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Hi everyone and welcome back! I hope to have these weekly soon! It's hard to keep up with the demand and editing all the time (and training Kim).. we are watching so much now and it's amazing how much support we have from all of you here! Thanks all!

Please note that if your request didn't make it into this POLL, it will soon! We try to rotate out certain requests every POLL :)

Happy Voting! xoxo



Goodfellas?! What?!


I was just watching The Green Mile last night and thinking how I’d love for you, Mom, and Kim to watch it! 😱


*Gasp* The Green Mile is one of my favorites


React to Kong: Skull Island please 😁


The cornetto trilogy, yes please

Matthew Richson

I do hope Transformers wins eventually, even though it’s nothing compared to the others on this list. And if I had to recommend an action franchise to watch, watch the Mission Impossible movies. Their every bit as famous as Top Gun. Oh and keep putting Iron Giant and Rango on here, those are every bit as underrated as Megamind, arguably more!

Guilherme Zanettini

I want you guys to do Aliens so badly. But also want Transformers to win... I feel like you guys would have so much fun with the first three movies..


I pray for the day Coco will make it

Luis Garcia

I hope they watch Fantastic Beasts 2 before the third one comes out next year.


Fingers crossed for either Aliens or Shaun of the Dead.


So many good ones to choose from. I did my usual "shotgun" approach where I picked all my favorites.


Fingers still crossed for Incredibles 2!


Aliens is a must. Would love to see Hot Fuzz reaction so voted for Shaun of the Dead too. Also, highly recommend The LEGO Movie, as I see hugh613 recommended above. It's perfect if you want something on the lighter side to sprinkle in between the horror.

Rafael Benedicto

What happened to The Last Samurai???


The Mission Impossible movies would be great. (Though I have real reservations about the second one. I literally think it could sap their motivation for completing the series.)


Wow! I had this notion that you guys wouldn't do any movie with lots of violence and/or swearing in it, but you have Goodfellas on this list, so I guess I was wrong 🤣. Its an amazing, classic movie though, just not for very pg/squeamish folks. Side note, since violent/swear-y stuff isn't off the table (you did T2 afterall) then you MUST add Predator to the next list. Other than Alien & Aliens, Predator is widely seen as one of the best sci-fi/horror/action hybrid movies of all time. Arnold Schwarzenegger at his finest 😀💪


Green Mile is one of my favourite movies of all time. So well made. So emotional (major tear-jerking moments) and so much great acting in it. Probably won't win a poll like this ☹️, but hope you guys watch it one day


Man, what have we got to do to get some Tarantino love in this place?

Matthew Richson

I’m just so curious how’d they’d to react all the various things in them. Transformers is a very unconventional sci-fi franchise, even if the movies aren’t the best representation of it.


Hopefully Dunkirk will be on one of these polls someday. Christopher Nolan movie is something to look forward to

Jake Follain

Come on people Green Mile is one of the most emotional movies ever made


Incredibles 2! Fingers crossed!

matthew berry

It's definitely a must but I would prefer if they watched the Theatrical Cut.

matthew berry

I think for a change of pace they should watch: La La Land, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Pitch Perfect and/or Mean Girls.


Did it garner much support in the last poll? If not, it was probably swapped out for another film and may return to the poll in the future.


Question: Is there a way to suggest a movie without coming off as spam in the comment section? Because while I want to suggest a film (Warcraft), I also don't want to come off as pestering.


Aliens is great and all.... But Shaun of the Dead....


Please react to Maze Runner!!


Damn, absolutely no love for Toy Story 4


Shaun of the dead will be a lot of fun

Buddah Da Great

If you ladies you going to react ALIENS first, can it be the SPECIAL EDITION version...please.

Amanda P

Would love to see 10 things I hate about you be on the list someday so your family can see the funny and charming side of heath ledger


I'm surprised Shaun of the Dead is getting so many votes. Don't get me wrong, it's a good movie. I just didn't realize people were so passionate about it.

Ian Westcott

Some day, you'll have to the Star Trek original-cast movie series. (Star Trek 1 - 6). :-D I am SO conflicted about The Thing. Yes, it's REALLY good. But yes, it's super-graphic and disgusting, and I'm not sure I've ever seen another movie so perfectly portray the alienation and paranoia of Antarctica.


Pacific Rim plz


I am very happy that you have added The Iron Giant to this list. It's a great animated film.

Rafael Benedicto

It's a shame that these polls always cater to popularity. Sadly many gems like The Green Mile just aren't that popular, simply because many people haven't watched it yet.

Raymond DeGraw

Yes... ALIENS: Special Edition is a must. So many good things restored that were cut for the theatrical release.



Lee Salvemini

You can't go wrong with any of them :D All the best pollsters heheh


Transformers is such a bad movie


Transformers 1 is decent I would say. The rest of the Bayverse literally contradicts itself at very corner and turn. I would in all honesty recommend not going any further than the first movie. It is heralded as one of the worst and most inconsistent franchises of films. Again, the first movie is not too bad and actually makes some sense. Of course ya'll can do what you want, but thought I'd give fair warning. :p


Alright, I'm just gonna say it; Suicide Squad, Transformers, and Fast & Furious are really AWFUL movies, just bad to the point of feeling dumber without exaggeration. Even as a teen when I watched Transformers in theater I thought to myself: There's no way Hollywood planned that movie goers (mostly teens) are stupid enough to fall for the most cliche plots possible, and enough explosions to keep the minute attention span of a dead lettuce that most of us have, and the cheapest cash grab of nostalgia, and toys Transformers has sold to trick us for the millionth time to go watch this crap, and make 7 sequels? No way dude.... and BAM!


Thats what im saying... aliens is much better.


Well, that's the beauty of all movies being completely subjective. You might hate these movies, but others really enjoy them.

Matthew Richson

Holy shit, Transformers really got a second wind...


I blinked and Transformers went up by like 30 votes wtf HAHAHA


lol someone probably made multiple accounts just to upvote it


Scott Pilgrim Versus the world.


Aliens is just as great as Alien! You should check out The Silence of the Lambs and Good will hunting!


Transformers is winning? Really?


Seeing transformers win is the kind of thing that makes you question democracy


Maybe y'all should have a list of movies and which ever wins, gets cut out of the list and the list gets smaller and smaller until one remains so eventually all the movies on the list will be watched. Then after the list is done, put another list of different movies. Because it seems that there are movies that have been on here for many months and haven't been watched yet. Just a suggestion

Daniel R

Ehh I'm not too upset Transformers won since the first movie is somewhat passable...barely but still passable. The sequels are horrendous though.


I like the first three. The ones with Sam. But the fourth and fifth I don't like


Can y'all react to La La Land?


I really hope someday they react to that! Amazing movie!


Ok, how the hell did Transformers get up so high and in 1st place? Are we talking about the Michael Bay movies? Lost faith in humanity.

Sharrod Wolf

Are they not going to continue the Godzilla universe?


Transformers, Jesus Christ. The fact that it beat Aliens is an actual crime.

Kage Uzumaki

When does the reaction for the movies that win come out


I still hope for someday a Studio Ghibli film might get watched.

Caleb Harvey

When will hunchback of Notre dame get a reaction

Sam Martin

Godamn can't believe transformers beat Shaun of the dead and aliens both are such good movies, tbh I wouldn't mind seeing the whole Cornetto trilogy as they are all hilarious


i think the polls should be a $5 minimum patreon instead of $1 that way people can't abuse the polls with multiple accounts