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Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 20 - The Matriarchal Trinity


They kept blowing and Jaime kept shrinking.  Even Nithya now had to bend at the waist in order to direct the air from her lungs into Jaime’s face.  She’d placed her hands on her knees just as Satya did several breaths earlier, which squeezed her enormous, round breasts together and created a deepened valley of cleavage for him to feast his eyes on.  He couldn’t look away; she smiled down at him and blew again into his face.  

Jaime looked for as long as he could until the peek of Nithya’s astounding cleavage grew beyond his range of view.  He could now only admire the undersides of her orb-like breasts now as she and her sisters and cousins continued to blow.

At a new height no taller than Nithya’s knees, Jaime raised his hands to his face, trying to protect himself from the womens’ wind. 

“Please stop! What are you doing to me!? Why are you doing this!?!” Jaime stumbled backwards, but his head struck the soft thighs of one of the sisters or cousins. He felt large, soft hands gently nudge him back to the center of the towering ring of women. Someone playfully patted him on the butt and gave his cheek a pinch. And then more giggling over his head behind him as he continued to receive his lavender and spice punishment. 

The young women ignored his pleading and questions.  All 14 sisters and cousins continued the onslaught of fragrant warm breath, not letting a single exhale go to waste as they resorted to squatting down just to reach little Jaime.  The toga protecting his modesty from prying feminine eyes crumpled down around his body. It spent maybe 2 full seconds in a heap at his feet before five hands rushed in to pull it away from him, and it disappeared behind the wall of vibrant colored curves.  

Jaime watched on in abject horror, looking up at all these beautiful women in his vulnerable nude state.  He was completely naked except for that flesh-colored ring that still hugged his finger.  Somehow his constant reduction hadn’t caused the ring to fall off like the toga did.  

The reducing boy trembled as he tried to hide an erection growing against his will from the catlike eyes of the predators that surrounded him. Their jeweled chokers were now glowing brightly with an ancient, magical power and strength, dimming slightly as they drew breath and brightening with an ethereal brilliance as they blew.  

The breaths were now gusts of wind, thick with the lavender and spice, and they pushed from their expanding and deflating chests, forcing him further into the ground.  All 14 girls dropped to their hands and knees, jovially and proudly blowing as they giggled and looked at each other with bright, happy eyes.  As if they’d been keeping track of their breaths (Jaime lost count at around 2 dozen), all 14 cousins and sisters breathed their final breath of air onto Jaime’s nude body.  It was finally over. But now what?  He was the size of a toddler!

From on her hands and knees, Nithya gave Jaime a view of her cleavage that he could only have dreamed of.  But now she was standing back up…they all were.  And they towered over little Jaime

In awe at their size, they appeared to be goddesses of supreme power and judgment.  And then…for the first time since he’d woken up with his head in Priya’s lap, all 14 sisters and cousins turned their heads away from Jaime.  They all looked in one direction and then the girl started shuffling.  They made a small gap in front of Jaime.  The only woman who hadn’t participated appeared in that gap.  She was walking toward him.  

It was Gammy.  

The scornful, voluptuous older woman squatted down. Her wise eyes were intimidating enough back when Jaime could look down at her, but now she towered over him even as her wide thighs splayed in a full squat before him. Jaime instinctively and submissively lowered his gaze.   

Those thighs nearly doubled in size as they pressed against her calves, and her stomach appeared even larger as she leaned forward.  Her attire was less modest now, the material hugging her body tightly. Her knees were apart, and Jaime could follow the stress on the seams of her attire all the way up her inner thighs to her crotch.  Jaime stole one more glance at her wide, child-bearing hips before the weight of his shame pulled his eyes to the floor again. Her feet were large for her small frame. 

They appeared well taken care of but Gammy was clearly not concerned with dressing her feet up as the other girls did.  Her toenails were as nude as he was and only a single ruby-red gem-encrusted ring glimmered in the overhead light from around her second toe.  Her big, brown soles arched and pulled slightly from the sandals as she squatted and Jaime trembled, naked before the female goliath, feeling the weight of her judging eyes over every inch of his bare skin.  

He had just been looking down on all these women before, but now he was staring at their feet.  

Staring at Gammy’s feet.  

