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I’m not gonna get into it, Brett gets yelled at and becomes a woman. Nothing changed in the story, and by design will be the same everytime.

Brett; now Brittany, immediately started googling change clinics and even illegal gender change spots. She dug pretty deep, and as time went on; like Samantha’s curse does everyday, she started getting hornier and less interested in non-girly things.

She felt her attention span slowly shorten, and by the time she found a lead barely even cared. Something about a bar that multiple guys said had turned them into chicks. Brittany thought hard for several moments, trying to recall why this would mean anything to her.

Then it hit her, “If I visit that bar...”, she was excited, but trailed off. “Like, when I get to the bar I could find out why guys are transforming! I’m totally like a real detective!


Brittany was losing it, and couldn’t recall what she was even taking about anymore.

I watched as she put her phone down, and started stripping for her selfie camera. Her panties were off, and she was on her bed masturbating soon after that. I knew it was time.

When I first saw Samantha change her boyfriend into a girl I was appalled, but after hearing her moans through our shared apartment walls my cock got harder than it ever had. I didn’t even knock when I went over.

She sounded so embarrassed, and had gotten so much hotter than I could ever imagine. I was so turned on I couldn’t even talk for the first minute or two, but then I bossed her around. I fucked the shit out of her, and then she just went to sleep. I tried waking her up, but it was like she was in a coma. Then I remembered what Samantha had said about it happening again and again, and my wizard training kicked in.

I realized this was a Groundhog Day spell, and Brett’s soul would be stuck in that body as himself tomorrow. The difference is, my soul will leave this universe and go to a parallel, non- repeating one. I felt bad that Brett was cursed to this hell, but there was nothing I could do to help him. It was a very powerful spell, and I wasn’t even able to do it to others, let alone undo it...

I decided to track this thing out, and see how Brett handled this whole thing. I don’t know if he’s going about it right, but when you’re not a wizard sometimes there’s no right way to go about things.

I locked my soul to the body it was in, a simple very easy to undo spell. Tomorrow would be exactly the same for me, and I was very excited having never been able to do this spell before. It’s a very fun spell when used appropriately, and those without moral conscious for soulless beings had a lot of fun in universes they wrought, created with spells they were taught.

I had simply walked in while Brittany was in the bathroom earlier. I couldn’t believe after yesterday she didn’t lock the door. I guess transforming into a different gender against your will is kinda stressful. I could barely move, my erection throbbing so hard. I had to jump her right now, but I didn’t think she would enjoy being raped by a man right now. I knew if I waited enough time, she would start craving cock enough to not question my sudden presence in her apartment like last time.

Samantha had really sped up the pace yesterday, and after a while I realized I would have to help her out, cuz otherwise I was gonna just jump her soon. While I was changing her anyway, I decided to make her a little more my taste.

I continued changing her slowly, and was somehow getting even more turned on.

I changed her some more, getting brazen and doing big changes now. I dyed her hair blonde, and made her face more my style. Her clothes became sexy lingerie, and I gave her an attitude that really got me going. She was now more stuck up, mean and slutty, which for just one day I found amazing.

I couldn’t decide whether to make her my slave or girlfriend, but made up my mind immediately upon a third idea.

Brittany was now Kimli, a prostitute from Bangkok. I was gonna give her a backstory, but felt my magic dwindling. I managed to make her totally obsessed with me and my cock, which caused her to start groping and fondling me immediately. I then dumbed her down more than before, and changed her lingerie to a tiny bikini.

I didn’t realize how big her boobs were gonna get after I did that though, so the top barely fit her.

I gave her a new bra to wear, but this too was soon much too small for Kimli’s massive tits. I decided to just rip everything off her, and bend her over. She was more turned an than me at this point, and wrapped her arms around mine behind her back while moaning and slowly inserting my cock into her pussy.

“Aaaiiiiiiiiiii”, Kimli was riding me faster than I’d ever been ridden. She panted and squealed as her boobs flopped up and down wildly, and I could feel her pausse leaking onto my foot. I brought my hands up to hold her boobs down, and really got her pumping. I could feel her spasming with orgasm, which made me shoot my load into her. She yelped out in ecstasy, and fell asleep still on my cock.

I cleaned myself off and left Kimli on the floor, excited about what “tomorrow” would bring.



Still good ^^


I like the new perspective!