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Hi everyone!
I hope you guys enjoyed Pride Month and that you got the chance to attend all the events you wanted to. July is gonna be a bit slower for me cause I'm juggling a few projects and trying to take better care of my mental and physical health. But I'm not giving up! 😤 I've just been trying to achieve a healthier work-life balance so I can take better care of myself. Ultimately, when I feel better, I make better art so everyone wins.

💌 VIP rewards are out 💌

This is a friendly notification to let you know that the June VIP rewards were shipped out last Monday.

VIPs should receive them in the next few days depending on their local postal service delays. Thanks again for your support, guys.

🌙 Tsukuyomi and the Gods Book 🐰

Now the cat (or the rabbit in this case) is out of the bag and as you have all seen, the "secret project" I was working on was my entry for a collective art book.

The "Gods" art book features 23 artists (including yours truly) with unique and erotic takes on gods from various mythology. Check out the pre-order deal here! 

🎨 What's coming? 🎨

The Red Menace Part 2 is almost over, I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed making it. I am still deciding if I'll do a new cosplay project before moving on to Heart of Gold or not.

The Pride Project did slow me down a little bit comic-wise so I'm thinking it might be acceptable to move on to the next episode right away (while still finishing the last two bonus Eeveelutions of course) so that we can keep the story moving... We do have some new Ero Angels coming after all... 👀

I might put it up to a poll, I'm not completely sure yet, I want to clear a few pots from the stove before I commit to something else.

🔮 Another Secret Project™ 🎴

I am currently in the early stages of a collaboration with a beloved member of our community. I don't wanna give too much away, but I think it will be a really fun art project. It's going to be a long term thing so more will be revealed when we're further in development...

All I'll say is it's gonna be magical! ✨

RedBubble Shop Closure ⛔

LAST REMINDER that our RedBubble is closing permanently on July 31st. You may follow this link to visit the RB store before then.

I cannot guarantee that any of the merchandise offered there will be available anywhere else in the future. But I am looking into alternatives for that type of merch. Suggestions are welcome of course.

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Dan Chapman-Harris

Loving the work Ollie, keep it coming and do next whatever sparks your interest most :-)


I'm so happy to hear you're trying to achieve a healthier work-life balance! Good luck on the projects looking forward to when you are able to share more! =)


All good news! Secret projects, better balance, a happier healthier Ollie, July is looking like a good month!


New angels you say? We the aussies…cause there’s totally a ton demand more angels an more internationals :P


Hahaha I was thinking of angels coming to the main team, but yes, we will see international angels again in the future.

Allan Meyer

Yes, you can balance work with recovery or your wrist can do it for you.