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This post made my day! I love Pulp Fiction! I remember seeing it in the theater and just being blown away by it. Can’t wait to watch, and see what you all thought of it.

Daniel R

I've never seen this before either guys, I'm about to buckle up and watch! Just need snacks!

Frankie H

Post movie discussion: I think that Marvin was Jules (Samuel Jackson's) informant/inside man, they weren't planning on hurting him. I think. Which makes that car scene even more sad and unexpected. Also I'm guessing that Jimmie (Quentin Tarantino) was just a good friend of Jules, not involved in criminal business, but friends with a criminal who helped out a friend in need. Their friendship is somewhat perplexing given how different the characters are.


That was so fun! In my eyes, this is Tarantino's second best film, only bested by Reservior Dogs. Let's clear up a tiny misunderstanding. Choco (madman) was heroin, but Mia mistook it for cocaine.

Armchair Wizard

Yes. By taking what she THOUGHT was cocaine, and snorting it the way she did, it was way too potent.


After seeing how much you guys enjoyed this I’m begging for Inglorious Basterds or Django Unchained next


Yes same! Inglorious Basterds is so good!! Have voted for it and requested it many times.


I thoroughly enjoyed this reaction. I *did* see this movie twice in the theater when it came out. And at the time I thought it was great. But oddly, I never watched it since. I'd forgotten how engaging it is, and how mesmerizing the cinematography is. Not open for debate: This has to be the thee signature performance of Samuel L. Jackson's career. He's usually great, but he was something else in this movie. The perfect marriage of actor and role.


If you guys liked this, you really need to get a few more Tarantino Films! I think you would VERY much enjoy Kill Bill 1 and 2 (treat them as one movie really) and Inglorious Basterds.

Daniel R

WOW! Just finished watching! I've enjoyed whatever Tarantino films I've seen before but I never saw this for whatever reason. I know this film is super popular and referenced in pop culture but now I can officially say I've seen it and LOVED IT! It reminds me of what I do like about Tarantino movies which is the characters and the banter, the dialog, the scenarios, everything just works. What a movie, great stuff from beginning to end :)

Rafael Benedicto

Kill Bill 1 and 2 would be a nice follow-up to this :)


This was only my third time watching this movie. I never saw it as a kid, seemed to adult for me to like, then I finally saw if about 6 year ago as a classic movie at the theater I worked at finally after watching Inglorious Bastards finally got in into Tarantino. Thought it was fantastic though I knew my mind lost the plot a bit. Saw it a second time on TV a few years ago, but only half payed attention. This time watching with you guys I had the subtitles on and understood the plot completely for the first time. So good, although I still feel that both Mia and Vincent should have had more scenes. I just wanted more of their characters each time I watched it.