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I was nervous going to the dealership as it was my first car purchase, and I was pretty much guaranteed to get ripped off.

“Hey come, sit down! I could tell you’re looking for a good deal on a car today!”

A salesman had spotted me, and I felt an almost invisible force guide me to his desk and sit me down like he’d told me to.

“You’re looking mighty nervous bud, I’m not trying to rip you off...

Why don’t you calm down, and tell me what style body you’re here for today”

I actually felt myself grow a little calmer, this guy seemed trustworthy and honest. No way he was gonna rip me off, I was hooked.

“Well I was hoping for something smaller and more compact”



“How’s this?”

What the fuck?!? Looking down a pair of my own tits was too surreal, I was at a loss for words. Then my senses came back, and I realized I was barely dressed in front of this creep.

“Are you fucking kidding me?!?”

I turned around to cover up, noticing that nobody else in the crowded dealership even flinched at my outburst and transformation.

“What’s the problem? Nobody else seems to notice, and that’s good considering how turned on you are...”

Suddenly a fire erupted in my loins, and I let out a sexy squeal. I looked horrified at the salesman who’s name I still didn’t know, hoping he would explain what was going on. I could barely think straight, and was panting intensely as my pussy created a dampness in my panties.

“You look like you could use a nice cock right now, let’s go back to my office.”

I could only follow as led me back to his office, and I knew I was in trouble when I saw the queen size bed in middle of the room.

“I love doing this type of stuff... Ok so you’re really horny and all you want is my cock, but unfortunately for you, you’re just unable to get my cock loose from my pants.

While he spoke I felt my self become much more horny than before, I could barely keep myself together and was on my knees gasping for air within seconds. I needed to get his cock inside me. He picked me up and we started kissing softly, my strong desires intensifying as my kissing did.

My lips craved him, and while kissing him I tried slipping his cock out to stroke it. I could feel it, but I kept passing over it with my hand, it was so big too! I needed to at least see it, but like he said I just couldn’t get it out.

I rubbed up against his body, feeling his cock get bigger and bigger. I loved the way it pressed into my stomach, and I was still trying hard as I could to get it out of his briefs.

I was getting more and more horny the more I caressed his cock through his pants, but couldn’t get any release without it.

“Alright get on your knees, and start blowing me. You’ll find yourself super eager to get your lips around my cock, but you’ll just keep missing. Dont forget that enthusiasm though! It’ll take a few minutes til you could successfully get your lips gripped around my shaft.”

I held back my satisfactory moans as his cock flopped out, and rushed to get my hands on it. I went down on him, mouth open ready to be filled. It was like a magnet repelling me, and I just went straight for his balls. I loved licking and sucking his balls, but feeling his giant cock slapping and resting against my face was too much.

“I could tell you’re really craving some of this, baby. Let me help you out”


My clothes disappeared, and my mouth filled with cock. I let out a blissful sigh, and wrapped my lips tightly around the shaft. I couldn’t get enough cock, and when the salesman told me he was ready to come I got really excited. I felt the first bit shoot down my throat, and needed more! I wrapped my plump lips around the head of his penis, and quickly sucked the rest out myself. The taste was like nothing I could imagine, and I knew cum was my new drink of choice. It took me almost a full minute to finish draining and swallowing Brad’s tasty cum, and every second was fantastic!

Upon getting my fix, I now wasn’t so turned on, and took a look around the room, learning from several plaques and certificates that the salesman’s name was Brad.

“That was the best blowjob I’ve ever gotten, do you wanna be my secretary??”

“No!!! What the hell is wrong with you?? Change me back and let me go! Now!!!!”

Brad looked down in shame, “I’m sorry, I was just trying to get you into the car of your dreams...”

“I just came her to buy a fuel efficient car!Who said ‘car of my dreams???’ I’ll give you one more chance to get me a deal, but no more funny business.”

“I know just what you need, and I’ll have you in a car like that!


Brad snapped and my vision went dark for a second. I opened my eyes and was outside, sitting in a small car taking a selfie. I looked down at my screen in horror at the beautiful smiling face I saw, and looking down was met with massive cleavage, confirming my concern. My tits were way bigger than before, and even I was getting turned on from that face. I looked around for Brad, or anyone frantically. In a puff of smoke, Brad appeared next to me smiling.

