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Reduction & Relocation: Nina Beckett

Chapter 2 - Deeper into RR Labs

[January 27th, 2010]

David looked up toward the sound of the open door and saw a woman dressed in a white lab coat; she appeared younger than him but not by much.  From what he’d seen so far, RR Labs was all about the tapping into the younger generations.  Probably a good thing for David, considering he was also part of that younger generation. 

“Yes, that’s me.” David said.  The pretty young woman’s knowing expression reminded David that he was the only male in the room.  Of course he was ‘David’.  Who else would be?  She mercifully grinned at David’s expression of playful self-deprecation. 

“My name’s Rose Torres. Welcome to RR Labs!”

Soft waves of lustrous black hair hung just above her shoulders, framing flawlessly smooth cheeks rounded out in a delightfully plump contour.  Just enough to be adorable. Her curls animated with subtle bounce as she shook David’s hand.  

Please come with me.  We’ll have to take your vitals.”

“Sure…” David said, a little confused.  Why was she taking his vitals? “I’m…umm..here for the follow-up job interview.” Rose looked down at the pale blue manilla folder and then she looked back up. Rose’s almond-shaped eyes of deep, dark chocolate sparkled behind long, dark eyelashes and the quiet wrinkles in the corners of her eyes suggested to David that she smiled often. 

She was smiling right now, and it was oh so very infectious.

“Oh, that’s exciting!”

“Yeah…I’m just a little nervous if I’m being honest though,” David chuckled, “...but don’t tell anyone.”

“Oh, don’t worry. Your secret’s perfectly safe with me.”

A few doors lined either side of the hallway and a giant door loomed at the end.  Before getting close enough to see the various bold-text messages overtop, Rose led David into one of the exam rooms. 

David followed 2 steps behind Rose.  She was taller than most of the other women of RR Labs, which he’d come to notice was not an incredibly high bar to clear. She was also rather slender in the hips and thighs, as much as he could tell when her paper-thin lab coat fluttered against the positive pressure as she opened the exam room door. She wore a pair of tight gray slacks that hugged her thighs just tight enough for David to notice the minor stretching at the stitching points running down the sides.  Her ass jutted out from her frame, and the snug fit of the thin gray material created a delectable dip between her glutes.  David would have welcomed a longer look but he accepted that, as the white lab coat resumed its ancillary role of concealment, it might be the last time he got to see that impressive ass.

Rose took David’s blood pressure, recorded his height and weight, and even tested his reflexes. 

“Everything looks normal here. Five feet, 11-3/4 inches tall. 185 pounds. Reflexes look great.”

David smiled. “I usually just round up to 6 feet.” 

“Oh, I’ve got some strict standards on rounding.” Rose laughed.  “Get to five feet, 11-31/32 of an inch and we’ll talk.”  Her playful expression hardened into a professional concern.  “But now it’s time for the part that nobody likes though.”

David took a deep breath, puffing out his chest a bit.  “Oh, it’s okay.  I don’t mind needles.”

“We’ve been getting a lot of training on needle use lately.” Rose removed an individually wrapped needle from a plastic container.  “Dr. Bexley thinks that some of our future research is going to strongly involve administering injections.”

“I’m sure she’s always thinking super far ahead.” David said.

David did his best to conceal any hint of a wince as Rose expertly pricked him with the needle.  A single droplet of blood seeped out of the prick-zone and before it could drip, she absorbed it with a small square of cotton.  

“Oh wow, AB negative.” Rose commented as she read aloud the monitor printout from the readout of the instantaneous blood type identifying equipment.

“Is that good or bad?”

“Neither.  Just incredibly rare.” Rose wrote the results in David’s file.  “You may be the first AB-neg to come through RR Labs.”

“So how long have you been with RR Labs?”

“This is my first month.” Rose replied.

“Oh, how cool,” David said. “So you went through all these interviews too then, huh?”

For just a moment, Rose’s head tilted as if she were confused. The expression was replaced by raised eyebrows and a partially agape mouth…and then the corners of her lips rose into another one of her trademark, heart-melting smiles.  

“Oh, yes…the interviews!” Rose replied with a dismissive eye roll and exaggerated scoff.  “There were just…umm…so many of them!”

David chuckled, “Oh really?  How many did you do?”

“How many did I do? Oh gee…..” David watched her lashes flutter as her eyes darted up to the ceiling, her pillowy lower lip denting under the pressure of a tapping fingertip.  “You know…I don’t even remember, actually. There were a few for sure.”

