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Read Chapter 1 here!

Jacqueline’s Cheap Shorts

Chapter 2 - Desires Unravel

She’d never brought a boy into her room before.  And oh, how her mother would kill her!

Did it really count if the boy was a pair of shorts in her hands, cradled against her chest?  Jacqueline decided that it counted enough for her to smile sheepishly and blush but it didn’t count so much that her mother would have any right to be mad.  The perfect amount.

She knew that her mother’s rules came from a good place: an interest in her safety.  Lord knows that boys only think about one thing…but this boy, rubbing between her fingers, was probably thinking A LOT of other things at the moment.  And he wasn’t even close to a threat.

The plush carpet felt nice against her sock-clad feet, for it was the only room in the house that wasn’t hardwood floor.  She approached her bed, centered under a large periodic table poster.  It hung in the path of the setting sun, and 10+ years of sunrises had dulled the vibrancy but as one of her cherished works of art, it would always hang proudly while she lived in her mother’s house.

“Okay, John…” Jacqueline set her college colleague down atop her neatly made bed, next to a tower of freshly folded laundry.  “...I know I have a back-up battery around here somewhere.”

“What the heck!” The petite asian girl huffed, sitting on her heels in front of her dresser.  Socks, underwear, and sleep shirts fluttered up around her head, arcing behind her and littering the carpet near her upturned feet as she emptied the last drawer.  She knew the battery was here somewhere, but where?  She’d checked her dresser, her closet, and her computer desk.  She’d even checked the secret sewn compartment of her childhood teddy bear…nothing.

Jacqueline’s brow furrowed in concentration and frustration, her mind racing to recall where she’d stashed that important battery.  Then, like a bolt of lightning, a memory flashed before her eyes. 

“I remember, John!  I remember!” she exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement. With renewed determination, she dropped to her knees once more, this time crawling under the bed that the boy laid motionless and silent atop.  She found it quickly: the dusty pink shoebox tucked away into the shadows. 

“Aha!” Jacqueline cried in triumph, her fingers circling the cylindrical shaft of the spare battery. When she poked her head back up to show John, the continued words of celebration suddenly became stuck in her throat. 

In all the chaotic movement of trying to retrieve the battery, Jacqueline must have bumped her bed enough to topple the tower of clean laundry.  And now she stood staring dumbly, the words faltering in her throat along with her feelings of excitement to restore John to his old self.  There was some obstacle now, and she was trying to understand it.

With a trembling hand, Jacqueline reached out toward the toppled laundry, the tower of garments a chaotic mess of denim, cotton, and fleece. The collapse had enveloped her the college frat boy, burying him beneath a mound of fabric as if he were a hidden artifact waiting to be unearthed. She brushed aside the layers, each movement revealing more of him until his beautiful blue color emerged amidst the ocean of her other clothing.

As she uncovered him, laying there motionless and quiet just as she had left him, a rush of emotions flooded Jacqueline's senses. Her heart pounded in her chest, her skin flushed with warmth, and a strange tingling sensation coursed through her body. She couldn't quite place the feeling, but it was exhilarating and unnerving all at once.

"Wow..." she uttered with more breath than speech, her voice barely above a whisper. What was this sensation stirring within her? It was as if she were standing on the precipice of something deep. Something unknown. Something so exciting that her intelligent mind told her she should feel guilty for…but that primal whisper deep inside was growing louder, becoming more difficult to ignore, and it was making some great points.

Nestled atop the crotch of the shorts was a pair of her favorite ankle socks, balled up and resting atop John as if they belonged there. Like her periodic table poster, the socks were old, dating back to her high school days.  And yet she loved them. It didn’t matter that there was a small hole developing near the heel.  It didn’t matter that they were so threadbare that she could see through them when she spread her toes.

She swallowed hard, her hand trembling as she lifted the balled-up socks. At that moment, she couldn't help but wonder: Was John really that much different from these socks now?

Like the balled-up socks, her folded jeans, and her GAP sweatshirt, John was just another article of clothing on her bed. 

Waiting to be refolded after the topple.

Waiting to be put away in her dresser.

Waiting to be worn.

The realization washed over Jacqueline like a tidal wave, both unsettling and strangely liberating. 

“Hope that wasn’t too scary for you, John.” Her dimples popped as her lips curled, and she rested her chin atop her hands as she took a closer look. Without those fancy goggles, she couldn’t actually see John, but she knew he was there right where she’d put him.

She extended a single finger, rubbing the tip against the crotch of the shorts.  She’d just been carrying them earlier with nothing on her mind but restoring him!  But so much had happened since then.  Now when she touched him…well…he may as well have been electrified because she felt a current surge through her finger and radiate out to her most sensitive of places. 

