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Hi all and welcome back! Thank you for all your TV Show requests! We love it and are slowly growing here, so we plan to keep pushing our limits as much as possible :)

The Mandalorian will take over Vikings (at least for now). We LOVE Vikings, but it is unfortunately our lowest viewed show right now and I don't want to hear any spoilers for Mandalorian.

We really want to push The Clone Wars and Agents of Shield and will try our best to continue with those as frequently as possible since they are our biggest requests, but I will still put those here too so we are not pressured to over create every week, LOL! 

The Dragon Prince is my own guilty pleasure that I've been dying to watch.. and Mom loves cartoons too, so that we only do on our spare time, not during our normal reacting hours. :)

We get a ton of TV Show requests, but I'm trying to keep this smaller than our MOVIE Requests since we eventually end up committing to series (which are a way longer commitment than movies).

Please feel free to request in this comment section though! I'm always care and am very interested what you all have to say!

Love you and happy voting! xoxo



No question!! Lost! :)

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I'm still hoping for Once Upon a Time. Sorry... none of the above hold any interest for me. :)


Haunting of Hill House is an amazing show but it is definitely scary, having said that it’s more of a creepy atmosphere with less jump scares, which I think should be okay for Mom and Kim. The jump scares the show does have are pretty scary but there’s not TOO many.


I’m so excited for the Mandalorian! I think Mom will be okay with The Haunting of Hill House. One of the great things about it is that it doesn’t rely on jump scares the way pretty much everything else horror does.


Your Mom can totally handle HOHH. There are the occasional jump scares but mostly it's just a really atmospheric eerieness. It's an amazing piece of television.

Raymond DeGraw

I am also hoping you will react to Once Upon a Time... I think you will love the show.

Luis Garcia

I would still like to request Once Upon a Time, Miraculous Ladybug, and Netflix's Series of Unfortunate Events. The last one is the smallest with a total of 25 episodes and the second one will still be airing a fourth season at some point.

Christopher simeon

Come on shield fans these next two episode are a must see. VOTE SHIELD please.

Ricardo Pomalaza

LOST is a good show to react to! I would love to see a reaction to it!


I think Cobra Kai would be a mistake. As good as the show is, it derives so much of its enjoyment on nostalgia and being familiar with all the characters already.

Katie Stubbs

If Clone Wars wins make sure its in chronological 😊

Dave Hampton

Everyone saying HOHH is not too bad because there are not a lot of jump scares. I am not sure I agree, depends how easily startled based on reactions I have seen. Also I do not jump scare easily (hardly at all) and there was one in the show that got me so good I literally had to pause the episode because my heart and adrenaline was going so much. Just fair warning.


Agent of shield

Jasmin Holmes

Haunting of hill house! You're reaction to that show would be golden.

Jasmin Holmes

Star wars has a TV show?


Save Cobra Kai for after you guys watch Karate Kid (at least the first one). Speaking of which, Karate Kid is a total must for future reactions 😁. Classic 80's movie


Haunting of Hill House has scares, lots of creepy atmosphere and one scare that is quite startling but the heart of the story is an emotional drama about family. hope that helps and would love to see your reactions!

Tom Sinclair

I'm loving your Agents of SHIELD reactions!


I would say it’s more eerie and creepy. There’s maybe a handful of jump scares throughout the entire season.

Shyam Nair

Can peaky blinders be on the next poll please?

matthew berry

This is true. Cobra Kai would only be good if they watch the Karate Kid first


Really hoping Jessica Jones Season 1 will replace Daredevil/be on a future poll. You guys will love it and I’m gonna love that reaction series lol Jessica is a very unique Marvel hero

Ida Vinga

Oh PLEASE His dark materials!! No more Star Wars for a while, with the Mandalorian its too much :')


Lost is way overdue :)


I was very impressed by His Dark Materials, and i'm sure you'll get round to it eventually.


HIS DARK MATERIALS is a must watch!!


Clone wars


Yes, They have three now that I know of. Clone Wars, Mandalorian on Disney Plus, and Star Wars Rebels


I love ur guys reaction and feedback on Star Wars and clone wars is very good Star Wars content. And it makes revenge of the sith even sadder

Mr. Sweetfreak

When is the poll gonna end?

Mitchell Bowker

Aww man. LOST isn’t going to win this time either. ☹️ I sad.

Marvel Boy

Cobra Kai! Baby Woohoo!!

Lee Salvemini

Cobra Kai was great fun :D Watch for a real kick back, and not overly long series I reckon. But The Clone Wars I've been wanting to get further into, I even worked on a couple of Clone Wars games as an animator back in the day haha. So I've not seen past first season as it was my first junior job.

A.J. Workman

Haunting of hill house is the best show Netflix has ever done. It typically only has one or two scary parts per episode and they really aren't that bad. Nothing gory or violent. It's great family story that I think you all would really love. PLEASE watch it


People are missing out on Cobra Kai. It's short, but with very good writing on its own merit without relying on nostalgia googles to be watchable (huge surprise nowadays; looking at you evil Disney corporation). Although, I was very surprised at how many young people on YT hadn't watched the Karate Kids movies, and just watched the show because of obvious algorithm bias, and ended up loving it. This begs the question: Are you better off watching at least the first Karate Kid movie first, and maybe introduce some people here to something new?


I will check that show out. American Horror Stories looked good on paper, but I just couldn't get into it (gave it a fair chance, because of my sister)

Jasmin Holmes

this makes me hate star wars and all the marvel movies even more.


The Haunting of Hill House is BEAUTIFUL television. I went in expecting a spooky haunted house story -- and it definitely is that -- but then it took me by surprise when it turned out to be a very emotional and incredibly well made family drama about the relationships of a fractured family INSIDE a haunted house story. A+ acting, directing, and writing. p.s. I'm also putting in a vote for The Expanse -- BRILLIANT sci-fi show, only 10-13 eps per season, gets better and better with each episode and season, totally unlike anything else on TV right now. I think you'd love it.


Some TV show requests I have are Fargo, The Wire and Band of Brothers! They are some of my favourites :)


The Expanse, please! The Magicians would be another good one.


I believe Mom can. She might of course get jumpy but it's a great show!!


It would be more rewarding for you to watch The Karate Kid before Cobra Kai, as Cobra Kai directly follows on from it.


I know you said Vikings wasn't getting you many views but, just so you're aware, I know from a friend who works on the show that it's finishing up for good very soon, so you wouldn't have much left to watch if you wanted to finish the series, even if you wanted to watch it privately for your own feeling of completing it.


His Dark Materials is fantastic! The recently released British version made for tv that is. It's also much shorter and does not consist of several seasons with over a dozen episodes like some of these other shows your doing, instead it's a mini-series, with another potential miniseries follow up. In your post you mention series being a time commitment-but this is 1 advantage of a miniseries! Either way, hope you guys enjoy what you do watch!


Future note. After the ladies finish Breaking Bad, they should watch the Omaze Breaking Bad charity promo. It is hilarious and Storm Akima would definitely appreciate it after watching the show. It's only about 10 or so minutes long. I don't know if you're allowed to react to a promotional but Storm Akima should at least watch it for themselves (again, after watching the show). I was beside myself with laughter when I saw it.


The Legend of Korra


Please react to Gravity Falls! It's shorter than many other shows and it's amazing.