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I was very surprised when Bryce invited me to his year end pool party, only the coolest people got to come to his parties.

And it was in a country club?? This was gonna be the best party ever!

A security guard stamped my arm, and I felt a little prick. I was too excited to care about that though, and didn’t even think about it as I entered the grounds.

I went inside ready to see tons of booze and girls, but it was just Bryce and his weird friend Dan. Dan always just followed Bryce around, recording video on his phone to post stories on Instagram all day.

“About time! You’re an hour late already! And you look like you’re about to go to the beach, not play a round of golf...”

Round of golf? I must’ve been so excited I misheard his invite.

“Calm down, we got you covered...”

I felt calmness wash over me, almost like I was on Xanax or something. Bryce told me to stand still, and I did as he took my shirt off.

“That security security guard implanted a microchip in you that makes you listen to everything I say, and control your body from my phone.”

What?? No it’s not possible! I tried moving, but was frozen in place. They both took my pants off along with my underwear, and just stood there watching me. I saw Bryce start playing around on his phone, and could feel intense tingling all over my body. I tried protesting as they put a golf mini dress on me, but I was overcome by the feeling of my morphing body.

I felt the dress brush past my erect nipples, and the first sound to come out of my mouth since this whole thing started was a lustful moan. I collapsed into Bryce’s arms and passed out.

I woke up sitting in a golf cart, with someone shaking my naked thigh. My boobs felt bigger than before, and I was still wearing the same nylon dress.

Bryce saw I was awake, and started saying something that I was still too drowsy to understand. I nodded at his question, and then let out a shocked squeal.

Bryce had stuck a finger right up my tight folds! I tried moving his hand away, instead I gripped his exposed cock and started stroking.

I could see Dan playing with Bryces phone while recording me, and felt my sex drive amp up slowly. I no longer wanted to stop Bryce, and lifted my shirt so he could play with my boobs as i rubbed my pussy. He then grabbed my neck, and brought me down to his gorgeous cock. My mouth watered, and I hovered over his penis ready to fill my mouth with it.

Suddenly i popped out of the seat, giggling and feeling my face get covered in heavy makeup. I felt so bubbly and happy! I continued laughing as my shirt became a more sheer material, and then shrank all the way up to my nipples.

Bryce gave Dan an angry look.

“My finger slipped, I raised her happiness to the max. I’m sorry!” Dan was immediately apologizing, kissing Bryce’s ass as always.

“It’s fine, just change her back please...”

I saw my pink hair messy on the side of my head, and felt my nipples flick out of my little tight shirt as I raised my arms to stroke my hair.

My panties disappeared, and my shirt became a bra. I felt the makeup leave my face, along with the happiness that was bubbling out of my top. I was still really horny, but worried about the circumstance I was in. As soon as Bryce commanded me to strip for him though, I began sexily removing my bra. I could hear Dan muttering to himself, playing with the remote, and then I started to grow. My boobs got bigger and much more plush, while my ass popped out to give me a bubble butt.

“What the fuck dude! Why’d you make her my mom?? I was about to fuck her!!!” Dan stared into Bryce’s as he yelled at him, and smiled when he started seeing fear in Bryce’s eyes. I was watching, but had started stripping as soon as I touched Bryce’s cock. I still didn’t think of myself as his mom, so was really turned on from the sight of his gorgeous member. 

Dan slapped Bryce on the arm and he winced, feeling the sting of the same nanobot stamp I had gotten. “I always wanted to have a three way Bryce, and after you slept with my girlfriend I was waiting for the perfect moment for revenge. Today, I could kill two birds with one stone; well, phone... I can’t believe my sexual fantasy’s about to come true, your mom and sister are so hot!!”


“Yeah the one that became a pornstar, I always had an insane crush on her...” Dan trailed off, pushing some sliders on the phone. I could see Bryce’s eyes glaze over,  and his shirt become fishnet lingerie.

Boobs exploded out of her chest, filling the lingerie and straining against the stringy cups. She groped her boobs while giving Dan a sexy stare, her hourglass figure becoming more defined with each squeeze.

She then started moaning, and seemed to lose control of her body as a massive orgasm overtook her senses. Her loud moans turned into panting, and her mouth opened up slowly. She was still orgasming when started doing ahegao face, and I think she climaxed as her tongue stuck as far out as it could, and drool poured into her deep cleavage.

“Young lady what are you doing!?”, I had to stop myself from continuing.

“Like, I’m so sorry mom, I’m just totally turned on right now!”

Shit. Words to say were coming to my mind, and it was really hard to not say them.

Bryce is not my daughter! My daughter’s... No! I don’t have a... daughter?

“Bryci! You will act and present yourself respectfully in front of your mother!” I must’ve looked pretty hypocritical, because I was in middle of stripping out of my panties and bra.

“Hmm... I think I know what to do” Dan played some more with the phone.

I felt energy flow into me, and my breasts perked up. My mind started clouding with ditzy thoughts, and I was slowly becoming a bimbo. My skin was getting smoother, and I felt much smaller. I looked up to my mom, and saw her making out with my best friend Dan.

“Come here Bryci, I’m gonna help you with your first time, darlin’”

First time? I’m 25 and a pornstar. This was definitely not my first time, my first time was... I couldn’t remember losing my virginity, and thinking got much harder when my mom grabbed me by the ass.

I blushed, embarrassed and turned on in front of Dan, but my mom was there to help. She fondled my breasts and bent me over at the hip, sexily whispering something into Dan’s ear. I was having second thoughts, but my mom held me tightly. I tried to get her attention, but got interrupted by Dan’s cock filling me up. My mom had told him to not go slow, and just stick the whole thing in.

I couldn’t make a sound, and silently orgasmed while Dan pistoned in and out of me. He was too busy making out with my mom to warn me he was gonna cum, and I almost blacked out from the surprise euphoria of being shot full of cum. They finished making out and Dan pulled out of my dripping pussy, mom gave me a peck on the forehead and licked some cum off her finger before leaving us alone to go fuck some guys in her remedial college class.

She was such a slut, and that’s why I loved her!


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