Jacqueline’s head remained fixed as her eyes drifted over to the battery she’d found. It was resting on the other side of the half-toppled pile of laundry…and it was far too easy for her to gently nudge the tower, this time away from John…and for that heap of clothing to swallow it whole like a cottage in an avalanche.  

“I think…that it might be dangerous to change you back right now.” Jacqueline said, her fingers slithering in under John’s cheap fabric.  The electric shock was even stronger, and even more exciting as she lifted him up from her tightly stretched comforter.  “I mean…the material is just so…thin.” She rubbed it once more.  “And cheap.  God, it’s so cheap and flimsy.”

You’re so cheap and flimsy.  You are, John.

“I only just barely kept you from going poof.”  

I could stretch you with my fingers..just like I do with my favorite socks…

“I really think we need to just…take things slow.” she said in a tone intended to soothe.

..and I could see right through you…

“I’d just never forgive myself if we ran the reversal and I opened that pod to see both you and the shorts just gone..you know?”

You’re so weak…I can’t believe how exciting this is.

And then, the perverted thoughts in her mind found the doorway out.

“You’re not strong enough to be by yourself, John.  So don’t worry…I’m gonna keep you close.”  She unbuttoned her jeans. They were just baggy enough that they fell with ease around her sock-clad feet. “Real close.”

Her bright purple, full coverage underwear didn’t drop on its own like the jeans..but with the help of her excited free hand, it came down her bare legs just as quick.

“John, I just can’t get over how this happened.” Jacqueline remarked, standing completely bottomless as she rubbed the crotch of the cheap shorts. “You were supposed to become something so much more durable…something that matched who you are.  And to think that I could go to a dollar store right now and buy five pairs of shorts better than you…it’s just so…what’s the word?”

She knew the word, she was just savoring the taste of it in the back of her throat.  


Jacqueline shuddered.  Why did it excite her so much?  To think of him so helpless, alone with her in her bedroom.  So vulnerable stretched and creased in her fingers?

“This big, strong college boy…doing keg stands and kissing girls in the backseat of his car.  But you were even more than that, weren’t you John?”

She opened her fingers and predictably enough, John fluttered down to the carpeted floor, the two leg-holes of the shorts staring up at the Asian genius like wide and unbelieving eyes.

“You were smart.  And nice.  And going places.” Jacqueline extended her foot toward John.  Soft fibers against her toes created friction against the cheap blue cotton as Jacqueline used her toes to fully open the right leg hole…and John unfolded like a blossoming flower.  She tickled the crotch with her big toe before settling her full weight down into the leg hole.  

“And look at you now.  You have an older sister, right?  I think you said she just became a lawyer?”

Jacqueline flexed and wiggled her toes, flipping the cotton to lay atop her sock and then began feeding her other foot into the other leg hole.

“And an older brother…a surgeon.”

She stood there in her bedroom, alone but not truly.  She knew he was looking up at her.  She knew because he didn’t have a choice. She knew because she could see the crotch of the shorts, clear as day between her feet..just waiting to rise.  Her stance was firm on her carpeted floor, and each of her feet penetrated John in a way more intimate even than how a man might penetrate a woman.  

“And you were probably destined for something even greater.  With those good looks…that charisma, maybe you could have been a politician…or maybe even the president.  Maybe you would have changed the world.”

Jacqueline bent at the waist and gripped each side of the waistband.

This is so surreal.

As the shorts began their agonizingly slow climb up the Asian college girl’s dainty bare calves, Jacqueline remained focused on the crotch. She stared so hard she could see the noticeable gap between the fibers of the cheaply stitched material.  That was where John’s entire essence had been concentrated.  That was where he lived. 

And that was precisely why her heart skipped a beat when she watched a lone droplet of clear sex fall in the dead center of the crotch.  

Jacqueline spread her legs wide enough to keep John anchored at her knee level. Her ears perked to the slightest hint of a rip and ran two fingers along her sensitive slit.  Her heart nearly exploded as she teased her clit, frictionless and noisy with wet, rapid sliding. Another droplet fell from the heavens over his new cotton form, and John was positioned perfectly to catch that one as well.  He absorbed it quickly and greedily, whether he wanted to or not as she guided him higher.

Beyond her knees now, John’s ascent continued. He had barely made it past her knees, where her slender thighs started to gradually thicken and soften, and Jacqueline could already feel the leg holes stretching to capacity against her supple skin. He was only halfway through his maiden voyage! 

“Not only are you the cheapest pair of shorts I’ve ever felt in my life, but you barely even fit me!” Jacqueline giggled.  She had to pull a little tighter now.  

“And I’m so petite!  Imagine if a bigger girl like my mom were to try putting you on.  Gosh…with how fragile your stitching is, I think you’d literally explode on her..and that’s assuming you could even make it up and around her hips!”

