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(No GIFs in the app, and this one has multiple endings!!)

All my friends thought I was too pussy to get a tattoo, and I was. But I randomly passed by a tattoo parlor, and just felt like today would be the day. I walked into a big room, with a few tattoo chairs. It smelled of sweet roses, and I felt much calmer as soon as I walked in.

An attractive woman appeared from the back, leaned on a chair and gave me a seductive look.

“Hello darling, I’m Madame Laedi. Would you like one of my world famous tattoos?”

“You’re gonna give me the tattoo??”


“Right now?”

“Get on the table, honey!”

She giggled sexily as I hopped onto the table, and looked over expectantly at her, “So what are you gonna do to me?”

Madame Laedi got real close to my ear and whispered, “I’m gonna put an awesome tattoo on your hip.”

My hip???

“What does that mean? I don’t want any tattoo on my hip...”

I trailed off as the Madame’s lips made contact with mine, and I sunk back into the chair. The Madame took my pants off, and brought her face close as she pulled down my boxers. I almost came when my hard dick slapped her across the face. She ran her finger up my stomach from my dick, and let me suck on it for a little bit.

She then turned her back to my face, and straddled my chest. I couldn’t see or feel anything, but my heart raced as she drew into my hip with her needle. She finished up, swung back around, and gave me a kiss.

“You put your pants on and go home now, honey”

Without even looking at the tattoo, I pulled up my pants and headed home.

I don’t even remember my walk home, and I definitely didn’t remember asking for two girly roses on my hip!

It was while I examined my tattoo that I felt the first urge, the desire to wear woman’s clothes. I had never crossdressed before, but maybe something about this feminine tattoo... I ran to Victoria’s Secret, and grabbed the sexiest pairs or panties I could find. I didn’t even want to buy anything else, I just needed to put on these panties! I went to the bathroom to put them on, letting out a light moan as I pulled the panties up my bare legs. I remembered them being a little hairier, but things have gotten pretty crazy lately.

I snapped the waistband as the panties slid around my hips and crotch, expecting to see my boner sticking out. If I was so sexually aroused, why was my penis so small right now? I threw my briefs in the trash, got dressed and left. I realized I had to get my tattoo fixed to be manlier, and headed for the tattoo parlor.

I didn’t want to, but I told the Madame everything that happened after I left her parlor. How I couldn’t remember the walk, my urge to put on panties, buying them and trying them on, even my disbelief at the size of my dick! She looked sympathetic, “I’m so sorry deary, I thought those roses looked nice in the book... What’s wrong with them?”

“It’s too girly, I didn’t get a tattoo to look like a girl. I want to look like a man.”

If I didn’t know any better, I would think I saw an evil smile appear on the Madame’s face. “If it’s a man you want, it’s a man you’ll get. Jump in the chair, I’ll fix you right up!”

“Wait, shouldn’t we discuss the specifics of the tattoo?”, I was already getting in the chair without even realizing it.

“I think discussion’s overrated, sugar. Now turn over for this one...”

I obeyed without hesitation, and felt her start working on my ass.

“Are you tattooing my ass?? Stop!! Please!! Why are you doing this?”

“Calm down sexy, I’ll give you a nice armband too. I brand all my customers, don’t worry it’s a really cool tattoo.”

Did she just giggle?


I looked down amazed at the armband she had tattooed on me, “How did you do that so fast??”

“Thats normal speed for tattoos, now it’s getting late and we close in ten minutes. Why don’t you scooch on back to your house, and get some rest?”

Again I left without hesitation, and it wasn’t til I got home I made another crazy discovery.

My ass was massively swollen! I knew the walk home felt weird! I had the ass of a Brazilian butt model, and the girliest tattoo possible right on my ass! I needed to go back to that tattoo parlor, and get this fixed ASAP.

I went back the next day in the baggiest sweatpants I had, and waited for the Madame to come out.

“How’s my favorite customer!?”

“I thought we were gonna fix this yesterday, why did you put an even girlier tattoo on my ass? And you didn’t do anything to the rose!! My ass is huge now, and I think it’s a reaction from your inks. I’m thinking about suing if I’m being honest...”

