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A big thank you to Adam for being my beta reader on this ♥

Chapter 2 - Azad the Rogue

“Who goes there?” exclaims Finn, now wide awake.

"Forgive me for disturbing your rest, my lord," the cloaked figure responds. "I am Azad, at your service."

With this introduction, the stranger rises, bowing formally to the fighter. The performance seems almost comical given the circumstances. Stepping into the moonlight, he reveals his face. Framed by strands of silvery white hair, his amber eyes seem to emit a soft glow. The rest of his long mane is held back in a warrior braid, and coupled with his light armor, it suggests he is ready for action. Arcane markings on his body become visible when hit by the light at the right angle. They have the appearance of glowing white tattoos and are undoubtedly evidence of the young man’s Genasi heritage.

“And what are you doing in my room?” asks Finn.

“I… Err… I’m a courtesan and I was sent by the inn to offer you company on this lonely night, my lord.”


BEN: Alright, Roo, you can roll Decep-

FINN: Oh! You should’ve said so from the start!

BEN: Nevermind.

MARKUS: Can we have sexy time in D&D?

BEN: Of course, you can! Everything is possible… As long as everyone is chill with that of course?

DIEGO: Oh yes! Please! I wanna see where this goes.

JADE: I need popcorn.


Azad looks at the fighter on the bed and realizes that since he rose from his slumber, he has been covered in nothing but moonlight. His large muscles, adorned with red hair, and his impressive manhood are on full display.

What do you do?


FIROUZ: Duh! I’m gonna make him cum.


Without skipping a beat, Azad approaches Finnigan and runs his agile fingers through the soft fur of his ample pecs, taking note of each scar on his body as he feels his bulging muscles tense and relax under his touch. His fingers keep gliding tenderly on the freckled skin and, almost on their own, move south. Before their journey can reach its end however, the intruder is interrupted by the fighter’s strong hand at the nape of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss.

They make out passionately while Finn undresses Azad, throwing his toolbelt on the floor with a swift movement and a soft clinking sound. As he lets his hands wander around his partner’s tattooed body, the redhead feels both the softness of his skin and the tightness of his musculature. He can tell that Azad, despite his small frame, has a wild, raw strength in his body.

In an eagerness that betrays his desire to seize control, the smaller man pushes the muscle-bound warrior onto the bed. The golden glint in his eyes makes it even clearer that, despite the difference in their sizes, he is the one in charge. In a quick acrobatic movement, he straddles the ginger giant, resting on his large scruffy thighs as he admires the god-given piece of art between his legs. If he didn’t know any better, Azad would believe that the man under him is a Half-Orc or a Goliath from the massive size of his meat. Long, thick, veiny, and relentlessly hard, it towers over a field of copper-colored hair. A steady stream of precum leaks down its throbbing periurethral vein and when the Genasi strokes it with both hands, even more fluid gushes out of its glistening head. Clearly, the fighter’s enthusiasm is not limited to quests and adventure.

His own cock now free of its leather covering, Azad offers a playful smirk and rubs it teasingly against Finn’s. Jutting out of a generous bush of silver hair, it almost looks like a large tree trunk standing strong in the winter snow. Thick veins draw a path over its wide surface like a treasure map, divided by a faint circumcision scar on the way to its full, bell-shaped head. Its generous heft rivals even his partner’s, proving that, once again, despite being the smaller man, there’s more to him than meets the eye.

For what seems like hours, Azad teases his victim relentlessly. One moment he licks his pink nipples before biting them the next. A few kisses here and there break up the long minutes of frotting their beastly dicks together. At times, he even rubs the head of his dick against the fighter’s tight hole, making him beg with his eyes.



FIROUZ: Hold on… There’s no way Finn hasn’t cum like twice by now.

FINN: Hey!

MARKUS: It was just getting good!

BEN: Mmmmh… Firouz has a point, guys… Both of you, make a Constitution saving throw. I’m gonna say that you both haven’t had any in a while so it’s gonna be a bit challenging. The DC is 15 so that means you need to roll 15 or higher to hold it. 14 or less and you nut.

FINN: Aww man… I rolled 12. I was hoping My character’s little soldier would be less sensitive than mine.

BEN: Wait, you need to add your CON save modifier.

FINN: OOOH! That’s +6! So that means… 18! I didn’t cum after all!

JADE: I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone be this happy they didn’t cum.

DIEGO: Or this happy to do Math.

BEN: What about you, Roo?

FIROUZ: (mumbles) Stupid dice… (groans)

JADE: Sounds like small dice energy to me.

MARKUS: I think he’s trying to say 6.

DIEGO: We love a healthy dose of irony.

BEN: The dice have spoken!


Overtaken by lustful enthusiasm, Azad teases Finnigan’s rosebud one too many times. The slippery precum and extended foreplay facilitate the entry for the Genasi’s now edged member. “Pop!” he hears, as its big head mistakenly slips into the warm wet hole, making the fighter moan in a delightful mix of pain and pleasure. In response to the break-in, the ginger’s rosy ass cheeks uncontrollably contract against the caramel-colored cock, tightening the sphincter’s grip around its head in a greedy embrace. Azad can feel his sensitive glans being overstimulated and as he reflexively tries to pull out, hoping to hold back his rising orgasm, the opposing forces act as a milking action on his member.

With another, louder, popping sound, he pulls out his swollen cock, provoking another strained moan from Finn. He barely has the time to appreciate how full and edged his manhood looks before it spurts its milky load all over his partner, covering his fiery fur and hard cock in thick gooey spunk.

After leaving Azad a few seconds to wind down from his orgasm, the fighter sits up towards him to plant a kiss on his cheek in what feels like an attempt to wipe the guilt from his face. The peck then becomes a proper kiss and the two start making out again until the Genasi feels a hand slap his behind. The slap however doesn’t seem to come from Finnigan’s large warm hands. The hand feels cold and without much strength, almost like a sudden breeze whipped his butt playfully. Curiosity getting the better of him, Azad breaks the embrace and looks down towards his backside.

His incredulous gaze is met with a floating disembodied hand mischievously waving at him.

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Allan Meyer

G I R T H Representation that’s our boy Firouz,

Allan Meyer

By the gods I should have read the story portion before commenting: sexy times and funny bits, this is why we are here.


Ollie...Azad (Firouz) is absolutely breathaking and the story...omg I'm so invested!!!! It's nice to see these two also being reunited!


Thank you haha! I think Finn and Firouz will always have a bit of mutual attraction, even if they mostly explore it in D&D lol


What inspire the design ? Look great there is a leather dominatrix vibe to it

Griffin Barrows

"Or this happy to do math" 💀


Hahaha Jade is the one-liner queen. "Small dice energy" is one of my personal favorites 😂


This is so great! Was hoping Finn's fantasy character might have more stamina then they're used to, but it's written so playfully and well and but saucey - fanTASTIC 🥰🤩🙌🏻