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Alright, this took a slightly different direction than what Adam wrote again, but I think the spirit is still there. It feels nice to have the characters interact in a relaxed setting like that, I hope you guys like this even though it's not a porny scene.


Short story by Adam Lunter

“Okay, so you guys got off to a rough start at the boyfriend auction! Why can’t you just  give each other a…” 
Chéri was reading an academic article entitled ‘Teaching the Slow Learner’ and jotting  notes in the margin of the page when he began to hear Finn’s side of the conversation from the  other room. Finn had his headphones in, so Chéri couldn’t hear what the other person was  saying, but from the gist of it, it wasn’t favorable. 
 “Well, I’m sorry you think so, but… ” 
Although he was starting to feel a little guilty for eavesdropping, Chéri set aside his  article and strained his ears to listen. 
“Really? Well, where were you with your sage advice when your brother and I broke  up?” 
It was Jade at the other end of the conversation. Chéri bit his lip. He knew this  conversation had been overdue, and he was hoping he’d be in his trinket form in Finn’s jacket  pocket when it happened instead of listening to it live. 
“Wait, I’m being unfair? You won’t even give Nik a chance, but I’m being unfair?” Please don’t say something stupid, Finn. Please don’t. 
There was nothing but silence for a few tense seconds, then Finn spoke again. “You know what? This is starting to go somewhere I don’t like. Let’s just stop here  before we really hurt each other.” 
Chéri sighed with relief. Good move. 
“Yeah. Later.” 
Chéri closed his eyes, sighed, and knew what he had to do. He flew off the couch and  drifted over to the cabinet above the fridge. He opened it, took out a package of gummy  worms, and drifted over to the bedroom with it. When he saw Finn looking moodily out the  window from his bed, he tossed the package of candy at him. It landed on one of Finn’s knees.  The human looked down at it, and then up at Chéri who met his own questioning look with one  of compassion.  
“I thought you cut these out of our budget,” Finn asked, raising one eyebrow — the one  with the scar through it — and removing his earbuds. 
Chéri shrugged. “It’s good to have an emergency supply for situations like this.” “Still eavesdropping, huh?” Finn said with a tight smile that held little warmth. “Hey, even us faeries are not perfect,” he said as he flew into the room. “Besides, I have  a feeling you could use them.” 
Finn’s smirk finally softened and he gathered the package. “Thanks Chéri.” “You’re welcome” Chéri asked as he parked himself on a Jigglypuff plushie at the foot of  Finn’s bed and folded in his wings. “Wanna talk about it?” 
Finn opened the package of gummy worms with his teeth, extracted one, and popped it  in his mouth. “It’s pretty simple,” he said glumly. “My best friend hates my boyfriend.” Chéri nodded. “Yeah well, likes repel.” 
Chéri remembered whom he was dealing with and sighed. “It just means that they both  have really strong personalities,” he said as he took a gummy worm from the package. “You  put two people with strong personalities in the same room and they will start trying to outdo  each other.” 
“Yeah, but there’s more than that,” Finn said. “She says she doesn’t trust him because  she thinks he’s hiding something, and she’s usually right about stuff like that.” “Hey, you know as well as anyone that Nik’s the intensely private type.” 
“Yeah, but now I’m thinking about that time in the car when he kept saying stuff about  how I trust people too soon or when he asked me what made me think he wasn’t a monster,”  Finn sighed.” 
“Not much of a mind, but one hell of a memory,” Chéri commented under his breath. “Huh?” 
“Nothing,” Chéri responded hurriedly. “Go on.” 
Finn took two gummy worms out of the package and stretched them between his hands.  “I know I can’t make them like each other, but I really don’t want to have to choose between  them.” 
Chéri drifted a little closer and put his paw on Finn’s leg. “Look Finn, I don’t Nik very  well and I don’t know Jade at all, but I know you. I’ve been watching you a long time — longer  than you might realize — and I’m here to tell you, you have a good heart. It believes and  sometimes knows things about people that they can’t see in themselves or each other, and it’s  not driven by wishful thinking. It’s also not one that sees something in people that they  genuinely aren’t or hopes that they will become that. You’re really good at letting people just be who they are, and that’s why they’re attracted to you. I guarantee you that’s why Nik loves  you, because even if what he’s saying about himself being a mess is true he’s starting to feel like  he can trust himself around you. Same thing with Jade. I assure you that part of what’s  driving her is that you didn’t drop her like a hot potato when all that stuff went down with you  and her brother. You loved her even though she kinda took his side, right? I mean, you  probably were mad at her, but you still loved her, right?” 
Finn popped his gummy worms in his mouth and nodded. 
“So you’ve got two really strong people who love you because you let them be exactly  who they are, even when it’s hard for you to do so or when it’s hard for them to let you do so,”  Chéri said with the air of someone who was getting down to business. “And if that’s clear to  me, then I guarantee you it’s clear to Nik and Jade too. And if it’s clear to them, do you really  think either of them would put you in a spot where you had to compromise that and choose one  or the other? Really, ask your heart that.” 
Finn was quiet for a minute, but then he shook his head. “No,” he finally said. “I think  Jade wouldn’t do that to me because she knows firsthand that it’s awkward to do that. And  Nik… well, it seems like once he trusts you, he trusts you across the board, even with the people  you have around you. He may give pretty strong opinion, but he wouldn’t say ‘if you trust  them then I don’t trust you.’ Come to think of it, Jade’s kinda like that too.” 
“You see?” Chéri said, extending his paw in Finn’s direction and smiling. “You knew  the answer all along.”  
“I guess,” Finn said with a small shrug. “But I just hate that they don’t get along.” “Well, who knows?” Chéri said, patting Finn on the leg. “They may eventually reach a  truce for your sake. Hell, they may reach one for their own. But you let them figure that part  out for themselves. You just be the sweet, adorkable guy they both love.” Finn chuckled. “Am I really a dork?” 
“Yes,” Chéri answered. “And as much as it frustrates me, it also happens to be one of  the reasons that I love ya.”  
Finn finally laughed. “Thanks Chéri. I’m glad you’re here.”

