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First time all three of us watching! Get to the chopper! 

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Daniel R



Yeah! Watching Predator with the girls!!!


Yes. The laugh at the end was the Predator reproducing billy's laugh from earlier.


The young guy telling the jokes is Shane Black, who went on to direct Iron Man 3 and, among other films, the most recent Predator outing (2018).

David Crabtree

Great reaction to a great movie. An era of true action stars. Some movie recommendations: Batman '89, The Burbs, Secret of My Success, Tears of the Sun, Real Steel, Airplane!, Hot Shots, Clue, Rocky 3, The Hunt

Frankie H

This movie had two governors in it. Arnold became governor of California and Jesse Ventura was the governor of Minnesota.


been asking for Madagascar series since i dont know when its been so long.....forget doing a reaction, it never even comes up on the polls


Awesome reaction. This is the first time I really watched this. I remember watching it as a kid and was so scared of it but I don’t remember any of it so it was awesome to watch with you guys. Good movie and all the one liners. Haha


Word of advice, avoid the "Alien VS Predator" movies like the plague. If you're going to watch more Predator movies, watch Predator 2 and the newest 2018 Predator. Those are considered the canonical three by the fans.


I'm curious if any other patrons also don't read the semi-final thoughts about or basic summary of how they enjoyed the film in these patreon link posts. Like going in to a film blind, I try to watch these reactions as blind as possible too, spoiler free, only wanting to know what they think of each scene as each scene is happening in the reaction. I even unfocus my eyes to make sure I don't really any words while I click the temp link, then I wait till the video reaction is over after the review/final thoughts portion of the video to read the first few lines of text in the posts.

Anakin Starkiller

Predator can make women feel like they have balls . This is exactly what John Mxteirnan wanted for this group of guys of special forces to be completely put to the against an alien being that was born to hunt. And one man who challenged it to its own game. It's an absolute classic. Predator 2 is absolutely and completely nuts with extreme 90s violence. Predators is definitely fun and brings back the feeling of the first film.

Anakin Starkiller

There was a kind of respect at the end with him revealing his face and the predator wanting to give a chance to face him fairly.

Justin S.

Predator is still one of Arnold's most popular movies and it has a great pace with just the right amount of action and violence. I still like Total Recall a smidge better than this but both films are among Arnold's best along with Terminator 1 and 2 and True Lies. Now, I think the Storm Crew would enjoy Predator 2 as well.


Favorite movie growing up! Became such a huge fan of the Alien and Predator universe after seeing this as a kid, not to mention a huge Arnie fan. RIP Kevin Peter Hall, the best Predator ever and Stan Winston, the best creature creator ever.


Nah, not the newest Predator. Predators from 2010 is pretty good and a lot of fans wouldn't mind a sequel, but 2018's The Predator is almost universally despised by fans and critics alike (as was the script leak).


Predators record and mimic what they hear, which is why the laugh sounded so human at the end. He was mimicking Billy's laugh. This is why he kept repeating the "over here, turn around" lines from Mac. When Arnold asked him what he was he just repeated it. "What the hell are you?"