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We have a surprise movie coming up soon! Mom and Kim's request! Expect more Breaking Bad soon too! Thanks for being patient with your requests! I'm training others to help out with our channel, but can only afford so much. Soon, Kim and another family member will be able to help me part time as editors! :D

We are going to watch Dawn of the Planet of the Apes this week coming up too! Kim and Mom really enjoyed the first one!

Also, thank you for all the wonderful comments! I love reading what you all have to say! I love the debates and opinions on movies and thank you for not spoiling anything! These POLLS are great for requests!

Happy Voting! POLL ends July 5th!



Would be amazing if you guys reacted to Toy Story especially as the 4th one just came out

King Henry Beauclerc

I wish super hero movies would stop making the list. Gladiator, Titanic, Robin William's Jumanji are all great movies but will never win if you have any type of Superhero movies on there. Besides you have already watch the good ones the only ones left are the ones nobody really cares about. lol Still love you're reactions, I just really like Titanic and Gladiator and The Greatest Showman and I think you guys would really enjoy them.


1 Write in vote for Dawn of the Planet of the Apes lol


I'd say Gravity, The Hangover, The Devil Wears Prada, John Wick.


Check full description; "We are going to watch Dawn of the Planet of the Apes this week coming up too!"


Yes finally, man of steel I hope will be the winner


Hope Man of steel wins, i waited for man of steel for sooo long.


Hope you guys do The Lego Movie soon!


Man of Steel :) then Spidey 3 :) then Narnia :) ...


Well, now that some movies I liked a little more have now been watched, I guess it's finally time to jump back into the DC Universe. I welcome it! They aren't my favorite films, but I enjoy them quite a bit. Even the ones most people consider bad. It doesn't take much to impress me, just a film about heroic characters is all I need to feel entertained and lost in a world of fiction.


Life of Pi

Daniel R

I've been waiting forever for Man of Steel but I wouldn't be mad if Gladiator won lol


oh come on. been waiting for titanic reaction :'(


Just get PoS, i mean... MoS over with so we can get back to some fun movies.


I loved Life of Pi until the ending, which made me despise it with a passion.


Hopefully Gladiator wins the next poll


I actually want to see you three finish both trilogies of Star Trek and the Matrix 🤗🤗🤗

Daniel R

Since you ladies are a big fan of Hans Zimmer score, he does fantastic work on Man of Steel also Christopher Nolan is attached to the movie too so there's that :)


Glad to see Gladiator getting second place. Great film!


I know it didn't get a lot of votes, but I'd still be great if you guys could to La La Land. Keep it up!


I voted for Gladiator! A separate classic stand alone .


Also would love to see some light hearted short movies, like Cool Runnings or Planes Trains and Automobiles or Mulan. And let me throw in a wildcard of some WWE wrestling LOL.

Rafael Benedicto

I think you're missing out on Tarzan (1999)


OMG I've been waiting for a Studio Ghibli movie to be on the poll!!!!!


Can't wait for Toy Story 1 though

David Martin

these votes are getting tighter and tighter sheeesh lol

David Diesbourg

Man of Steel is a great Movie, can't wait to watch it with you. Wonder Woman should be your next movie, you lady will love it.


Hi all! Thanks so much for all your requests and voting! I know we have a mainstream of content we watch, so we will watch random movies when we have time to have more variety on our channel! We love you all! Kim really wants to watch more Planet of the Apes, so we will watch Dawn next! Then whatever Wins this POLL here and so on! :)


Same. It will never win though because of all the superhero stuff... :(


Please make a separate poll for superhero/DC movies ? :/

Daniel R

The reason I'm excited for them to start Man of Steel is because its very different from the Marvel formula and they've only really seen the Nolan Batman movies as their only base of knowledge for DC (as far as I know) so seeing a movie that paints Superman in a similar light for people who loved the Nolan Batman movies they might just love it a lot more than Superman-purists if that makes any sense. It's not your grandfather's Superman. It's fast-paced, hard-hitting, realistic, and even thought-provoking. There's a bigger story at play here that gets overlooked by those who expected a more light-hearted movie or a Superman movie from the 70s? Remember Superman Returns? It tried to be light-hearted and kept the spirit from the 70s and it bombed. It looked great, but it bombed. Man of Steel made money and it is fun to watch, it may not be "funny" but it has it's moments that grounds itself in humanity.

Iben Frederiksen

Please watch a comfy family movie , it's always some action movie that get's chosen :/


Gladiator obviusly

Ian Westcott

Studio Ghibli? Toy Story? Star Trek II? There are a lot of great options on this poll... lots of votes!

Luis A Rodriguez

Man of steel and wonder woman or in the same universe. I think if you watch man if steel than you could put wonder woman. If you want to watch it in theatrical release.


The Mission Impossible movies would be great. True Lies would be fun.


I hope Dawn of the POTA is up soon. Anticipating it!