“My inks? Come to the back and show me what you’re talking about, ‘ass is huge’...”

When we got to the back office I pulled my pants down, and blushed. I had spaced out and put on the second pair of panties I got from the Victoria’s Secret at my house, and could now hear the Madame stifling her laughter.

“No worries! You’re right! Some people occasionally have a weird reaction to my inks, well really any tattoo ink. You know the human body... You wouldnt sue me... I couldn’t afford it. What if I give another tattoo, and fix the two you dont like? I’ll do whatever you ask for, free of charge!”

That sounded like a good deal, and I felt good having forced the deal to happen. I sat in the tattoo chair, ready to discuss the future of my tattoos.

“Strip, honey.”

Strip? I was stripping. Shit! What was she gonna do to me this time?

“Panties too...”

I slipped out of my panties, and felt my member rise. I was getting excited by this situation, but the way she looked at my penis was starting to scare me. I tried stalling her, but just sat still as she tattooed a third rose onto my hip.

Well this one was more toward my crotch, but that only made it worse.

“You bitch! Why are you doing this? You’re a cunt!!!”

That got her mad, and I could practically see fire in her eyes now as she calmly spoke.

“Really? Well let’s help you with these tattoos you dont want. You love all your tattoos, and show them off for everyone! You’re addicted to getting tattoos, and come here all the time cuz I give you free ones. And little secret here, I’ve been changing your body with every tattoo! Welcome to womanhood! Now lay back.”

My chair tilted back and I remained in it, waiting to see what fate would befall me. I could already feel that my cock was gone, and I had a pussy now.

I winced in pain as Madame tattooed large patterns across my chest and nipples. When she finished I looked down, and saw nipple colored circular flowers on my chest. She laughed and twisted my nipples, it didn’t feel like a much for a little bit. Then suddenly, the feeling turned to intense stimulation. My chest started filling with fat and stretching, lifting slowly and ballooning upward. The Madame continued tweaking my nipples, and it got more and more erotic for me. She silently lined her piercers up, and quickly put rings in my nipples. I howled in ecstasy as she continued pinching my nipples, pulling them by the piercing to increase the growth. Eventually I actually started cumming from it, and my boobs stopped growing at about a DD cup.

“Stay still”

My face and neck slimmed as she tattooed my shoulder leading into my jaw, and I could feel my hair grow past my shoulders.

“What was that abou-” I stopped myself, why was my voice so girly?! Madame laughed as I struggled, and tattooed the side of my stomach. My whole body slimmed down, and my belly toned.

“This isn’t right! Why are you turning me into a girl?!”

“Sorry sugar, usually I keep the change slower and people don’t ever notice they’re girls. But you’re an asshole, so I got mad. Wish I didn’t, but it is what it is.” She shrugged telling me to leave, and so I did.

I stayed home for a while, not answering any calls from my job. It would have to wait. I contemplated how I would go about getting that lady to change me back, mostly while masturbating or trying on sexy outfits. I’m not gonna say I was totally distracted by my new body, but it was pretty darn distracting... Every time I had a sexual thought, it turned into a screaming masturbation session. And I couldn’t stop buying sexy girl’s clothes, I put on sexy fashion shows all day for myself.

I came to my senses when my boss called saying I was fired, and realized I had to beg the Madame for my body back. Otherwise, I would be stuck like this forever without a job.

She did not look happy to see me, and even less amused after I begged her to change me back.

“I thought you would realize how lucky you were going home with the knowledge you did, and now you come back to my parlor?? Get in the chair!”

No! What was she gonna do to me now?! I zombie walked to the chair, trying hard as I could to stop myself. I finally made it to the chair and relaxed, my boobs jiggled as I settled in.

“Quick mental tattoos, these only appear temporarily...”

I felt my mind go numb as she tattooed my forehead, not a thought passed through. Then she tattooed right next to my eye, and I felt euphoric. I had never felt this happy before! I stayed in the chair as Madame continued tattooing my body.

“The Horny Eagle. A legendary tattoo, known for making any woman completely insatiable”

The what?

