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I was top of my class in Harvard, majoring in nuclear chemistry. One day my professor brought in a small rock, claiming it contained radiation that didn’t show up on the spectrum. I was to take it to my home lab, and do all the tests necessary to identify the unknown element.

Professor told me not to let it touch my skin, but that goes without saying when dealing with radiation. I reached for the rock instinctually as a beaker knocked it off the table, and screamed in pain as a stinging sensation went through my hand. I tried washing myself off, but quickly felt the sting spread across my body.

I sat down, unable to stand. My body ached, and I could barely keep my eyes open. It felt like a blink, but the clock clearly moved forward six hours.

I knew Mark was at the door, he’s the only asshole that would knock that hard. I jumped up to answer, but jiggled and felt light headed upon standing. I checked myself in the mirror, and would’ve been much more scared if I wasn’t so groggy.

I was a girl! A really hot girl. My hourglass shape, perky breasts, sensitive lips and large ass distracted me from the knocking. And I found myself craving to have my pussy filled, was Mark gonna start asking questions, or give me the fucking I needed?

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I bounced down the stairs, excited to see the look on Mark’s face when Let him in. I opened the door, and Mark walked in. He didn’t look surprised at all, in fact he looked like he was expecting to see me like this.

“Looks like the professor took my bribe, I knew you would eventually touch the TG crystal. But I think you should be using more of it, how long did you touch it for? You didn’t even get any smaller!”

I barely followed, ditzily giggling, “I don’t know what you mean, but wouldn’t it be awesome if we fucked right now?”

“I’ll fuck you right after you get me the rock you have upstairs, bring it down here please.”

I ran upstairs, and grabbed the rock with a napkin, remembering how much it hurt to touch before. I brought it down to Mark, and waited for him, horny for his cock. I perked up as he approached, but then screamed as I felt a stinging in my crotch.

I looked down and saw Mark was pressing the rock into my new vagina, I tried stopping him but was powerless. As soon as the rock slipped into my pussy, it radiated pleasure as it filled me with euphoria.

“Get your hands away from mine, brush your silky hair back a little.”

I felt my hands lift against my will, and start playing with my hair. I giggled like a bimbo, and moaned as Mark dug the rock deeper into me. I was leaking cum onto the floor, and unable to stand, draped myself around Mark. We both heard a pop, and the rock was now fully inside me.

My boobs filled with massive amounts of fat, and I felt the erotic pressure fill my stomach. It spread through my whole body as I became hornier, and my hair turned Blonde. I pushed Mark onto a desk, and stripped him out of his pants. I was too horny to waste any time, and jumped on his erect cock, ignoring his pleas for a blowjob. I don’t know how I’m gonna confront my professor, but I have tell him how amazing he made my life!!!


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