“For me, it was only two,” David said. “Well, THIS is number 2 now.”

“Just the two interviews?” Rose asked.

“In-person, yes.  I’ve actually had like several phone calls with Dr. Bexley.  And a few emails back and forth.”

“Oh, okay!” Rose replied, nodding attentively.  “Tell me more about you!

David smiled.  It was as if she had no interest in talking about herself at all with David, opting at every turn to steer the conversation back to him.  As David spoke, Rose removed from her pocket a small orange tube of hand lotion and rubbed a pea-sized portion evenly into her palms and fingers.

“Yeah, they said it was the final pre-RT screening.  Honestly, if it's just between you and me…I think my chances look good considering my background in radiology.” 

“Oh, is that right?  How wonderful.” She smiled again, but this time it was more of a smirk.  As if she knew something he didn’t.  What was hiding behind those sparkling brown eyes? Was she going to go back to Dr. Walker or Dr. Bexley and tell them that he was full of himself?  Or maybe the position had already been awarded to someone else and this was all just a formality? 

David squinted his eyes.  ‘Ugh…that sounded way too cocky..sorry.’

“I mean…it’s not cocky if you can back it up, right?” Rose’s tone had departed briefly from her characteristically professional and friendly demeanor to something more sly and cunningly tense.

“Oh..I’m no expert or anything,” David backtracked.  “I just think I’d be a good fit here..and I’m really eager to learn. Plus, I got along really well with Dr. Bexley.”

Her chipper smile returned, and David felt the muscles in his body relaxing, not even realizing that he’d flexed everything.  

“Oh, that’s awesome.  She’s great.”

David smiled back, “Yeah, maybe we’ll be co-workers. Who knows?”

Rose giggled and their attention was pulled from each other to the opening door of the exam room.  He recognized the woman entering to be none other than Dr. Alexandria Bexley.

“Oh hi, Dr. Bexley.” Rose said.

Job interviews were always awkward and uncomfortable so David fully expected to experience some discomfort here at RR Labs today but he was grateful that there would at least be a familiar, friendly face…and friendly Dr. Bexley’s face was!

Light freckling provided a subtle accent to her cherubic cheeks and the warmth of her smile could have melted glaciers.  She couldn’t have been any taller than 5’-3” and David wouldn’t have been surprised in the slightest if he learned that she was the smallest person at RR Labs. Despite her short size, her breasts were distractingly large.  During his first interview with her, she had worn a vivid purple blouse. As if her eye-popping display of cleavage wasn’t distracting enough, she’d decorated her plunging neckline with a low-hanging necklace.  At the end of the delicate chain was a locket that somehow defied being swallowed by the beautiful raven-haired doctor’s breasts. 

This time, perhaps in a gesture of mercy to his weak male mind, the raven-haired beauty had opted for a professional white lab coat this time.  As concealing as it was, her breasts refused to go unnoticed, bulging out the material of the thick white cotton.

They had established some rapport since his last pre-RT screening was conducted by her.  

“Hello, Rose!” Dr. Bexley said before turning her head.  When her green eyes aligned with David, he felt his heart skip a beat. 

“Good morning, David.” Dr. Bexley said with a huge smile. Her pristine white teeth possessed a gentle, endearing asymmetry, which only added a touch of charm and delightfully adorable quirkiness to her appearance.

“Hi, Dr. Bexley. How are you today?”

“I’m well.  Early morning moving right along into a very busy day.  Did you bring the CD?”

“I sure did!” David said, smiling happily. He was so excited that she remembered their discussion about Modest Mouse during his first interview.

“Here ya go. It’s called ‘This is a Long Drive for Someone with Nothing to Think About’. Dramamine is the first track.”

Dr. Bexley playfully fluttered her fingers, painted a deep, galaxy purple as she accepted the jewel-case of the CD.  “Well, that sure is a mouth full!” 

“Yeah, it was their debut studio album.  Some of the other songs are okay but Dramamine really stands out.” David said.

“I can’t wait to listen.” Dr. Bexley said, tucking the jewel-case into her lab coat pocket and then looking over at Rose. “How were vitals?”

“Tip-top shape. He’s ready.”

“What am I ready for?” David asked with a grin.  

“For the last pre-RT screening, of course!”

Rose and Dr. Bexley guided David out of the exam room and toward the big metal door he’d looked at earlier.