“I love that outfit Harumi, and what a wonderful smile!”

“Smile?” I had a Japanese accent now, and felt my cheeks tightened in a permanent smile.

“Why me smile like this? And why me no talk English normal? And I so calm, not good!”

“O I’m such a fan of that accent Harumi! I’m so lucky my girlfriend was born and raised in Saitama, right outside Tokyo!

I can’t believe you know as much English as you do, it’s barely been a year since you first came over here to strip and do porn.”

I felt my history change to fit Brad’s stories, and my vision went blurry as my history changed my personality.

Brad started motor boating my cleavage, but I was not about to let this happen. Even if I couldn’t verbalize my thoughts properly, I was gonna tell Brad off.

“You no nice! Let me suck cock!”

Shocked, I covered my mouth with my hand. I had not meant to say anything close to that.

“Me no think it fair you keep cock in pants. Show me, show me, show me!

No... no show me cock... yes, you fuck pussy now...”

I could barely keep my thoughts straight, and the things I was saying weren’t helping me concentrate. “Your cock so big, it take too long get in tight pussy. Why you wait, give me now.” I paused as my memories shifted, and I now remembered spending hours just trying to get Brad’s enormous cock into my tiny pussy. I moaned orgasmically as my pussy tightened to fit my words, and I could tell he was about to hit me with a doozy.

“You were the most famous pornstar in Japan, and were paid millions to come start shopping porn here in America. Unfortunately, the porn industry didn’t involve enough good sex for you, and you became a stripper that sleeps with her customers too. Even this couldn’t satisfy your unreal sexual urges, you had sex constantly for years all day and never really satisfied your urges. That was, til you met me. My cock made you really orgasm for the first time ever, and to this day you could only REALLY get off on it. I never see you with clothes on, which is good cuz it keeps me ready to go always!”

My clothes disappeared, and I could feel my nipples become even more sensitive as more fat poured into my stretching breasts. My face softened, and became smaller as my hair grew more luscious and long. It took me a minute to realize we had transported back to Brad’s office, and I was staring at my slimming body in the mirror.

Fat was still being moved from my lower half to my tits, and I could feel muscle swelling and becoming much larger in my ass and legs.

I giggled and bounced, thinking about how sexy I was becoming. Suddenly Brad barged into the bathroom, “Harumi what are you doing?? You’re naked in middle of the store!”

I looked around and saw I was now in middle of a crowd of people, all watching me jiggling and shaking my tits. Embarrassed, I covered my breasts with my hands. Whimpering as I gripped them, causing me to yelp out sexually, and leak more cum on the floor.

“Nonsense! No need to be embarrassed, these people wanna see a show.”

“Harumi so jiggly, no want people see!”

“You’re an exhibitionist Harumi, you love being fucked in public! You get so turned on just from being in a crowd, you’ll start masturbating to get off and get attention. You feel every pair of eyes staring at you, but the only sensation is more horny.

I could see now how horny you’re getting from today’s audience...”

I was on all fours with my ass presented happily for Brad, and felt a constant rush of pleasure from everyone watching.

“They won’t look away til I finish, baby”, Brad whispered in my ear before licking it.


I couldn’t remember ever having sex in front of so many people. And I could now remember a lot of times I had sex in front of a crowd. Brad had no trouble slipping into my pussy today, and the crowd was getting louder and turning me on even more now.

I focused on my nipples as I lowered myself a little, and my boobs pressed against the cold floor. My moans became intense squeals of pleasure as Brad increased his tempo, and I could feel his cock start to twitch inside me.

“I told you that cum makes the transformation permanent right?”

I snapped back to reality when I heard this, I had just came to buy a car, not become a sex slave!!

I tried to jump up and run, but Brad grabbed me by the arm and pulled me into his wonderful cock. The crowd noise intensified, and I felt myself melt as streams of cum shot into me, reaching a place not even Brad’s totally long cock could reach. I sighed and collapsed in a sexy heap, and the crowd, following the spell, immediately dispersed.

I couldn’t look something brad as anything other than my loving, caring, sexy master. And I was his newest sex slave.



Great idea, I’ll definitely keep it in mind for future stories!