The leg holes were tight on her thighs, but not too tight.  

The elastic band expanded enough to hug Jacqueline’s narrow waist.

And when she felt John’s entire consciousness and spectrum of emotion, feeling, purpose, and sensations conform like a glove against her womanhood, Jacqueline had to brace herself against her nightstand.  “Oh my goodness, John!” 

She stumbled her way over to her curtain-drawn window, where next to a bookshelf of old and retired textbooks was a full-body mirror.  

“You look really good on me.” Jacqueline remarked, lifting her shirt so that she could see all of him hugging her body.  “I don’t think I’d let anyone look too closely at you though, or else they’d see your shoddy quality and think that my family was poor.”

A hand rushed to her smirking lips.

Oh, that sounded really mean.

“I have to admit I’ve never had a boy this close to me.” Jacqueline said, her fingers tracing over the damp crotch of her new shorts.  “But in fairness, I’ll bet you’ve never hugged a girl as tight as you’re hugging me right now.” 

Jacqueline watched the mirror intently, admiring the show she put on for herself as her fingers fluttered against her sensitive sex. The flimsy blue cotton, the darkest of blue between her legs, felt soft and comfortable against her skin. The shorts hugged her buttocks tightly together and accentuated her already existing thigh gap. Her sticky fingers, now soaked in her honey, glistened in the light of her ceiling fan.  Her arousal had seeped all the way through John’s thin cotton barrier, fully saturating him in Jacqueline’s lust and newly discovered power. 

An hour later, Jacqueline Renquist made her way downstairs to her basement.  Her mother would be home from work soon so it was very important that everything was cleaned up and put away where it belonged.

“And I’ll have to put something on…over top of you.” Jacqueline smiled, gently stroking John against her warm crotch.  “Mom would kill me if she saw me walking around in something so tight.”

And so cheap…

She took a seat, centered on the computer that controlled the transformation pod. Her body practically bounced from the force with which she plopped down and she wondered what that experience must have been like for John.  Had she sparked him into the seat of the shorts, it would have been traumatic for sure! It didn’t matter how soft her butt cheeks were, a crash like that would have to hurt.  Luckily for John, he was snug against her vagina, where the strongest pressure he had to worry about was the occasional squeezing of her thighs and rather hard pets from her fingers. 

With her ankles crossed under her chair and her back arched, Jacqueline printed all the data associated with John’s transformation.  It would be very useful to review later.

Yes…later on tonight.  When I’m alone in my room…and under my covers…

The last thing to clean up was her work bench, the very place where she saved John’s life just an hour earlier.  So much had changed since then–both with John and with Jacqueline. She tidied up the space, putting away the craft mat and wiping down the bench.  But before putting away the metric reading equipment, Jacqueline had an idea.

The clamp that had gripped the fabric of John’s new body earlier felt cold against Jacqueline’s stomach.  She traced it down, enjoying the metallic glint of the clamp’s alligator-like teeth, meant to bite down on fabric and not let go.  With one finger, she pulled the waistband away from her skin, breaking the enthusiastic contact for the first time in an hour. She applied just enough pressure to open the clamp and inserted the waistband into the tiny metal jaw.  

Immediately, the connected computer sprung to life, displaying John’s metrics.  The readouts indicated an immeasurable amount of stress and vulnerability.  But even more complicated sensations could be extrapolated from the core metric readouts.  He was fully conscious.  He knew he was soaking wet.  His olfactory senses were overwhelmed by the aroma of her sex.  He was exhausted, likely from trying fruitlessly to send command signals to his new, unresponsive body.  Probably from shouting as well.  

There was one more metric that caught Jacqueline’s eye above all the others.  A positive indicator of arousal.  

Not a lot, but some.  

Enough to make her smile and rub him against her warm sex.  

Jacqueline shivered, feeling part of him–a lot of him–slip between the sensitive, wet cleavage of her slick pussy lips. 

She pulled the silver clamp from her waistband but hadn’t bothered with opening the clamp first.  This resulted in the glimmering metal teeth maintaining their tight grip on the inferior, cheap cotton of John’s new body.  A struggle of inanimate objects occurred: the clamp’s desire to maintain its bite on John…and John’s cheap cotton body trying desperately to remain in one piece. 

John lost, of course.  Due to his shabby stitching and craftsmanship John would have to get used to losing.  As Jacqueline powered down the metric-monitoring computer and returned the clamping instrument to the drawer, she caught a glimpse of pretty blue fabric in its jaws.

That probably hurt…

THE END…for now




Sooo good! Love how she bullies him with his cheapness & poor material.


Amazing job, your transformation stories are all top tier. When is part 3?