He was close enough now that he could see the sign over top.  It read:


The door he was reading unlatched with enough force to send vibrations up through his lucky dress shoes and then slowly swung open.

On the other side was a stunning young woman who seemed in her own world.  Her eyes were fixated on a clipboard in her hands.


David didn’t understand what ‘Pre-RT’ meant, but no sooner after the sounds had escaped Dr. Bexley’s lips did the gorgeous blonde’s eyes rise from her clipboard.  

“Oh! Sorry, Dr. Bexley.” She pulled the heavy door shut behind her…much quicker than she’d opened it. She turned her attention back to David. 

Her beautiful brown eyes scanned quickly, zeroing in on David.

‘Wow..she’s gorgeous.’ David thought as his heartbeat quickened. ‘Why is every girl here so knee-buckling hot?’

“You must be David Dennison, right?” the blonde woman asked.

“Yeah, that’s me.” 

Reflections of the overhead light danced along the curved surface of her glossy pink lips as she smiled, and that smile could have melted an iceberg David’s confusion and surprise seemed to entertain her. 

She extended a hand toward him. “My name’s Brandi.  It’s very nice to meet you in person!”

Brandi stood before him several inches shorter, clad in a pristine white lab coat that hugged her curves in all the right places.  The coat accentuated her slender waist and chest, not quite as large as Dr. Bexley’s or Dr. Walker’s but that was a considerably high bar to clear!  Her hand was smaller than his but her handshake was deceptively strong.  He could see the outline of her shoulder muscles, slight and toned, moving subtly under her lab coat likely sculpted through sports and cardio.

Beneath her lab coat, Brandi wore a form-fitting orange blouse that revealed a hint of that humble yet impressive cleavage, further obstructed by her long, braided blonde hair. 

David started to remember that he had in fact at least seen Brandi the last time he was at the lab. He’d seen a blur of her several times that day as she navigated her hectic work schedule, and each time David saw Brandi, he recalled seeing a black-haired intern, short hair and short stature not far behind. Unlike Brandi who looked happy and cheerful all the time, the trialing intern had resting bitch face, or at least she did when looking at David. She was never too many steps behind the bubbly blonde, following Brandi around like an angry little kitten.  

“Brandi is our Acclimation Therapist Assistant.” Dr. Bexley spoke with pride. “You can think of her as…a human resources representative for onboarding.  You’ll be working very closely with her over the next few days.”

The blonde’s cheery and sunny disposition showed through as she nodded her head in emphatic agreement.  “Yup!  I’ve been looking over your file and I’m very excited to onboard you!”

Don’t make it dirty in your head.  Don’t make it dirty in your head.  She doesn’t mean it the way you think she does.  She doesn’t mean it the way you think she does…

“See, I’ve got you right here!” Brandi turned her clipboard to face David and sure enough, he was looking at an exact copy of the resume he’d sent at the beginning of this whole process.  In the top left corner of the clipboard, atop his resume was clipped a small wallet-sized photo of him that was taken on his first day in the lab.  There were scribbled notes in bubbly, girly penmanship written in teal gel pen.  David didn’t get a long enough look at the page to take it all in, but he did happen to catch an arrow pointing toward his picture and at the other end of the arrow, he swore he’d seen in bubbly handwriting:

Cutie!  Should be fun!

“You think he’ll be ready within the hour, Dr. Bexley?” Brandi asked.

Dr. Bexley looked at her wrist watch. “Oh, it’s possible.  You never know with these things though.  Why, when were you looking to start with him?”

Brandi’s eyes lit up and a grin, far more devilish than professional–at least in David’s warped mind–grew on the blonde’s face.  “Oh…I’m okay to start immediately after he finishes with RT.”

Dr. Bexley laughed and nudged Rose.  “Do you see the work ethic on this one? And I guarantee she’s onboarding another as we speak.”

Dr. Bexley and Rose’s eyes wandered down Brandi’s lab coat and as Brandi jokingly agreed, it was the first time David noticed something interesting about her attire. Her bottom half was in stark conflict with the professional appearance her top half conveyed. Were those leggings? 

Over the course of his visits to RR Labs, David had seen the occasional RR Staff member wearing a pair of blue jeans, but for the most part every woman wore business casual from head to toe. But for some reason, Brandi was wearing leggings, and not just any leggings.  Those things were skin-freaking-tight!  The fabric stretched over hips that had to be wider than any other staff member he’d met so far.

