the thought. It would be so satisfying to wipe that smug little grin off her face… But how would it look if Vanessa walked in and saw him, stripped down to his boxers, grappling with his young attractive coworker? Like a visit to HR at best, and looking for a new job at worst. June held all the cards, and she knew it.

“You did all that just for the stupid box?” This time Grant sounded almost hurt. June had never taken things this far in their rivalry before.

June’s derisive sneer softened a fraction, “Well, not just for the box… Also because it was really, really fun.” June gave a coy wink, “We should do it again sometime.”

But right now, it was too late for Grant to do anything but admit defeat, ignore the unsatisfied ache in his balls, and salvage whatever scraps of dignity he could before his cheeks turned any redder.

Grant nearly tripped trying to get his pants around his ankles, but did his best to sound resolute, “Fine, keep it, you little thief! I wash my hands of the whole business. Consider this your out-of-season birthday present. Christmas present, too! Now if you’ll excuse me, some of us still have to get dressed for work.”

June flashed one final and extra-extra-smug smirk at Grant, as if daring him to deny that he wasn’t totally going to be remembering every millisecond of their interaction later, alone, in private. “Uh huh. Well you have fun with that.”

Once she’d gloated to her satisfaction, June wasted no time in tearing into the box like a weasel going through tissue paper. “Holy moly!” she exclaimed as she unearthed a metallic object encased in protective wrapping and just waiting to be removed. And along with it, an instructional booklet.

Never caring for instructions, June tossed the booklet, small and intimidatingly thick just like her, out of her way so she could get to the good stuff. “I seriously can’t believe you’ve never heard of BeX Corp.” June said as she started prying the expensive-looking object out of its protective packaging. “You’re supposed to be this tech-y guy, right?”

“I dunno. I don’t follow all the companies, just the big ones.” Grant said, unbuttoning his polo shirt. He’d pulled it halfway off before he realized June was staring at his torso and smirking, “Uh, I’m changing… Do you mind?”

“Nope!” June shook her head, causing her hair to bounce. “Go right ahead.”

Grant sighed, “Now who’s the perv?”

“Hey, you saw me shirtless a minute ago, it’s only fair.”

Grant looked away to hide his blush, “Just turn around you tiny weirdo.”

With one last unapologetic glance up and down Grant’s body, June spun around and faced the other way, finally wriggling her lavender sock clad foot into her other shoe before turning her attention back to the box’s contents. “Well, for your information, BeX is super big… And they make all the coolest stuff.”

June hastily tossed the remaining shreds of wrapping away like an excited child on Christmas morning, but made sure to handle the newly uncovered, enigmatic device with uncharacteristic caution and the utmost care. Usually “reckless” was her M.O., but not today.

At a glance, the handheld device could have easily passed as an unusually sleek universal television remote, but June could already tell from its weight alone that she was holding something far more complex—far more powerful. It was unlike anything she had ever seen.

The device's contours were adorned with smooth, polished edges, and it felt substantial in her hands–far heavier than anything made of the cheap plastic you’d get at a regular appliance store. She ran a fingernail—barely decorated with chipped aqua blue nail polish—along the material. The device was made of metal, not plastic, and yet it didn’t have that characteristically cold feel. It was warm.

She could sense the power within it… and now it was hers.


If you like what you've read and are a little too impatient to wait for Chapter 4, you can head over to CrankoWanko's page and read Chapter 4 right now!



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