Her chubby, brown toes flexed slightly, making minor corrections as the older woman balanced herself in the full squat.  A huge finger tickled the underside of Jaime’s chin, tucking in underneath. It applied gentle yet firm upward pressure until his face pointed up at hers. All the young women watched on with big smiles, seeming to know exactly what was going to happen…which was a lot more than Jaime could say. He could see the excitement in their eyes.  It was completely silent.  His feeble gaze drifted constantly between the background of giggling, whispering girls and the unrelenting, piercing gaze of Gammy. 

And then her mouth opened. 

She began taking a deep, DEEP breath…and Jaime whimpered.

Gammy emptied her lungs in Jaime’s direction, softly blowing warm cinnamon for over 15 seconds directly into Jaime’s face. He tried pulling his face out of the fragrant gust but Gammy’s fingers responded by tightening on his chin and jaw. 

She only exhaled one long breath into Jaime’s face and then she stopped, but the feeling in Jaime’s stomach was devastating.  So much stronger than any of the other girls’ wind.  

For the first time, the squatting Gammy looked at Jaime with an expression that wasn’t entirely sneer or snide.  The tight ring of girls towering over him looked shocked and thrilled, some covering their gaping mouths with their hands as the discomfort in Jaime’s stomach reached new peaks.  Decorative jewelry dangled from their wrists as they waved to him

Satya sighed deeply, looking down at poor Jaime with a big smile, 

“Priya is so lucky.”

Jaime felt huge hands on either side of his tiny shoulders, restrictive and possessive.  Strong and feminine.  He pulled his eyes from Satya to the huge face before him.

“Let’s get you dressed…” Gammy said down to little Jaime, wearing a hint of a smile on her face.

The huge, decorative double doors to the outside court opened and the music started.  Jaime saw a white carpeted pathway flanked by two sets of seated guests. There were beautiful flowers everywhere.  Sculptures, fountains, banners.  High tables with white, intricately stitched table cloths in the distance held food, wine, and gifts.The guests looked over their shoulders to see all 14 beautiful, glamorously dressed women practically float down the aisle.  Behind all of them, and last to exit, was Gammy.  

She carried little Jaime, dressed now in a much smaller toga, against her womanly bosom.  

As Jaime pushed weakly against Gammy's massive form, his diminutive efforts proved futile against the sheer enormity of her presence. His tiny hands and bare feet sank ineffectively into the plush flesh of the added weight she carried, stretching tightly the silky Palatia suit that gently caressed Jaime’s bare skin.

Each futile push only served to bury him deeper into the warmth of her embrace, enveloping him in a cocoon of flesh that left him feeling simultaneously trapped and intoxicated by the heady scent of her perfume mingled with the musky aroma of her ample bosom.

The large woman carrying him reflexively began bouncing him in her hand, a tactic she’d surely used to calm her own children when they were as small as him. She wasn’t even acknowledging him anymore, and nor was she frowning bitterly as she had been up until he shrunk.  She was smiling at all the guests, even waiving, cradling Jaime against her soft body with just one hand.  All around Jaime were smiling, waving guests excited to be there and excited to see him. They looked so happy to see him, but no one was as happy as the woman standing at the end of the white carpeted path waiting for him.  It was Priya.  

They marched closer, Gammy’s considerable breasts jiggling and rippling against Jaime’s tiny body with each step.  As Jaime’s feeble whimpers of protest escaped his tiny lips, they were quickly neutralized by the plush cushion of Gammy’s massive breast.  With a gentle yet firm hand, she delicately guided his face into the warm expanse of her cleavage, smothering and muffling his protests…and it was alarmingly effective.

The air he breathed, now heavily filtered by the silk of Gammy’s top, created a cocktail of strong aromas that left Jaime dizzy and confused, but above all else: emasculated and humiliated. Could it get worse than this? This was punishment for his protests and when she granted his nose and chin permission to break contact with her breast, Jaime’s lips remained sealed as he wildly scanned his surroundings.  

They were no longer walking.

Jaime stared in awe at the flowery, decorated archway where Priya had been waiting.  At Priya’s side was a priestess dressed in all white. 

Jaime could only see so much of the priestess’s face due to the white head scarf surrounding her head.  Only her eyes were visible, glimmering with a mystic hint of blue makeup and dark, seductive, expertly shaped thick eyebrows.  A single strand of dark, nearly black hair rebelliously hung out of the scarf, dangling poetically over her left eye.  

