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Hi everyone and welcome back! We are excited to start season 9 of The Walking Dead!

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I really like this episode, a nice reintroduction to the group and the communities, and seeing them rebuild, a return to civilisation. While whats-his-face was an obvious redshirt, it really emphasised that it's been so long since the zombies have been a threat, and that nobody has died to one for a while. A harsh reawakening. I just wish Carl could've been there ;_; There's a wonderful moment in the comics, in this era, with Rick and Carl just watching a sunset, and enjoying the fact that for the first time in a long time, they're bored. Finally a goodbye to Gregory. I will grant Maggie that he needed to go, but I think she's becoming more vindictive and short sighted, not looking at the larger picture. Not good qualities for a leader in my opinion. But I'd be interested to see what y'all think going forward :P Xander Berkeley is a great actor and played Gregory to slimy perfection, I'll miss the slimeball :( Xander Berkeley is however playing Pellaeon in Star Wars. He had a small role in The Mandalorian Season 3, and maybe we'll see him in Ahsoka? Pellaeon is one of my favorite Star Wars characters, in the myriad of novels, seeing him in live-action for the first time is exciting. I hope they do the character justice. Pellaeon in the novel was an incorruptible and just leader, even though he was for the Empire, you could respect him. It'll be fun to see slimy Gregory in that role :P At this time in the comics Rick has a bad leg and walks around with a cane (the imaginary flash forward visions in Season 8 referenced this, obviously) as Negan snapped it *hard* in their final fight. Comic Rick is also missing a hand after the Governor gave it the chop so Show Rick is in pretty good condition in comparison! (Did lose his son though, probably would trade an arm and a leg, literally, to have Carl around)