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This is the last recap 'episode' from Amazon. We watched this before ahead of schedule, before the other recap premiered here, so we had no warning of the recaps at that point, LOL. We didn't skip it because Amazon titled this as an episode and we didn't want to risk missing any new information of the story. Thanks for understanding! The true finale of this season will start next week!

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Thanks so much for your support! You keep us creating and we can't thank you enough! Please enjoy! xoxo



Christopher simeon

But why do we have to watch it? Could you not post next episode now? Seems like the thing to do since we did not ask for the recaps.

David Caine

Patience, dear viewer. What if they post it in a bit? Plus, this might likely be an automated pre-scheduled post of the recap episode, I don't know how Patreon works with posting. Plus, it's Amazon's fault anyway for messing up the episodes' order and numbers, our team of reactors here did not know until we told them a couple of weeks ago.

Christopher simeon

The only reason I am complaining is we pay for this. I don't want to waste a slot watching something nobody asked for just so I have to pay for another month of lost that I did not need to. (We could have just put these in the extra category. We basically lost two lost days because of these stupid Amazon recaps. (I don't blame you guys you did not know) Hopefully the finale is a double drop.


i don't watch the recap episodes. but i dont mind them. on disney+ we dont have them though

Christopher simeon

Yoda have to as in to get what I was expecting which was 4 lost episodes in a month. Not recaps.


Thanks for your patience with the recaps everyone! It's Amazon's fault the recaps were listed as episodes. Even though we wasted time watching those as well as editing them... we didn't have time to watch more episodes to get ahead... so it was either the recaps or pausing Lost those couple weeks. Instead, since we did watch them, we decided to put the time into editing them to have something to watch those weeks instead of nothing. It wasn't intentional, but we are staying positive and are excited to continue the series. Thanks for your patience!