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This was Mom and Kim's first time watching it! I watched this originally with Nikole and Li on our channel a few years ago. It was such a different experience watching this again. Thanks for requesting It!

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Dawn: What do you know about this movie? Kim: There's a clown in the sewer system. 🤣🤣🤣 Shoulda been the movie's tag line.

Lemuel Daher

Died at Kim’s “clown in the sewer system” line ngl


Now you can watch IT 2


Back to say this was a great reaction! I enjoyed Chapter 2 though I know it was less liked overall. But I think you guys would enjoy seeing what happens to these characters! You all have seen Jaeden Martell (Bill) before in Knives Out as the nephew always on his phone lol. Pennywise is played by Bill Skarsgård who is the son of Stellan Skarsgård who you guys know from the MCU as Dr. Erik Selvig (mostly in the Thor movies). Just realized Kim said you guys have to see it so I'll formally request It Chapter 2 lol!


Bill Skarsgard was also in the film they just watched, Barbarian


All of Stephen King's works are in a shared universe. That being said, there is a fan theory that all these kids are shining. Stephen King has neither confirmed nor denied this but he does go out of his way to emphasize that all these kids go through abuse and/or trauma of some kind. That's a huge factor for shining powers to develop in children according to King's works.

Elliott Bullock II

Great Reaction Storm. You, Kim and your Mom should definitely watch Chapter 2. The original IT you was referring to was the 1990 2-Part Miniseries starring Tim Curry as Pennywise also Seth Green, John Ritter (Three's A Company), and Richard Thomas from The Waltons were in it too. Part 1 was the kids and part 2 was the adults. Back in 1990, Stephen King's IT was a cultural event: First part was watched by 17 million viewers and Part 2 was 19 million viewers = 36 million viewers. The original is still loved to this day mostly because of Tim Curry's iconic and terrifying performance as Pennywise/IT and It's now combine to a 3 hour movie. This 2017 adaptation is usually called "remake" but it's an adaptation from the first part of the Stephen King novel. So Chapter 2 which came out in 2019 is focusing more on the the second half of the story with the Losers Club as adults. It's definitely worth it.


I can't really find the words to explain it well right now, but part of the way Pennywise's powers work is that none of the adults can see any of the bad things which occur in the town of Derry. It's like a spell Pennywise casts over the town. That's why the car just kept driving past Ben being tortured and why Beverly's dad didn't see the blood. It's a take on how IRL, once you grow up, you forget some of the bad things from your childhood. This movie is honestly like a comfort movie for me, which on a surface level is a bit odd being a horror film, but the friendships of the group of kids really, really makes you want to go back to that time in your life. The actors all did such a good job. I must've seen IT Chapter One at least 50 times now. Similar to the barrens in this film, I grew up with a riverbed and hills behind my neighborhood near the Pechanga Casino in Southern California. There were often rumors of criminals/a killer/scary people who hung out in the hills that no one really took seriously but I'd always have in the back of my mind when riding my bike around there. There's also a border patrol station nearby on the freeway, so whenever passing through in the 90s you'd have to slow down, sometimes stop at night, which would always have us curious as kids about who they're looking for. I'm sure shifting the time period to the 80's when in the book and miniseries it took place in the 50's made it easier for me to relate to. It's like everything you were ever afraid of growing up, every fear from talking to a cute girl to getting murdered by a serial killer to having an abusive relationship with a parent is represented in this film so almost anyone can relate to and have empathy with the kids.