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How exciting! Fun surprises here! This show really has a classic Star Wars feel to it!

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Glad to see you all enjoyed the first 2 episodes of Rebels, I loved the series and I'm sure you'll have fun with where it goes. Some people were a little on the fence with the different animation style compared to The Clone Wars, and I can understand. Just like with the Clone Wars you'll see how Rebels animation will improve as the series goes on. The only design I didn't like in the series was the Wookies... they were a little goofy looking haha. I think that's mostly due to them being a hairy character and being early in the life of the show and the animation just wasn't strong enough yet. Other than that, I loved all their design choices. Looking forward to watching this series again with you ladies and getting to see your reactions! ✌😎


Tom here! Thanks for your comments and requesting I delete spoilers. All good now. I saw most of Rebels already, so glad I saw this first!