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Hi everyone and welcome back! We made time for this movie since, so far, these movies are shorter in length.. about 1.5 hours! They are also a lot of fun too! I believe there is 4 movies out of this series? I know there is a third and I think Chris Hemsworth is in the 4th? :D  

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Here is a temp LINK as well: https://youtu.be/YIDLmZ03EHQ

Thanks so much for your support! You keep us creating and we can't thank you enough! Please enjoy! xoxo




Do yall take TV show sugegstions to be put on polls? I think all of you would really enjoy the show 'LOST'. Maybe after you finish Breaking Bad. Also a more light-hearted movie series to watch is Mission Impossible.


i dont know why i was so sure yall had already done Get Out. I was so sure i didnt even think to put it on my list of movies. Maybe i saw it on one of your polls and got mixed up


Absolutely. LOST would be the perfect show for them.


when i see that pic, my first thought is "i hate that dog so much" lol hurts me to say that cause i love dogs...but that dog,to me, exemplifies what you should NOT do on a sequel. And like how some people here tell you that you shouldnt do some DC films, i might have told you to skip over this one and watch the 3rd.....but im glad i didnt

Carlos Hurtado

Goodfellas Bridesmaids Princess and the frog.


The first and third are my favourite. Awesome you’re watching them!!!

Josh B.

Stop at 3 its the perfect trilogy doesn't need to be tarnished by the 4th

Brandon Jensen - May the force be with you

I really think you should watch the shows ,, LOVE VICTOR and STARGIRL i really think that this is shows was made for you :) thx and love your videos,,,,there is only 1 season of both shows and (13) episods each