Those eyes…they were so piercing, and they seemed to dismantle Jaime even from Gammy’s arms. When her slate-gray eyes connected with his, they sucked his masculinity and pride with no effort whatsoever. She looked younger than him, but wise beyond her years.  Her skin tone was lighter than Priya’s…lighter than most of the women participating in this strange and embarrassing ceremony, but still darker than his own.  She was slender and tall, and her flowing white robe covered all of her body save her neck, hands, ankles, and bare feet. The thin material flowed freely over most of her body, but the gown stretched tight over her bust and her hips which were both generous in size.  

Priya extended her arms and Jaime’s eyes widened, watching Priya’s huge breasts shake from the movement of her arms.  She accepted Jaime from Gammy and cradled him against her soft body.  Camera flashes could be heard from what felt like every direction. Jaime stared up pitifully to Priya.  Her expression brimmed with radiance and beauty. She was so massive now, and she supported his weight with no effort at all.  He pleaded silently with his pitiful gaze, but Priya’s affectionate, lustful eyes offered little sympathy.  The smiling priestess at Priya’s side stepped toward Gammy and took a knee in front of her.  The priestess began to speak. 

“Grace be to Goddess Karishma.” Jaime watched the priestess kiss the ruby-red ring on the finger of Gammy’s left hand. Jaime was struggling to understand what he was seeing as Priya squeezed him tighter against her body, compressing the side of his face into her left breast as she walked to join the priestess.  Priya’s breast, while not as large as Gammy’s, was much more firm, still young enough to laugh in defiance at gravity.

Priya repeated after the priestess, praising Gammy. She didn’t drop to her knee as the priestess did but Priya did kiss the same ring.  The big-breasted young Indian woman then squatted down and set little Jaime down at Gammy’s feet.  His knees trembled at first, like a baby bird standing for the first time, and Priya’s thumbs and fingers patiently stabilized Jaime at his shoulders until he found his balance. 

Jaime was confused until he felt Priya’s hands on the back of his head, softly but sternly forcing his face toward Gammy’s sandal-clad cinnamon feet.  Jaime had nowhere near enough strength to fight back against Priya’s fingertips and the busty Indian Princess got her way.  Jaime’s face pressed in toward Gammy’s chubby foot, specifically the ruby-red ring on the wise older woman’s toe.

“Kiss, my love.” Priya commanded in a soft whisper.

Jaime cringed.  Why did they get to kiss the ring on Gammy’s hand but he had to kiss the one on her foot?  He begrudgingly did as he was told. He was already so low to the ground, he didn’t have to go much further…Jaime fell to his knees and felt his face turn beet red as he placed his palms on either side of Gammy’s large chubby foot.  Audience members rose to their feet, ensuring they had a clear view of Jaime as he lowered himself toward Gammy’s foot.   His nose brushed up against the top of Gammy’s foot and briefly pressed into the cleavage of the older woman’s toes as he puckered his lips and respectfully kissed Gammy’s ruby-red toe ring.  

He expected the scent to be undesirable, but it was uncomfortably pleasant, coincidentally smelling of fragrant cinnamon, foreign spices, and a hint of the wise, old, and maturely beautiful Goddess’s natural scent.  He couldn’t stomach the thought of looking up at the old woman who’s foot he’d just pressed his lips into, and he hoped to feel Priya’s fingers and thumbs hook in under his arms to rescue him from this humiliation.  But there he remained on the floor at Gammy’s foot. 

Jaime looked up to Gammy, his palms still in full contact with the ground.

Her face was barely visible to Jaime over the swell of her protruding breasts, but she appeared displeased…perhaps with Jaime’s kiss so he lowered his face and kissed Gammy’s toes once more.  The wise old Goddess responded by pulling her foot away, inadvertently smearing his lips along the full length of her toe all the way to the nail.  She then used that same foot to press the side of his cheek with the front of her sandal. She was pushing him toward Priya’s foot.  

