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Our Rebels make their move during a spectacular event. Watch more Star Wars Andor with our family- Storm, Mom and Kim!

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I think mostly it was that Vel was afraid of heights, before making the jump down. Remember how she looked down when she got there. She seemed VERY confident after that. It's REALLY too bad more people aren't watching this show! From this episode onwards the show just gets gets more and more interesting and engaging. Also I wont say the name to not spoil, but when you guys see an imperial officer with a mustache in the next episode, understand that it's a character you guys already know from The Clone Wars and Rebels! His name isn't spoken aloud, but it's him in the subtitles and credits. So unless you read those it's likely you guys wont suspect it's him during the reaction. He's fallen so far from goodness.


Corporal Kimzi, the Imperial comms guy, was played by Nick Blood aka Hunter from Agents of SHIELD. Kimmy's usually pretty good at spotting people so if she missed him, then I feel slightly better about only realising when I saw his name in the credits.