“Mm-hmm!” Brandi agreed with a chipper smirk.  “I’m working with r-340 but he’s doing much better than I thought he would.  I’ll make sure that he and I are done just in time for David here.”

David didn’t see another guy there with Brandi, but then again he could have been standing right next to her and David wouldn’t have had a chance of noticing him, not with the way that Brandi was absent-mindedly running her free hand up the dangerously curvy contour of her thigh and bountiful cheek.  Who the hell was this girl?

“Anywho…I’ve gotta go talk to Rachel about the volleyball tournament next month.  You’re all still playing right?” Brandi asked.  “I know you’re playing, Dr. Bexley….but Rooooooooooose?”

Rose’s cheeks blushed as she smiled, “I can try but I told you, I’m not very good at sports!”

“Oh, come on…you don’t have to be good.  It’s just about having fun.” Brandi smiled.

David had quickly thought of an answer to not sound too eager but also say yes when asked to join them, but much to David’s disappointment, Brandi did not ask him.  Instead, she said goodbye and continued on her path to the waiting room where he’d just come from.

As she walked away, the sheer enormity of her ass was impossible to ignore. Her cheeks jutted out from her slender frame like a pair of perfectly sculpted gray globes, defying gravity as they bounced and jiggled with each confident and enthusiastic step. Her mind-boggling figure was the marriage of physical fitness and winning the genetic lottery. The fabric stretched so tight over her voluptuous curves, hugging her giant, swaying bottom tight enough to further accentuate the already pronounced division of her gray glutes. 

The rippling movement of those impressive, bountiful cheeks, perfectly mixed with fat and muscle, was hypnotic to say the least. Normally he might have been worried about his soon-to-be boss and soon-to-be coworker catching him staring but through his peripherals, he noticed they were just as enamored with Brandi’s bouncing buns as he was! 

‘It’d be hard to work here and not stare at that all day.’ David thought.

David expected Rose or Dr. Bexley to follow Brandi back through the door but instead they turned sharply to their left to face another similar door.  David swallowed his disappointment; had he known they wouldn’t be going through that door, he might have tried harder to steal a glance before Brandi so quickly pulled it shut.  

This door that they were going through had a different note atop it but he didn’t have time to read before Rose and Dr. Bexley ushered him through.

David was excited to finally get further into RR Labs.  He hadn’t gotten this deep into the laboratory last time but now that he was on the other side of the door…well…one of the doors.  

Now on the other side of it, traveling into the belly of RR Labs, David expected that he might get to see some of the advanced instrumentation.  Or maybe some of the other scientists shuffling between labs.  

Or maybe anything at all…

Instead, it was a narrow, windowless, door-less corridor.

“Where are all the labs?” 

“Oh, we’re heading to one of them now,” Dr. Bexley said. “Everything else is in a separate wing.  This is our main-line corridor to the RT room…dedicated for our VIP’s.”

“Oh, I was hoping to see the Linear Accelerator you mentioned in the first interview.” David said, keeping pace with the women.  “Or maybe some of the dosimetry equipment.”

“Sure, we can see if there’s time after,” Dr. Bexley said, her tone matching that of a dismissive mother speaking to her child. 

“The lab is a bit of a maze and this lets us get where we need to go without having a bunch of busy scientists getting in our way.  Rose can certainly attest to how absorbed in their work they can get!”

“Uh-huh…I sure can.” Rose laughed.

“It was Rose’s first day here in the lab.  One of the other interns was delivering a failed sub….”  Dr. Bexley paused for a moment. 

“...well….something we call an ‘nV Kit’ so that she could dispose of it…anyway, the intern was also playing on her phone and then…”

Dr. Bexley’s galactic purple fingernail polish disappeared in her clenched fists as she gently bumped them together. 

“And SOMEONE’S shirt was soaked through because she wasn’t wearing her lab coat.” Dr. Bexley playfully nudged Rose.

“I put it on right after changing my shirt and I haven’t taken it off since.” Rose said jokingly.

Dr. Bexley turned the corner and David stayed close like a baby duckling following its mother. They passed on their right an unlabeled door…and then another one before hooking another sharp right. They’d reached the end of  the long, boring corridor where there stood a simple, plain door with a simple placard that had only two letters. They’d reached the end of  the long, boring corridor where there stood a simple, plain door with a simple placard that had only two letters. 


“Okay, we’re here.” Dr. Bexley said.




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