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Hello everyone and welcome back! We really enjoyed this Episode!!! ... was so heartbreaking though! This really hit Mom hard!

It's been a crazy week, but things should calm down this week :D I will also be putting up a X-Men POLL this week to decide what movie we will watch of that!

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Here is a temp LINK as well:  https://youtu.be/Oy-2GH2GY-4 

Thanks so much for your support! You keep us creating and we can't thank you enough! Please enjoy! xoxo



Darn it, the sequels are such good fun. I'm glad you guys enjoyed this one!

tyler barnaby

the last tolerable star wars film...


Alas I must now jump off the Star Wars viewing. After disney totally sucked the soul out of star wars (my opinion everyone so go away) , I refused to spend another dime on anything star wars, or ever view this garbage again. It was fun watching the saga with you gals, but I certainly hope you can all come to see why so many of us are angry, maybe not because of this film, but certainly the next. Hopefully the next movies or series I can more thoroughly enjoy with ya'll. :)


How is it that out of all the star wars movies (including the prequels and holiday special) Last Jedi is one people despise the most?

Mitchell Bowker

I was hoping to see this today! Yay :D

Lee Salvemini

Ahhh so excited! This is a fantastic dive back into Star Wars. I really enjoyed the midnight premiere here in Australia for Ep 7. Some wonderfully directed moments by JJ too. IMO, the last fight was perfect movie myth in that forest :D

Lee Salvemini

Subverting expectations is a risky directing move! That may have been part of it. I'm all in for Ep7, Rogue One, Solo, but I'm not sure if I can do the last Jedi reaction. Maybe I will enjoy it more with team Storm reacting :)

Lee Salvemini

I feel like this should be a place where we can all share our opinions for the films we liked and why, or didn't like and why. Film is an art medium :D Myth/Lore is a human guide to living, and that's why I think we are allowed to find them important :)

Amanda Logsdon

I enjoyed this movie a lot and waiting almost 12 years between the 3rd and this one, i was begining to think there wouldnt b anymore. Even if they are not as good as i would hope, i still watch them constantly.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you once again for another great reaction as always! So much fun and such a great movie. I can't wait for the next three. As for what's to come, please don't allow any of the negative comments I've read here about the next three movies dissuade you from watching or enjoying them. Like you did with the prequels... watch the rest and judge them for yourselves without others' influences. And in my opinion... they are all good movies. I was wondering... the next Star Wars movie in theatrical order is actually Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which takes place just before Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. It's a prequel to A New Hope. And then Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi came out, which is the next movie in this sequels trilogy. Will you be watching Rogue One first to stick with the theatrical order, or will you skip it to go into The Last Jedi and then go back to Rogue One before watching the last movie, Solo: A Star Wars Story, which is a prequel to the original trilogy? I hope you watch Rogue One next, because it's one of my favorite of all the Star Wars movies just after the originals. Thank you again! Until next time...


I recommend not reading the YouTube comment section for your fair use version of this and episode 8. You can expect a lot of irrational and angry Star Wars fans that will probably try to taint how you view these new movies. Basically toxicity that your channel shouldn’t be affiliated with. Hope to see you guys watch the next soon.

Lee Salvemini

Storm is expert at making a place where there aint any of the mythical lore battles :D I have my opinions, many have other opinions. But I think it's great we come here to just enjoy a movie and react along.


For anyone who doesn't know; the storm trooper that let Rey go is Daniel Craig


I really enjoyed the star wars movies. Felt like something positive needed to go under namey's snobby out-of-their-way-to-be-negative comment


I'd recommend watching episode 8 The Last Jedi (2017) next. Rogue One (2016) is a spin-off movie that takes place right before Episode 4, so I think it's easier and not so confusing (especially for your mom) to watch saga films before Rogue One and Solo! :) Hope you see this message.


zaandarbrow i hope u do clone wars in between as well :) and i personally love this movie! it was a great call back to the original!


On second thought Dawn, a lot of people are suggesting this, disable the comment section for the next Star Wars film. It would really help when going in blind, and avoiding the outrage.


The old Republic = 1,000 years before episode 1 The Federation Droid Army = Episode 1 The clones = The clone wars Storm Troopers = The Empire Storm troopers 2.0 = The First Order if u want there are old republic trailers they add alot to the lore ; <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfjWANrhl5g&amp;t=2s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nfjWANrhl5g&amp;t=2s</a>


Yep certainly the snobiest one of this bunch somehow. :p


Starkiller base possessed a major hyperdrive and went system to system to power the weapon. The First Order is basically what remains of Imperial loyalists and their supporters in a region known as Unknown Space. They lack the resources of the Galactic Empire, but possessed much better stormtroopers, ships and equipment as well as had a lot of support from many New Republic Senators who feed them money and believed in the ideals of the former Empire.


Watching you guys react to Hans death broke my heart again😢 Are you going to watch rogue 1 and solo, i loved both especially solo


I am so looking forward to your reaction to the next episode. I like The Force Awakens (a title even sillier than The Phantom Menace), but i adore The Last Jedi. This one leaned a little too heavy on nostalgia, to the point of almost being a remake of the original Star Wars.

Lee Salvemini

Yes Solo is quite good :D It will ease the sad Han times for the fam T_T I had to watch The Force awakens more than once to not be completely devastated to the end of the film from that scene!

Armchair Wizard

Groot is kind of the Chewbacca of the Guardians of the Galaxy.


One of the worst movies ever created, and the next one is even worse.


I love The Force Awakens. Also I think Groot is kind of like Chewbacca.


I am Groot


Don't forget star wars rogue one, it's just before A new hope.