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Oh how I enjoy being a fly on the wall for these two :3



I heard the scooby doo running noises in my head when I read “goofy cartoon running noise” 😂


Aww Sekai 🥰🥺 tell her she looks pretty today! 😧 he wasnt even listening to her!! For some ppl, rote repetition works by itself. But first you have to understand the thing in order for the repetition to be useful. That's why Jun feels like she's wasting her time 😓. I hate that feeling. It means they need to slow down and break down the technique in steps. Repetition is useless if u don't already understand WHAT to even repeat. She doesn't even know what she's doing right/wrong. She's absolutely right: she needs strategy not just optimism.


I read this comment first before I read the comic and I couldn't not hear this when I saw it. Thank you for that! (in the best way possible)