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Sarah and I were getting ready to hop in the car, I put down the grocery bags I was holding to unlock it.

“That’s a beautiful wife you got there partner”

I looked up from my keys, and saw a towering man in a fur coat and pimp hat.

“Me? Oh... thank you?” I didn’t want to rub this man the wrong way, he was clearly dangerous.

“Yeah man, that face... And of course that ass!”

Did this guy wanna fight? I turned around to confront him, but stopped when I heard Sarah giggling.

She was showing her ass off for the both of us, and seemed to not care that we were in the middle of a crowded parking lot.

“Ha! The look on your face is priceless! Don’t stress Kieran, your wife is mine now. You should just get out of here and go home, you’ll never get her back”, the pimp waved to me as I left for my house.

“Huh?! What just happened? How’d you do that???”, I somehow snapped out of my hypno stride, and broke through to finally confront the pimp.

“O you’re playing with fire Kieran. I’m gonna help your wife be safe, and get her out of here. First I gotta give her the signature branding...”

I could see him focusing on my wife, so I turned around too.

Her normal shirt and jeans slowly morphed, and became a skintight, grey onesie. I could see the look in her eyes go from the Christina I always knew, to something else. She looked insatiable, and frantically scanned the area for guys before walking away sexily, the outline on her panties clearly showing through.

The pimp and I turned our attention back toward each other, and I pounced. He snapped his fingers, and everything flashed brightly. Next thing I knew I was on my knees, but my eyes were closed.

What was going on by my chest? I opened my eyes looked down and wanted to scream in shock, but instead let out a sexy laugh. This guy was fucking my tits! I had to get away! I tried powering through my new persona, but it was no use. I could only move my head and laugh, seductively looking into the pimp’s eyes while he came in my face.

I could taste him on my lip, and the second it hit my tongue I was free. I leapt up, hit the pimp in the face, and took off for the door. I was barely two steps in when he stopped me, a magical force froze me mid-step.

“So you’re a tough guy, huh?” The pimp rubbed his now swollen cheek, and it went back down to normal. “I was just gonna have you be a street girl, but I think you’re gonna become something more special than that...”

“Come on Yumi, the hotel pool’s gonna close soon”

I don’t know why Chad bring me here to workout and no let me finish. He say go ride bike, and two minutes later he want go pool.

“Let me relax few minutes! You more annoying than fat gross man next to me on flight from Japan!”

Chad spoke to me in Japanese, which always turned me on. It was reason I start going out with him, he only person that knew Japanese when I get to America last year. Chad teaching me English, but I only just start learning.

Chad tell me again to go with him to pool, but when he speak in Japanese I feel like I need to listen.

Chad dress me up in bunny outfit, and we went to the pool. When we got to pool, Chad told me in Japanese to go have fun in the pool. I wanted tell him to come with me, but I can’t and feel myself gliding over to the pool alone.

He continued giving me commands in Japanese, and each one change my brain. I slowly start getting, um... more stupider. I remember learn English, but not so good anymore. He say pussy is hot, and I squeak in sexy voice. My pussy need a cock, and he say I need master’s.

We walk into back room, and hear orgasm and screams. Sexy woman passionate, riding a muscle guy with handsome face. I whimper, hope I get fuck like that.

“You know who that is, right Yumi?”

I give master dumb face, trying to think where I would know American prostitute.

“That’s your wife Yumi! Sarah!! You guys are gonna be roommates now, I’m so excited for you!”

“I sorry master, but Yumi-San no have wife...”

We both looked back to my wife, and I could feel master’s cock get thicker against my hand. Was I holding master’s cock? No he still have pants on! I unzipped master’s pants and start suck cock, but he stop me.

“I’m sorry Yumi, but I can’t let you taste my cum again. I forgot it would make me lose control over you, but not this time. You’re gonna stop being my girlfriend, and start being my sex slave as soon as I cum inside you. Now get up on this cock.”

Master laid himself down on bed, and waited for me to get on top him.

“No master, this get too weird for me!” I turned to leave, but paused as master start to speak Japanese again. He repeated his command, and I immediately  turned back to him.

I jumped up on his ten inch cock, and moaned as I slowly lowered myself on it. It took a few tries, because my pussy is very  little. But eventually I was able to spread my lips, and felt pure ecstasy from being filled. The whole time, master was giving me commands, and magically changing my outfit.

I needed my mouth to be filled as well, and sucked one sucked on my finger as his commands changed me some more. My finger was no longer enough, and I needed something bigger. Master’s fingers were gonna have to hold me over til we could get some more guys involved.


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