Priya’s feet were chubby like Gammy’s but unlike Gammy’s, they were dressed beautifully with colorful golden jewelry and elegant light chains connecting jewel-encrusted toe rings to matching gold anklets.  From this close, Jaime picked up much more detail than he had when he was a full-sized man.  Jaime got the hint and dutifully kissed Priya’s bright purple toe ring.  Unlike with Gammy, the aroma of Priya’s feet resembled a meadow of wildflowers; the scent was strangely calming and entirely humiliating to enjoy.

“The nail too, my dear.” Priya whispered from above him, and Jaime cringed, pressing his small lips into the smooth surface of the purple-painted toenail on Priya’s left foot.  The huge toe wiggled playfully under his lips. The crowd of feminine spectators was mostly quiet save a few feminine giggles from different locations; it was enough to make Jaime’s little face turn the same color as Priya’s beautiful saffron red dress. The only thing that could have been more embarrassing would be if she commanded him to suck it.  He was so small now, he wondered if he could even fit her entire big toe in his mouth.

Luckily for Jaime, Priya didn’t order him to suck her toe…instead she scooped him up in her arms, but she only moved him a few feet to her left and set him down before the beautiful young Priestess.  He felt her eyes peering down judgmentally at little Jaime. 

Despite the absence of footwear, the Priestess’s feet were immaculately clean and meticulously groomed.  Each slender digit stretched elegantly from her foot, devoid of the adorable chubbiness that characterized Priya’s and Gammy’s toes.  Instead, they were long and graceful, tapering to toenails painted a pristine white to match her Priestess gown

Jaime was on autopilot now, planting his hands on either side of the Priestess’s foot and lowering his face to the single, silver toe ring that looped around the pretty woman’s middle toe.  Before his lips could get there, the Priestess’s foot rotated 180 degrees as her large, curvy body turned away from him.  

Just as he was about to kiss a third woman’s foot, Jaime felt a large hand circle the nape of his neck and squeezed…it wasn’t painful but it certainly got his attention. Priya’s voice was as soothing and sweet as ever, but there lurked a subtle undercurrent of impatience in her voice that sent a chill through Jaime’s tiny spine as her fingers tightened.  Priya’s voice was coming from right behind him.  She must have been squatting down..no way she could be heard by him speaking so quietly from her true height. 

“My dear…I understand you may be nervous…but surely you must remember that a man’s Display of Respect for the clergy is different from his Display of Respect for royalty…”

So he was supposed to kiss the toe rings of royalty…and he was supposed to do something different for this beautiful Priestess?

Her grip tightened slightly on his neck, “These gestures of respect and reverence are among the first lessons we teach your kind.  Every boy lives for the opportunity to honor the Matriarchal Trinity. Please do not embarrass me in front of my family.”

Facing away from Jaime, the Priestess’s toes turned white as they flattened and splayed. She was allowing them to accept more of her weight as she lifted her heel from the golden brick floor, standing on tippy-toes on only her right foot.  She lifted the heel only just enough for Jaime to see the long, curvy arch of her elegant, smooth sole separating from the ground.  

As soon as Priya released his neck, Jaime brought himself as low to the ground as he could. The Priestess could have lifted her foot higher to make this easier for him but she didn’t. She made him work for it. The side of Jaime’s face brushed against the cold brick floor, pebbles embedding into his left cheek as he nudged his face forward, under the roof of the Priestess’s foot.  With cold, hard ground on his left cheek and the Priestess’s soft, warm sole grazing right cheek, his lips finally found the creamy pale sole. He puckered them up and pressed them against the underside of the Priestess’s foot, smooching it slowly and respectfully.   Of the three feet he’d now worshiped, the Priestess carried the most natural, womanly aroma hinted with a minor hint of pleasant vanilla and flower.  

The Priestess didn’t even turn to look down at him, much less show any grace for the respectful gesture…but then again none of them did.  Not to him, at least. Jaime watched as the creamy sole he’d just kissed returned to the ground and he saw flashes of it as the Priestess returned to the altar.

Gammy had long since accepted the praise and returned to her seat, which stood apart from the others and was elevated several feet.  

Priya picked Jaime up off the floor and stood back up, protectively stroking his brown hair and rubbing the embedded pebbles from his blushing cheek. “It's okay that you forgot, my love.” Priya purred as she nuzzled him.  “I know you are just nervous.  This is such a big day for you.  Such a big day for us.”


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