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We are really loving this show! This was definitely the most exciting episode yet! We do watch the same day it comes out, so please tell us your theories and thoughts!

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Sohail Jafar

This episode has so many goodies and developments! Can’t wait for episode 6!

Hunter R.

Lagos was one of the places they listed off in this episode that Wanda "hurt" even though she didn't mean to. So, when the commercial went "when you make a mess you didn't mean to". It was taking about that and the juice in their cup was red like her powers color...... Idk if I missed anything else in it because there are so many tie- ins with this show ugh...

Hunter R.

They did say (Lagos) in the episode when they were briefing everyone on wanda's past.

Hunter R.

With Wanda I feel she was in control but it seems like she is loosing control. And it might be her doing unconscious stuff so she doesn't realize it. Or someone else is taking over because she is getting to comfortable. Idk this whole show messes with my mind. I have to recall like 25 movies for this 1 show lol. Can't wait for this new episode and for your reaction of it.


My theory: The X-Men are in another universe (separate from the MCU). I think this will tie into the next Dr Strange movie (Multiverse of Madness). And “Merge” the X-men Universe with The Avengers along with Fantastic 4. Remember Darcy said that Wanda “Re-casted Pedro”. I believe the other characters in the MCU know Pedro as only the one in Age of Ultron (except for Wanda so far) and the Pedro in THIS episode is the beginning of the “Merge” between both universes. I think Disney already stated that there may be characters from both franchises appearing together in the future. But I could be completely wrong on some or all of this. It was very strange that Wanda accepted this Pedro as her bother. In any event, this was an EPIC episode and may be the pivot leading to Phase 4 of the MCU. Can’t wait to see more. I absolutely Love your reactions.

Jordan Haddow

I have the feeling things are not as they seem. I have too many unanswered questions. Why the hex shape? I looked back and can't say or sure, but it seemed like the SWORD facility was encircled by a hex shape. Could be wrong there, it's hard to tell if it's actually a hex. What happened to the bee keeper that broke in? Wanda tossed Monica out when she found she didn't fit, but nobody else has come out. Also, who was that email intended for? How did it end up on those computers? Also, why is Agnes always present for major events? She really didn't like Monica (I think she was Georgina on the inside). Aside from that is the SWORD guys. They are almost cartoonishly determined to make Wanda the villain and kill her. Heck, they were going to missile her with her kids standing right there. Plus, what the heck were they doing with Vision's body? Does it have something to do with the fact that the first two words of their acronym name is Sentient Weapon? Personally I don't think Wanda is the one in Control. I think what is creating this situation is born from her powers or from powers quite similar to hers. So she can manipulate things. One theory I have is that her powers were born from the Mind stone. Just like some part of that mind ended up in Vision, it could be a separate mind was instilled into Wanda. A second theory is someone made a trap Wanda wouldn't want to leave.