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OMG, yay! We really enjoyed this movie too! We were going to watch this early this morning, but were able to squeeze this in last night instead, so I edited all morning to finish this today! Whoo! I am working on other reactions now too... but most likely won't be ready until tmrw. We'll see! I need to get some fresh air today! Hope everyone is having a good weekend!!

You can find this video in our Google Drive. Our LINKS are located right on this same page. Look for "LINK- MOVIE Reactions" or "LINK- ALL FULL Reactions" (depending on what tier you donated too). These LINKS can appear sometimes at the top of our POSTS page or the bottom, depending on when they were updated. Please feel free to message me directly if you have any issues :)

Here is a temp LINK as well:  https://youtu.be/VLJtIzOFVtg 

Thanks so much for your support! You keep us creating and we can't thank you enough! Please enjoy! xoxo



Well Pirates 2 has some of the funniest moments. This one has the weirdest. Still one of my biggest guilty pleasure movies though. So much crazier and longer than it needs to be, and I can't help but enjoy it. And I always get a little bit pumped at Keira's pirate speech near the end.

Sohail Jafar

Please continue the series! :D You’ll get more closure to the whole story, I promise.

King Henry Beauclerc

Please watch the last two as well. While they are not quite as good as the first three, they are still fun films. Also, the mannerisms and eccentricities of the character "Jack Sparrow" was ultimately a creation of Johnny Depp and he said it was inspired by Keith Richards. So it was fun to see Keith Richards actually portray Jack's Father in this movie.


Orlando Bloom isn't the greatest actor but he gives good Errol Flynn.


That was really cool! Thanks for that added info! Kim was so excited to see Keith Richards! LOL! We will totally watch the last 2 films! I love the trilogy and love the characters, so I really want to watch more! We will continue with the last 2 and possibly sneak in some other movie reactions in between as well! Yay!


Thanks so much for this! We will continue and finish the last 2! We really enjoyed the first 3 and I want to watch more! XD Closure huh? You have peaked my interest! Thank you for no spoilers! We may sneak in a few other movie reactions in between finishing PotC :D


Captain Marvel trailer just released. Would love to see a reaction.


Thanks for this request! Kim, Mom and I got together for a few reactions already, but that was before we knew about this! We plan on watching this sometime this weekend! Thanks for the heads up! I can't wait!!


I love Pirates movies, and i'm having SO much fun watching these with you guys! When can we expect Pirates 4? :) Greetings from Finland!!


Hi Marja! I'm so happy to hear that! These movies are so much fun! We will definitely be continuing with the next 2 movies over the next couple weeks! Kim went away this weekend to help family up north, so we hope to watch the forth movie by next weekend (but hopefully sooner than that!) We did actually squeeze in some other reactions before she left though! Like Star Wars and The Incredibles! Yay! Thanks so much for your support!! :D


Hi John! I totally agree! I just love this movie, even though it's not as great as the first! The special effects, sets, props, etc, are just amazing and really pull you into that world. It is very much over the top, especially the new cursed creatures of The Dutchmen and Davy Jones old flame. Elizabeth's speech at the end was well done too, and I tried so hard to leave that in the Fair Use version, but cutting up her speech just didn't work and leaving in the whole thing would make the copyright owners just block the video (darn crazy copyright conflicts)... that would've been cool to leave in! Oh well, thank goodness for FULL Reactions! XD I really loved Keira and Orlando in this! Kim was just asking if Elizabeth and Will would return in the forth movie... I don't know much, but I don't believe they do, so I just told her I wasn't sure. Thanks for your comment! :D


You may not have notice but in the second movie when Will first met Tia Dalma (Calypso), She said he had a great destiny about him. This was a foreshadow of him becoming the flying Dtchman Captain. I also want to point out that after Davy Jones death the storm and the Maelstrom completely stopped. Thats a clear sign that she sided with the pirates and just wanted Davy Jones life.


Aaaaaaah, thanks for clarifying that! When Calypso first said that to Will, I kind of figured that's what she meant... but the ending storm makes sense now... Davy Jones did fall into that huge whirlpool, then it dissipated... duh! LOL! Totally didn't connect to the two! We always get so wrapped up in the moment with the characters XD


I like to pretend that the series ended here, the next two are a disgrace to filmmaking. None of the passion is there, Johnny Depp literally had someone reading his lines to him on set, such a shame.


Oh wow, really? I didn't know that last part! The main trilogy was a lot of fun and we just watched Pirates 4... which we all did enjoy still... it did have a very different feel though. More silly and some awkward comedy.... but still fun to watch. First movie was my fav for sure!


How can I watch the full video cause I’m not seeing a link to it