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The story for this one is in the NSFW post as it gets a bit smutty 😉

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Allan Meyer

Very clever indeed. Love the patterns on his skin but don’t envy drawing them every time.


Thank you! Just like Finn's armor, I wouldn't have made the designs so elaborate if those weren't one-shot illustrations 😜 I hate myself but not quite THAT much lol


The brown and green looks great


"Flaws...has no real friends." Awww I hope he and Finnigan form a friendship! And I'll full on admit, I'm not normally team Firouz but he looks absolutely incredible!!!


Haha thank you! I ended up reworking the boots a bit to make them a little less "statement" 😂

Griffin Barrows

I love that I can see right off how much fun you had with this one!


Thanks! I'm glad it shows! I kinda regret not giving Finn a dynamic pose too though. But I think the next one is gonna be fun too!