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Hi everyone! It's that time again! We will be watching Alita: Battle Angel soon since I REALLY want to see that! All 3 of us will be blind to it and I know it's based of a manga... so I'm curious how Mom and Kim will react to that!

Oh! And yes! We will be watching Endgame when it comes out! Not sure what date yet since it depends when we can all get together for a big window of time :D ... also, should we watch Infinity War again beforehand? So much to remember!

Also, if your request didn't make it in this time, it will sometime soon! I rotate certain requests every POLL. Also, we will randomly choose a movie now and again to keep this interesting!

Happy Voting! :D



I request Justice League, Wonder Woman, and Aquaman


Cool! I didn't really expect much from Alita, but I honestly enjoyed it. Hope they make a sequel.


Toy Story 2 has my vote. After all the Toy Stories though, you need to watch Shrek. Probably the best animated film series out there. I reckon your mom and sister would love it too, for definite.



Tony Tenser

I'd love Suicide Squad so you could keep up the DCEU momentum - and get to Wonder Woman quicker (THAT's the movie out of all I REALLY want to see your reaction too) but as a lot of people don't seem to rate Suicide Squad I guess that one might have to wait for a bit

Sean Boyle

Who Framed Roger Rabbit? The Dark Crystal Saving Private Ryan?


Yeah that's the problem with picking single movies instead of entire franchises. One bad movie can hold it all up and sometimes over half a year goes by without them continuing what they started (looking at you Spider-Man 3).

A.J. Workman

La La Land! Would love to see some more indie/Oscar type films. Some of the more popular ones would be great I think. A Star Is Born comes to mind


I'm still hoping on a COCO reaction.


Gladiator :')

Rachael Albrecht

I know y’all don’t watch very many scary movies but I think you’d get a kick out of Cabin in the Woods. It’s a very interesting story.


Really wanna see them react to spiderman 3 to finish off the series

Jasmin Holmes

this is actually a perfect timing to watch zombieland since the 2nd one is coming out in October:)


Endgame is out on digital on the 30th of July


Me too👍👍 at this point i only vote for sequels so they can finish them before starting something else


What are peoples's thoughts on watching the Transformers films? At least the first one which is arguably my favourite of the series.


Fingers crossed for The Lego Movie


Come on BTTF!!!


Please let it be back to the future! 🤞


Titanic pleaseeeee!

Pablo diaz

You should add straight outta compton to the list it's a bit different from what you're used to but I think you'll enjoy it

Daniel R

Toy Story 2!!!! I need to see their reaction to THAT scene!! lol :)

Daniel R

It's also the only one of the series that comes close to resembling an actual movie


I've actually thought about suggesting some Fincher films to them but yea they're such serious and dark movies that I feel yea I guess it doesn't fit the types of movies they're used to.

King Henry Beauclerc

Glad you are watching Alita. I just got it on Bluray and it is fantastic! You guys will enjoy it.




A lot of interesting choices. I vote War because it's a great movie and it'd be a shame to keep that franchise unfinished. Also, Gladiator. I'm not crazy about that movie like so many people, but it's still quite good and I feel like you three would enjoy it. Last but not least is Titanic. One of my favorite movies, one I think you too will love. Plus, the reactions to a few things are bound to be...interesting. There are other movies on the list I'd like to see you react to one day, but these are my top 3 at the moment. Schindler's list is a phenomenal movie and also one of my favorites, but I think it might be too heavy for this channel.

Nick S

Toy Story 2, Titanic, the Mummy, Back to the Future, Casino Royale, and Schindler's List!

Daniel R

Narnia would be fun too, shame the sequels weren't that good. I'd be fine with Gladiator, Toy Story, or Titanic tbh.


I'd love to see you guys do La La Land, even though it doesn't get many votes! Fingers crossed!


Don't think it's necessary rewatch infinity war. Just watch the recap. Maybe the one you've already post it on the channel "Avengers Last Chance".


There are some good choices. You all should try the Mission Impossible movies.

Chantelle Miles

War for the planet of the apes Please!


You’ve gotta bust those sequels out! Incredibles 2 and Fantastic Beasts 2! :)

Ida Vinga

Not on the list, but how aboit the Underworld movie series?

Sohail Jafar

Hey there! Endgame comes out July 30th (THIS TUESDAY!) Can’t wait for your three reactions!!! 😁😁😁


I've already posted this under the Community tab, but I'll post it here as well. Stargate(1994). Made by the same guy that made Independence Day. Stargate also had 3 awesome spinoff series that span over 17 seasons in total, as well as 2 other movies based on the series, that's how good of a movie it was.


Can you please bring Maze Runner into the polls? Its so fantastic and exciting!!


And please watch Narnia ;( we are still waiting pls ! :(





David Martin

Can y'all react to The Wiz (Michael Jackson+ Diana Ross). I think y'all would love it.


Lol the amount of movies in these polls is always crazy.


I really feel like Narnia should get a watch - it's been in contention for so long and yet it always fails to get the maximum number of votes.


I think it’s a good idea to rewatch infinity war so your memories are refreshed! Also I hope the Endgame reaction is in three different parts so we see more :)


You should add Meet the Parents and Meet the Fockers on here, two hilarious movies


Oh wow, back to the future is close to winning

Luis Garcia

I don't know if this is the best place for this, but I would like to request the movies Jumanji (1995), V for Vendetta, and The Parent Trap (1998).

Chantelle Miles

Come on guys bote for War of the PLANET OF THE APES...need to see this reaction and complete these apes movies. Caesar ❤


FOR NARNIA (it’s not gonna do it is it. &^*#$¥)


Aw. Is Scott Pilgrim no longer in the running?


You should watch Indiana Jones! Would be amazing!


I want to recommend "Crazy Rich Asians". Wonderful movie.


Pacific Rim and Pacific Rim: Uprising plz