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Lol i love that the expression on Finn's headphones is different in every panel!


That boy is wearing Funyuns as rings. I think Cheri has every reason to pursue this chosen literature.

Hayden Hayes

Lol this is the slice of life I need!! Also, I can definitely see why people might not like Nik if they don’t know his private details… he definitely is very self-loathing and slightly antisocial

Allan Meyer

The Divine Light of a Funyun. Love this totally.

Adam Lunter

Again… 1000 times better than what I wrote! Love the gaymers all chiming in on this issue (which is something I never could have envisioned or described properly… I am a total kusojiji) and really glad you made this as lighthearted as you did! I really should give up trying to write anything where Finn actually grows up… he’s much more charming as the slow-learning manchild we all know and love. The Funyuns were a delightful add-in… good for Chéri for not letting his aversion to those hateful things stop him from trying to take care of his hapless but well-meaning human. Chéri… I know you’re trying your best.

Allan Meyer

Pfft haha “Roo”? If he’s Roo who’s Kanga??

Adam Lunter

By the way… is it possible that Chéri is the “slow learner” when it comes to just how clueless our beloved himbo Finnigan can be? Not judging… just asking. 😉


Yeah, the "dark and tortured" thing is attractive until you see how much it gets in the way of socializing.


Never has a light so pure shone on my face. In that moment, I finally knew true bliss.


Thank you! You're too kind &lt;3 I still think that both the comic and the written version have their strengths. And Finn does grow up, but it's a looooong process. Don't forget that he's a slow learner XD


You might be right, maybe Chéri is a slow learner in his own way XD he's slow at learning how to deal with slow learners


In life, i am like Chéri, of good advice but tired of the insane way they interpret them... Each panel where Chéri talks, i am more and more in love with this character! Great writing et great art on this one On another note, does Jade have a love interest? i am kinda getting vibes with Firouz but maybe that's juste me

Marin Gouin

Pannels 4 and 6 are such moods 😆


I think we all need a Chéri in our lives. People around you are lucky you can be that for them :P Jade is single, but in "Rent-A-Husband" Ben revealed he has a big crush on her. Firouz is gay though so I don't think he's interested in her in that way.


Ben and Jade ftw then ! The level of sass in that household, legendary


The level of detail in this is so phenomenal! I would love for these comics to be physical, one day! &lt;3 Keep up the amazing work!