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OMG, loving Breaking Bad so far! The second episode will be up within the next couple days! Kim is almost ready to start editing on her own! I'm also training another member of the family to help out with that too so we can start watching more shows!

This list will stay small for now until I have my editors ready to help :) I've been training a lot! Whoo bonding time! XD

Thank you for all the requests! We have a list of every single request and are just sticking to a few higher demanded ones for now. Thanks for understanding and happy voting!

Happy Voting! Ends July 5th! :D



You will love LOST.


Chernobyl was absolutely fantastic and a must-see. Reaction worthy? Maybe.


I still hope once upon a time wins. I think your mom and sister would thoroughly enjoy and appreciate it!

Christopher simeon

Breaking bad or Chernobyl is going to win. I just want to see Agents Of Shield get picked for once.


Chernobyl and Once Upon A Time! I know Mom and Kim would love OUAT, and it could be nice for them to also watch something less serious or depressing 😅


Breaking Bad is not a series for watching an episode every now and then. If you like it, watch it completely. That's the difference between a good series and those empty superhero things, they may be fun, but ultimately forgettable.


Chernobyl please 🙌🏻


Just so you guys know LOST features a good amount of actors you're already familiar with and is for the most part lighter in tone( for the first couple seasons) and less depressing and "real world" than some other shows you've watched without being outright fantasy. It has characters you would want to know IRL with burdened and or the most part sympathetic pasts. If it doesn't ever win a vote contest I'm hoping you guys might get to it some day anyways for these reasons. Also it has good mysteries which will leaving you scratching your head and possibly be unable to focus on anything else in life, just kidding, OR AM I? :-D


Chernobyl is a show that i highly reccomend everyone who hasn't seen it to watch, absolutely incredible and most of the characters in it are based off real people so it's like watching a piece of the worlds history, the worlds worst nuclear disaster... we owe it to the victims and survivors to see their story. It's already close to Breaking Bad in votes so i can see it winning sometime in the future at least. :)


i was thinking the same, until i seen Chernobyl on the poll, i think them getting Chernobyl out of the way first would be the best option

Paul Pinto

LOST routinely being voted so low never ceases to make my heart hurt. Some of these other shows are fun, but LOST is right there with Breaking Bad as an emotional journey they’d get the most out of. LOST fans: please sign in! I’m happy to see some others being as vocal about it as I.


LOST and Clone Wars and maybe supernatural or Lucifer :) i hope lol


I just recently rewatched Lost with another reaction video channel & I loved it even more. Watching their reactions made my heart melt.


The first season is perfection. Emma & Regina will always be my favorite duo.


I would love to see several different shows, but most of all I would prefer a commitment to one. So even though Agents of Shield is my personal favourite just plough through Breaking Bad at least until the end of season 1. Doing multiple shows piecemeal I feel would be harder to keep track of and follow the characters and their stories.


Definitely keep doing Breaking Bad, but LOST is also another show you should watch. You would love it


LOST is perfect for a family reaction

Clinton Brown

I hope you all commit to Breaking Bad. Amazing show with great characters development throughout every season from start to finish.

Armchair Wizard

Let's be real. Breaking Bad is going to dominate every poll. So yeah. We're watching Breaking Bad now lol. Which is good because it's awesome.


I’m sure they’ve been suggested before but the Marvel Netflix shows would be awesome down the line to watch in order like you did with the MCU movies. Dardevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, The Defenders and The Punisher. I personally love Daredevil and Jessica Jones!