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Hey lovely person :D

Just wanted to drop off another little extra goodie for you all. This was actually another request from the old Fanservice Poll from last year: a personality swap! I thought you all might be interested in seeing my drawing process, so I tried my first speedpaint video. Although I didn't have time to figure out how to put music or anything in it yet. Let me know if you enjoyed this ^w^ was it too fast or too slow or just right? Did you like seeing my chaotic drawing process? Bahah! 

BTW let me know if you had issues with seeing the video. Cause that would be awkward if you guys can't even see it 🤣

Also let's not talk about how I wrote "personality swap" at the end as if i was finished and then went back in to do a little more editing

EDIT: THAT'S AWKWARD MY BAD GUYS LOL....... does it work now?!!? I hope so, it should ;-;


Personality Swap Speedpaint



So excited for the new chapter! But I’ve been loving the bonus content you’ve been sharing during the wait. Thanks for taking the time to make the story as wonderful as it is! 💞 We are very well-fed little raindrops ☺️


is it weird that for some reason the safety shorts on our girl sold me on the personality change? it was like, "yeah, I' might need to throw a b*tch at any moment so need these on, and who cares if they show. Whatever, I'm comfortable with that." lol.