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(also unlocked for The Bar tier and up)

Poor Quentin, I think he has learned a hard lesson today. I wonder what lucky Frenchman Alek will go unload into now. 🤔

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Tom W

*chub* he fucked that cap right off his head! I still love the heart prostate so much xD your ability to mix humour and storytelling and sex so seamlessly in your art is incredible!


Alek dick is so big that it broke through the second hole! Great job at drawing the insides!


It makes me wonder if Quentin will call Alek, Alex again...just to see what happens lol. Very HOT btw!!! ;)


Thank you, I like to think it comes from my inability to decide on a consistent tone. JJ might be onto something.


Lol I agree! I can totally picture Quentin doing that...and I could see Alek REALLY teaching him a lesson afterwards haha.


Hahaha yep, 12 inches is MORE than enough to reach there. And thanks, internal shots are still a new thing for me, I am not a scientist :P

Tom W

JJ is a smart bugger so maybe he's been right all along by being indecisive 🤔


Haha thank you! But seriously, I wonder which part of Quentin will win next time they meet: his playfulness or his thirst?

Deme celaya

For Alek: I know identify as a Frenchman and he can unload in me (so he doesn’t build up too much backed up Eros spunk) For Quentin: good boy what a trooper


I feel the smallest bit sad for him haha mean…Alex Oooooohohoho

Hayden Hayes

So they’re in Montreal? I don’t know how I never picked up on that. Oh hey! Lol that means I’m super close to them when I’m at Uni


Obviously the whole thing is very hot but what I'm really loving rn is Alek's outfit! Love an open shirt situation! Looks great


Hahahaha I can only imagine you going to Alek like "Bonjour bonjour, I would like 'la baguette' please."

Deme celaya

It would be more like “une bagette, mais donnez-la-moi deux fois s'il vous plaît” (in my rudimentary French with a semi failed accent)


Just another Tuesday at the Cabaret Bara…and outside it too.

Allan Meyer

Soundproof room, Quentin must stay busy.


Awwwww how can you resist those adorable eyes!!! 😍😍😍