My pussy started leaking into the chair, and felt my nipples perk up as I rubbed the tattoo on my solar plexus. With each passing second my lust grew, and soon I was groping my tits and rubbing my pussy. All while Madame tattooed me, the ink was starting to turn me on a lot.

Both arms were then covered in tattoos, and I was overcome by lust. I couldn’t hold back anymore, and loudly orgasmed. My tongue shot out of my mouth, and I drooled all over myself. Furiously fingering myself while Madame watched me with a smirk.

“So you like the tattoos I gave you?”

Omg! Like, the Sexiest. Tattoos. Evarrr!! I totes can’t thank you enough!”

“Well you can... You owe me a lot of money for those tattoos, so where is it?”

“Money? Like I spent all my money on sexy underwear and lingerie! I could totally give you some of those if you want... Like, you would look so sexy in some of my outfits!!”

No, I need money. Now u have a choice; you could be a maid, a stripper, or I’ll pick the a job for you. Which one will it be? And I’m not changing you back, so choose your new life carefully...

Ending 1:

Madame was right, everyday I went back for tattoos. And she was so nice about it, she never had me pay! We became great friends over the years, and I tell her all my stories from work. And what did I end up choosing to do? It was probably an easy guess based on how horny I described myself, a description that gave my horniness no justice, mind you. I became a stripper, and I loved it! All the sexy outfits I bought worked perfectly on stage at the club, and Madame had given me perfect tits, I didn’t need a boob job or anything.

While bouncing and jiggling my sexy body for a room full of chubbed up men was exciting and a turn on, the real perk was the VIP/Champagne room. I could have guys do whatever I wanted to me, and they always listened. I get so sex crazed and horny, I just let guys throw and boss me around. I think it a fetish of mine... You’d think I would move in with the Madame, as she was so nice to me and I still get so many tattoos... But the owner of my strip club had a giant cock, and he loved my attitude. We live together in his mansion, and someday I hope to be pregnant with his kids!

Ending 2:

I don’t know why I picked maid, the other two choices were pretty bad too, so I wasn’t too bummed. That was until madame told me I would be sold to the highest bidder, and then changed to their will.

The guy that ended winning me was a total creep, the first thing he wanted was bigger piercings in my nipples.

I wanted to hate my new master, but master made me love him and be his sex slave. He makes me wear this degrading outfit, and I’m constantly turned on from my giant piercings rubbing on my leather bra. He also requested I be really dumb, he said it turned him on and something about escaping. It went without saying that my sex drive would be turned all the way up, and I would crave master’s cock. Or was that his command? I couldn’t say no to master, and started forgetting where my choices end and his commands began.

Ding ding ding

Teehee, that’s master’s sex bell, better get going!

Ending 3:

I didn’t want to choose between those two horrible fates, and didn’t really think it could get worse. O it could, and I probably shouldn’t have let madame choose my new life. She clapped her hands and my body expanded, I was twice the size now and so were my boobs.

“You can’t tell me what I’m gonna be?-“

Madame snapped, interrupting me, but I continued on.

“Willst du mich jetzt dazu bringen, erotische Arbeit zu leisten???

Gott im Himmel!!!”

I slapped my hand over my mouth, what language is that?? German?? But I’m thinking in English?!

“Du bist so gemein! Warum tust du mir das an? Warum so vollbusig???”

My voice was so much sexier too, I decided to just stop talking.

“You’re gonna be working at the Beer Gaurden down the block Heidi, the owner requested no tattoos unfortunately... Doesn’t matter! Some German guys might understand you, but most of the time nobody will, and in that scenario you’ll just sound really sexy to them. And if they look into your cleavage they’ll have to touch your boobs. Oh, here’s your outfit!

I was not in control of my body most of the day, letting anyone who wanted to, grab my titties. For some reason when people touched it from staring at my cleavage, I had to act surprised and turned on. I’ll be honest, it was a pretty fun job...

Shoutout to Ashlynn for the idea💋

Make sure you vote on which of the 3 endings was best!!💋💋

💋Love Y’all!!!💋



One of your best yet, I absolutely love this one!