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Once again, this comic page is not quite following Adam's story, so I think both can and should be enjoyed in their own right.

Thanks again to Adam for collaborating with me on this side project, I'm enjoying it tremendously and I hope all of you do too! It's almost over, the next Z&N episode is the last one before the next story arc. I will miss these two.

Fortune Cookie

Short story by Adam Lunter

Nik was about to dig in to the massive amount of Chinese takeout spread out on the table before him when he had the most peculiar feeling that someone was watching him. He shifted his eyes to the side and saw Zachari staring him down with a look in his eyes that was equal parts hopeful and pitiful. For a moment, Nik could have sworn he heard Sarah MacLachlan singing that song about the arms of an angel and sighed. He jabbed a spoon into a container of pork fried rice and set it in front of the little wolf.
“Here,” he said.
Zachari’s face cleared instantly. “Oh great! I love this stuff!” he exclaimed as he sat down on the table with the carton between his legs. His face just barely peered over the edge of one of the flaps.
“You’re welcome,” Nik muttered after a moment of watching the faerie eat with gusto.
“Mmmm!” Zachari said holding up the spoon in a small salute.
“Want a fortune cookie too?” Nik asked bitterly. His face was host to a sticky smile.
“Yeah!” Zachari said with a mouth full of pork fried rice.
Nik scooted one over to Zachari who dropped his spoon back into the container. He picked it up, cracked it open, and unrolled the little piece of paper inside.
“What’s it say?” Nik asked.
“A tall, dark, handsome stranger is in your future,” read Zachari.
“There’s one in your present, actually,” said Nik.
Zachari looked up at Nik. “Yeah? Who?”
Nik closed his eyes and rested his forehead on the fist in which he was holding his chopsticks. I’m going to mail this fucking thing to a poor child in Bolivia, he thought.



Tom W

I probably shouldn't laugh as hard at this as I did 😂😂 but also Zachari's true form!!!! So exciting!!!!!


The doggie pleading look 🤣🤣 I love this series! Nik and Zac: the best duo ever

Allan Meyer

This warms my heart to an amazing degree, love every bit of this.

Allan Meyer

Just imagine Záchari’s majestic voice in his true form… gives me chills.

Hayden Hayes

Lol I can sense this is going to be a (comedic) recurring pattern. Also I absolutely love their relationship! It’s like a German Shepherd trying to deal with a Golden Retriever puppy 😁

Adam Lunter

@Allan… I posted something in the discord server you might like. 😉


Hahaha part of me wants to do one for each of the characters who will become or have become Ero Angels


That last frame though lmao

Adam Lunter

You know what is cool about this? Nik is still willing to take this responsibility… I didn’t think he’d do it until he had to.

Allan Meyer

Hmmm Záchari might have to wait until Nik is asleep.

Adam Lunter

I dunno… doesn’t Nik have the fetch balls there in case Záchari tried something like that?


I'm guessing it is going to take a Digimon style moment of hearts being aligned for Ero Moonlight to be born.