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So, one of the characters who has been requested for the poll a few times has a design I really like and... I kind of want to draw them 'because reasons.'

So anyway, my question is-

f I decide to draw a previous poll request character for my own amusement as my weekly post this week; is anyone going to get their knickers in a twist that it didn't 'go through proper channels'?

Sound off in the comments below! 


Lucas Nobbon

Nope, not at all for people like me. You have your own reasons as why you want to do so. And you wanted to get it off your chest for a while.


Nah it cool you should be able to draw what you want you know.


Thanks! I definitely feel like that's how it should be but I also want to make sure my patrons feel appreciated and not like... cheated or something. ^_^;


I wouldn't mind at all.


definitely think you should be able to draw whoever you like. i'm just happy to see more art from you


Just draw who you want. (Especially if it's Megara)

Jack Wood

You make great art. I’m happy to see you draw any design you’re excited about!

Toon Boy

You can draw any character you want and I truly would get excited to check it out. You don’t disappoint


Whoever you draw will be awesome :D


XD I've got a different character in mind but if Megara doesn't win soon here, I'll see what I can do. ;)