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Hey friend, what's up?! I got some rad reading material for you, enjoy!

Don't forget to hydrate! Great job getting through this week :D did anything good happen?

It's fun being able to check in with you guys every time I update. Kinda feels like we have a weekly little book club and we like, chat about TGW and also our lives.  We can even have tea and cookies. 🍵☕🍪🍪🍪🍪 OOOH how about a little challenge?! Why not make a friend in the comments? You can just say hi then introduce yourself and say one of your LEAST favorite foods :3  Then we can all see eachother again next time!

Have a great day, raindrop! ^-^

*This is a spoiler-free post-- please keep comments about the chapters to the designated chapters only-- but yes, please do comment about it :D<3*

To my new raindrops: WELCOMEEEE TO THE BEST SQWAD ON EARTH!! Thank you for being here, I appreciate you all so much!!! If you are ever lost in navigating Patreon/finding content, you can always refer to the Raindrop Bulletin for FAQ! You should be able to find it by searching "bulletin" in the posts section. BTW if you'd like to be added to the shoutout list, comment your nickname down below :D I believe I got everyone who requested it earlier. But if not, pls let me know and then pls do bonk me on the head. I've attached the updated list so please check if your name is there before requesting ! :3




Hello everyone! I'm ShishiBunny, and my least favorite food is probably...oysters. I had them once and they were fresh - we were in a nice restaurant in a coastal city - and I thought I was eating the ocean. I completely respect those who like them, but they are very much not for me.

Emily Hoselton

Hiya peeps, I'm Emily and I hate lima beans and celery (I can eat cooked celery if it's in something, but raw makes me want to vom). Last week was remarkably awful lol. There were a few high points, despite that: *I finally bought Mario Wonder (and it's so much fun). *I bought my niece a birthday present and the wrapping turned out super cute. *my Da, stepmom, brothers, and I (along with my older brother's family) were finally able to gather for our super belated Christmas meal on Sat. We had a lot of fun eating, joking around, and playing a family tradition dice game. *I hit some ice and jacknifed my truck and trailer last Mon. Despite the extensive damage done to the truck, my dog was completely unharmed (just scared) and I managed to walk away with just a few cuts and bruises. Still haven't been able to return to work due to soreness and them not having another truck for me to drive, but at least I've already paid out my bills for the month and I have money saved up I can use if necessary. *my car tire went flat on Wed and I was just barely able to get it to the tire shop before they closed. They had one tire in stock that would fit my car, and it didn't completely drain my wallet lol. *Despite missing practice last Mon (due to...obvious reasons), I was able to sing with my church choir yesterday in service. I missed the last one because I got really sick that weekend, so this was my first official choir comeback after leaving my OTR trucking life. It feels really good coming back to it. 😊