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Hi everyone! First of all, thank you so much for your support here to help us keep creating! I apologize I've been putting so much focus and time only into editing and uploading content. I'm finally getting more help editing starting this upcoming week (it's been a long time coming!) So I plan on dedicating more time here!

You all are so AMAZING and thank you for reaching out to me about possible problems with fellow Patrons. That is alarming to here and I'm looking into this now. I've already contacted the possible Patron and have alerted Patreon. Please be kind to others here since we have such a wonderful community already. Those who join just to harass, bully, cause fraud on others is terrible... and will get into trouble. Many online medias are taking this a lot more seriously than ever before and I will make sure to take proper legal action against those who have ill intent here. That is not acceptable. 

To everyone else that is so wonderful here, we are truly blessed to have you! Thanks for sticking by us in so many ways! You donations help us out greatly, but so do your words through encouraging comments, opinions and ideas! You make all this worth it!

Oh! As I look into this, any proof you can provide me to help me with my research would be great! I really appreciate the help!


Daniel R

I had no idea there was even a problem this bad?? That sucks since this community is one of the best on Patreon and I want to keep it that way. Bad vibes begone!!


Thank you so much Daniel!! I can't wait to spend more time here again! I used to last year and it was great until I started editing full time, LOL! It'll be great to talk more to everyone! You are always great too! It is such a bummer to hear about Patrons like this.. but I received a few messages complaining about this issue.. so hopefully it's not too crazy! Hopefully that issue isn't that bad, but current Patron messages say otherwise, so I want to be safe. Thanks for the good vibes!! :D


Hope everything gets figured out. I imagine you're being vague for a reason but is this to do with polls or comments? Obviously don't feel like you have to answer. Hope all is well and you all stay safe :)

Charles Davies

Can you respond to my message? I joined the $5 tier and there is no google drive link for movies, so I essentially have nothing right now :(

Sohail Jafar

This is terrible to hear but it’s great that your doing something about this rather than just sitting on it. Lots of love! P.s. it’s good to hear that you’re getting more help with editing. Can’t wait to talk more now

Armchair Wizard

I am curious as to what the issue is, but if you can't say, then i understand, no problem.


Yeah I had no idea anything was going on. Hope things get cleared up. Nothing but love and good vibes being sent to you and your family!

Carlos Hurtado

It seems like anytime a channel or community starts to grow they get bad apples. Which sucks. But I'm happy to hear that you won't stand for that shiz. It's a good stance to have. I've seen too many channels tell their community to just ignore the trolls. Unfortunately that doesn't always work. If the trolls continue be a holes. They should be given a warning. If they continue acting out they should be banned. There's enough negitivity out in the world already. Everyone should feel comfortable in this community.


I am a "save the best for last" type of person. By now, i have watched about 85% of everything that was posted before i became a member. But this week, a particularly difficult week for me, i needed something comforting. And nothing comforts me like The Greatest Story Ever Told. So i finally stopped procrastinating and watched your reaction to The Lord of The Rings...and i was comforted. I read Tolkiens trilogy, Silmarillion/LOTR/Hobbit, almost annually, i cant tell you how much i love those books. It was great to sit back with you guys and watch the movies again. In a way, i kinda wish i had been here when you first watched it because i have so much to say, so much to explain, and you guys were asking questions about things you did not fully understand and i wanted so much to reply but lol too late. Oh, and, although i do wish Storm had not seen the films already, i must admit, a part of me was also pleased that she had, because, well, Storm tends to be more quiet during the movie if she has already seen it hahaha she is afraid to spoil anything so she tries her best not to say much. Thats how i like my reactions, talking during a movie is only ever acceptable if it is a true emotional response, i do not need any commentary lol . Please do not take this as a criticism, its just my preference. If people wanna sit and discuss a movie even for 2hrs, im happy and willing to sit and listen, as long as its after the movie not during. Sorry i got sidetracked...i just wanted to say Thank You. You have been a great help this whole lockdown period but especially this week, for me at least. I am very happy you enjoyed it, Kim. I was tearing up every time you did lol


Hi and thank you!! It has to do with comments in the polls and possible fraud accounts where trolls are taunting other Patrons here... so I will not tolerate mean people or fraud when there is so much good here. I want to make sure I have all the facts first so I don't misjudge a Patron either since I know some trolls are sadly stealthy lurkers. Thanks for caring and asking!


Hi Charles! Sorry for the delay! I have been responding to messages the last few hours. Thanks for being a fan and for your support! I'll send you a link now! Thanks again! :)


Yay! Thank you Sohail!! I always had fun talking a lot with everyone here and it I'm really looking forward that again! I'm going to try my best to take the best course of action when it comes to confirmed trolls. Any help through you guys will help me narrow it down faster too! I want to make sure I'm 100% right before I report/ban them. Thanks for being a fan!!! :)


Hi Christopher!! I won't release any names right now, but I've heard from multiple people that there are at least a couple trolls harassing others and making false statements about owning this Patreon as well as corrupting POLLS. I totally believe those who reached out, but I have to do an investigation to make sure the facts are right and it's not just someone trying to bully others. Either way, any mean harassing people will be banned since we don't need that kind of behavior here. You all are too awesome for that! :D


Thank you for taking this seriously. Much love to all of you!

Guilherme Zanettini

Dawn, I've sent you a message with some screenshots to help you out. As I told you in the dm, it's really sad that this is happening. You guys don't deserve any of it. Hopefully with Patreons help though you will be able to get this sorted out smoothly. Love you three!


So cool to hear you listen to the community so often!! I read the comments on the polls and can’t help but build suspicion as well. Anyway, hope it gets resolved. Also awesome you’re getting more help!! ^o^


Thanks Darrel! That means a lot! We have a great community here and I want to keep it friendly and fun! I'm going to try my best to see what I can do with this matter. Also, yes, I'm so lucky you all are so caring and helpful! Thanks all!


Aww, thanks CiviliNation! I am so happy we could provide some comfort during these trying times!! We really enjoy The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit! Kim really wants to re watch them!

matthew berry

I THOUGHT something was going on after looking at the polls. I haven't been on for a while but looking back at the closed polls it does look odd. Thank for everything you do and for trying to solve the problem.


*cautiously checks profile* *notes the joined date* *breathes sigh of relief*