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Hi guys! I have received multiple DMs asking me where to find some specific posts so I thought it might be a good idea to do a little PSA.

Individual posts

At the bottom of most of my posts, you will find a link like this:
Back to main page
This link will bring you to our "main page" where you'll have links to all the content ordered neatly for you.

This public post is pinned on my Patreon creator page and linked on all my socials, but I do suggest bookmarking it for easy access.

Comic posts

Posts that don't have that main page link are usually comic pages and instead, they will have links that look like this:
< Previous page  -  Back to title  -  Next page >
"Previous page" and "next page" are pretty self-explanatory, but "back to title" will bring you back to the title post for the episode with the "cover" art and page selection links.

The title post will also have a "Back to main page" link.

Art series posts

Finally, some posts have alternate SFW and NSFW versions. These posts will have a link like this:
View NSFW version
View SFW version
These links will take you to the NSFW or SFW version of the picture you're looking at respectively.

Other useful links

For more info, don't forget to consult our FAQ which is also accessible from the main page.

If you have any questions or need any assistance, don't hesitate to hop on our Discord server where the community (including myself) will be able to help you.

Last words

Thank you everyone for your continued support. I want to do the best I can to offer you the best experience possible here. Don't hesitate to leave your suggestions in the comments if you have any.

Right now, I am working with a minor wrist injury which is why it's taking a bit longer to get page 18 or RMp2 out, but it's almost ready.

Thanks again and have a good weekend!

Back to main page


Dan Chapman-Harris

Take it slow, that wrist is important to us!x


Thank you, I'm reminding myself to take short breaks when it hurts and it helps a lot honestly.

Griffin Barrows

The navigation page is the best I've seen on a patreon creator's page 👍🏼🫡


Thank you so much! Not the most glamorous part of my job, but definitely makes your life easier in the long run.