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Thanks again for being there for me everyone! It was a difficult couple weeks and I want to say I am very positive and strong when it comes to my health... I'm a crazy over achiever when it comes to work and this time around was a huge reality check! I was told by multiple doctors to really take it easy the next few weeks... and in my head, I'm like, I only need a couple days! Wow, was I wrong! I did learn a lot about relaxing and taking care of myself and it's not always about how much work I can do in a day. I've always worked hard through my life and love the accomplished feeling at the end of the day... but then my health would become secondary when it came to sleep and exercise. Anywho, thanks so much for the love and support! It's great to be working again and I'm scheduling myself to take breaks and make enough time for sleep... and exercise hopefully soon once I'm a little better! You all helped make this easier and I can't thank you enough! My family has been a great support too, even helping even more with the channel when I was really sick. I hug and applaud all of you! Now, who is ready for more Defenders?! :D

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Thanks so much for your support! You keep us creating and we can't thank you enough! Please enjoy! xoxo



Sohail Jafar

That’s a great news and it’s good you’re taking care of yourself first and foremost.