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New Month, new fan art poll! Sorry it wasn't up slightly earlier; came home and got busy on a project. Speaking of which, I'll try to get some sketches for this week up tomorrow! 

Suggestions will be accepted until 4:30pm EST, Tuesday March 8th.

Poll will run from Tuesday the 8th until 4:30mp EST, Monday March 14th; RULES BELOW-

  • Everyone who would like to participate: make a suggestion for a character in the comments.
  • Repeat suggestions that did not win previous polls will be accepted (And are encouraged) Characters who have participated in previous polls and were not picked will retain %50 of their overall votes.
  • Characters who won previously will not be accepted as suggestions again for 6 months.
  • All suggestions should be fictional female characters of an appropriate age. Include a preferred size if you would like to be specific.
  • Anime style characters are preferred but negotiable as I can always draw a western character in anime style if necessary.
  • I reserve the right to alter or ignore any suggestions that I don't like for any reason.


Lucas Nobbon

Ishtar (Fate/Grand Order)


Sona (League of Legends) If possible the 3k Milestone size https://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Sona_0.jpg


Liliana Vess from Magic: The Gathering https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmedia.magic.wizards.com%2Fimages%2Ffeatured%2FEN_Liliana_Header.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fmagic.wizards.com%2Fen%2Fstory%2Fplaneswalkers%2Fliliana-vess&docid=LhsBUkUnRhUteM&tbnid=lk8HIlL61TwXqM&vet=1&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim


tomimi from arknights https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/mrfz/images/8/80/Tomimi.png/revision/latest?cb=20200825102124


Maki Oze from Fire Force https://fire-force.fandom.com/wiki/Maki_Oze


Oh! For Fire Force I would have expected the other girl who's name I've forgotten. XD Interesting choice indeed!

Toon Boy

Tifa Lockhart (I’m just a sucker for Fat Tifa)

Toon Boy

Also just random but I hope to see you do more Miyu and Yumi soon. I really like those characters!


Pine from bombergirl again


Disney's Megara once more plz


I was thinking of maleficent gg english or isabella von carstein from warhammer

Bob Hill

If Genshin Impact characters are allowed, Brook would still be neat to see (voted for her quite awhile back). If not, (which is totally fine. Burn out is a bitch) Malty S Melromarc from Rise of the Shield Hero would be neat with the request of her having a larger belly overall.


Nah, Brook is a perfect choice because she's not one of the main cast and I will probably keep forgetting to do anything with her since being in Springdale puts her outside the scope of my Mondstadt plans (Whenever I get around to them.) What I'm saying is: Brook is good! I'll put her on the list!


Aaaaah, both of those are appealing for different reasons! If you have one you prefer let me know otherwise I might have to flip a coin XD