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TA DA!!! AH-- BEFORE YOU FREAK OUT, TGW TAKES FIRST PRIORITY! I'm only planning to update this other series in my sparingly spare time. 

You're familiar with the mini-comics of the TGW characters as actors/actresses right?!!? Well, I decided to just turn that alternate universe into a spin-off series :D It will just be a collection of one-shots-- I wanted a fun way to upload some fluffy moments of our couple without having to worry about coloring length or deadlines. 

As my patron, you will be getting early access to all the comics as I make them! I'm probably going to keep some comics patreon exclusive, too (like the Push-Ups comic. If you havent seen it, search "Fanservice" in the Posts Section and you will find it!) I may also do polls for any suggestions of what you want to see. 

The first episode is actually an old Fanservice (that some of you may not have seen because it was so long ago). But feel free to check it out! Here's the link: My Co-Worker is Adorable | WEBTOON (webtoons.com)




Thanks, Elise ☺


AAAAHHHHH!!!! This is such a great idea!! THANK YOU TRUE!!!!!!