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Happy Holidays! Watch Hawkeye with Mom, Kim and Storm! The next episode will be available later today! Thanks for your support!

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Thanks so much for your support! You keep us creating and we can't thank you enough! Please enjoy! xoxo



Adam Grunther

When the Peacemaker show comes out can you react to that? Maybe Doom Patrol? You guys react to so many Marvel shows that it would be awesome to see you react to a DC show for a change.


Hi Adam! Thanks for your request! You are so right! We do watch A LOT of Marvel! We love it, but it's unfair to so many other request! I'm figuring out what to do with future shows and am curious what DC shows we need to watch first? Like Marvel, fans strongly like us to stay in order. :) Not committing yet though, just because of so many other requests too, but we'll see! Thanks again!


One thing about old bell towers to consider,... usually when they've been around for so long, they usually stop using the bell as an actual bell, and will set up a audio system that recreates the sound of the bell ringing. So that bell was probably never meant to actually be rung again, since it was pretty old and they didn't wanna damage it. Oops lol... but that's not speculation on my part ✌️😎 🔕


I haven't read the comics based on this show but as far as I know the dog in this show isn't the same dog as Cosmo the Spacedog. Also, Ronan was more than just a vigilantly and not much of a hero, he was a gang mass murderer. The reputation that the Ronan costume holds is not a costume Katie or anyone would ever want to be associated with due to the massive amount of people from all over the world Clint killed in cold blood. That was Japan that Nat caught up to Clint in, in Endgame. When mentioning Ronan the news was talking about how he killed gang members and others in New York as well as many parts of the world. Remember Rhode mentioned in Endgame that he found a warehouse which had lots of bodies of Mexican cartel members Clint killed.