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I love watching this series with Mom and Kim! They are so genuine and are spoiler free. It's hard to trust new people Rick's group bump into. After the Governor and Terminus... are there any decent people left? Let's find out together!

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Rogue Maverick

The biggest thing I have to say about this episode is that I am pretty sure that Eugene knew that the water could be tainted. Eugene also knows that he is one of the weakest characters in the group. He decides to drink the water because he knows one of two things will happen. One, he does and the group has one less mouth to feed, or he lives and they don't die of thirst. One thing about Father Gabriel is that he does agree with Maggie, he throws his collar in the fire. But when it rains, he takes that as a sign of God. I think there are two main reasons why Daryl kept going off, or trying to go off, alone. The first reason is it makes sense to send one person out. If Daryl goes out looking for supplies, he is wasting energy, so he figures it's better for one person to waste energy than multiple people. The other reason is that he wants to mourn and grieve in private. I live how Glenn was right, "we'll make it together. But we'll only make it together". This is especially true when they are in the barn. Everyone is helping to keep that door closed, aside from Judith for obvious reasons. I love your reactions and I can't wait to watch the next episode